Joe Biden takes questions after casting ballot in Delaware, says he will “work with Republicans” on healthcare. Aired on 10/28/2020.
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Biden Takes Questions After Casting Ballot In Delaware | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Biden 2020
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
My family just gave you 7 votes from rural NC to help get you a dignified Biden presidency.
EXPUNGE ᴮᴬᵀᴴ 2021
U do no hillary is not president
and biden can’t get a security clearance to be president
@goe1punk yea and they eat children and drink blood. You guys are a bunch of illiterate suckers whose time had come but now it’s waning away. So spare everyone the last ditch efforts to prove incompetence is worth much.
Donald Trump is killing this country
Dan, Learn how to make another comment in English! Good luck China!
@August Landmesser you’re tarted
@Truth Hurts actually the country was on a downhill slide from trumps tax cuts and tariffs. and if trump had lead like a REAL leader would through the pandemic we would NOT be in this situation
EXPUNGE ᴮᴬᵀᴴ 2021
Omg!! A presidential candidate taking questions from the PEOPLE!!!!! Scandalous…trump never does this!!!
@Lars Jones there are actual Hispanics that are voting Trump. My prediction will be in record turnout. I’m sure you’re a white woke liberal who has a hard time believing that.
@M Riv No, I know there are some conservative Hispanics – the same ones that say “I got mine – go home” when someone asks for refuge, icky people if you ask me. And, of course, many Cubans but the rich college kids are doing okay living in mom’s basement.
Otherwise, Joe is doing okay, as long as he keeps Trump under 40% Latino in Texas (looking good!) and Florida. Biden has picked up 8-15 points among Hispanics nationwide since June on five key Latino issues
“looking good” means he is still improving, but only has 57% to trump’s 34% a few daysago in TX. Momma-Law’s visit has helped
your president ran away from 60 Minutes interview because the questions were ‘too tough’ for his fragile ego
I like Trump sarcasm – LOL! On your side…throw it back to these TDS America haters!
@M Riv Trump loses. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Joe Biden, the next American President!
@Truth Hurts go away scam. Biden 2020. We need
@TheBase1aransas no Biden will NOT be indicted for treason there is NO overwhelming evidence of that, you should read the 2 senate intel reports that cleared the Biden’s
@psycobleach46 tullis Biden is Toast. He and Hunter are going to bring down the whole CORRUPT Deep State.
When your plan to deceive becomes a nightmare of schemes:
Democrats Frantically BACKTRACK As Dem Mail Votes Get REJECTED Giving Trump Major Edge In Key States
EXPUNGE ᴮᴬᵀᴴ 2021
U do no hillary is not president
and biden can’t get a security clearance to be president
@Ze Eyo Bobulinski interview
Biden 20202
You don’t really want to wait that long, do you?
Trump and Mitch: Billionaires need stimulus too!! Nothing moves until we take care of our donors. BYEDON 2020!!
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
Wow we’ve got bi trolls
@Rocky Rock script malfunction…. lol
Like the way u spelled biden implying to bye Donald
My friends, if there is someone you forgot to contact to ask them to vote, don’t hesitate, do it now! No mistakes are allowed!
Democrats must take back power!
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
Take care of the fake dems…
“… So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’”
― Dennis the Menace
Six days until Donald J. Trump is put on the path to indictment.
@ArtGirl82 Indicted for what?

I think you are incorrect… the Bidens should be indicted! But you know so much that is not True!
@Tara Reade Tax fraud, bank fraud, and election finance violations for starters. You remember how Michael Cohen went to jail for paying Stormy Daniels? He didn’t do that at his own behest. Cohen wasn’t the one running for POTUS and trying to shut her up right before the election, his boss was.
@ArtGirl82 Individual #1 an unindicted co-conspirator – there’s the clue CONSPIRATOR. RICO is not a respecter of statutes of limitation, Trump can be tried for the racketeering up until his dying day.
it will be the first time he ever had to face consequences for his many crimes.
Biden 2020
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
Bobulinski interview
Vote to end the ‘crazy’.
Vote to end the ‘dominance of incompetence’.
Vote to end the era of ‘incoherence’;
Vote for the ‘conclusion of DjT’s** delusions’;
Vote to stop DjT** ‘taking a knee’ before dictators;
Vote to remove the ‘menace**’ from the White House.
Vote to ‘make history’.
Vote like our lives depend on it….because it does!
Vote to keep the TDS alive.
@Matthew Sigurdson
Vote on November 3, 2020 to restore competence, honor and integrity to the office of the President of the United States and the Executive branch of government:
> Vote for the health and welfare of your family;
> Vote for decency and compassion;
> Vote for the rule of law;
> Vote to return to the age of reason;
> Vote to make our Constitution relevant to our lives;
> Vote to remove the menace to our Republic.
@Eric Klaus
“Sometimes, you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care but because they don’t”
Make America Proud Joe!!
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
@Paulo Roberto Bobulinski interview
People under Affordable health care insurance please vote Biden/Harris. Trump will take out your insurance…
@Barbara Bergstrom Don’t think so. Obama “you’ll keep your doctor, your premiums will drop $2,500”, lie after lie. we lost our plans, our doctors, and now our costs shot up 150% for inferior care. we know the truth and there is nothing you can do about it.
@Shahid Khan You wish. truth always comes out. the democrat party is extinct.
“If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.”
― The Donald @ Larry King Live, October 1999
“A friend of mine was in Scotland recently. He got very, very sick. They took him by ambulance and he was there for four days. He was really in trouble, and they released him and he said, ‘Where do I pay?’ And they said, ‘There’s no charge.’ Not only that, he said it was like great doctors, great care. I mean we could have a great system in this country.”
― The Donald @ The David Letterman Show, January 2015
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”
― The Donald @ interview with The Washington Post, January 2017
@HHH100 How much is Putin paying you? can I get a job as well?
@Shahid Khan Ask the Bidens. they tried to launder $500 million from a Kremlin asset.
Biden has been honest and kind. Did you ever think we would need these attributes so much?
@Eric GURULE They’re going to get rid of religion? I wish!
We need Joe to repeal our tax cuts and make sure abortions are funded by taxpayers!
@Mike Elchert Joe isn’t going to raise taxes on wage slaves like you. As for abortion, why do you even care? It doesn’t concern you.
@Eric Wood Little snowflake, I will decide what concerns me! You are not going to get a additional 4 trillion in tax cuts by only taking the wealthy, give it a little time if Biden is elected and you will see that wealthy becomes a very loose term!
@Eric Wood Damnit I meant raise 4 trillion dollars in tax revenue!
HUGE blue wave….
@April the Cat Esquire Huge Dementia wave! NOPE SORRY KAG 2020!
@April the Cat Esquire Bobulinski interview
“… So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’”
― Dennis the Menace
@Deomnibus Dubitandum You morons think you take the test and you are cured!
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
This while trump just LEFT his Covid rally followers in Omaha, NE at the Airport in FREEZING and SNOWY weather !! He flew away and left them to FREEZE! 7 People wound up in the hospital due to hypothermia.. Yeah, he loves his followers, he leaves them to DIE, LITERALLY.. Bussed in and left to die!
Yes, he is so much worse than Hitler! He wants ALL of us to die! God help us be safe from this EVIL monster!!!
I am sure this guy is soon gonna get hired as the President.
@Propaganda Antidote Make sure to vote, swing state or not.
Trump is the person that brought us to this low point in our history. We need a team to fix what Trump has broken, and that team is Biden/Harris.
Bobulinski interview
@Patrick Tolman discredited fantasy.
@Noreb You wrong! Verified ,credited evidence of ChinaBiden Corruption! You dumbocrats can’t look the way any longer!

@Patrick Tolman provide me with one credible source that has verified a word of this story… ill wait.
After voting Blue in Texas, I swear I felt 30 lbs lighter afterward.
@Sky Blue Bobulinski interview
“You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.”
― The Donald @ “The Art of the Deal”, 1987
“I’m gоіng tо tеll yоu whаt I rеаlly thіnk оf Dоnаld Trump. Thіs mаn іs а pаthоlоgіcаl lіаr. Hе dоеsn’t knоw thе dіffеrеncе bеtwееn truth аnd lіеs. Hе lіеs prаctіcаlly еvеry wоrd thаt cоmеs оut оf hіs mоuth… а nаrcіssіst аt а lеvеl I dоn’t thіnk thіs cоuntry hаs еvеr sееn… Wе аrе stаrіng аt thе аbуss.”
― Tеd Сruz @ prеss cоnfеrеncе, mоrnіng оf Indіаnа Rеpublіcаn prіmаry, Mаy 2016
Unfortunately you’re still 30 lbs overweight and also wasted your vote.