Biden Sweeps Sanders In 3 States On One Of The Strangest Primary Days In Recent History | MSNBC

Joe Biden is projected to win by significant margins in the Arizona, Illinois and Florida primaries, on a day when Ohio essentially called off in-person voting due to coronavirus. Large numbers of voters used absentee or mail-in ballots. Those who did come to the polls – some wearing masks – were greeted with hand sanitizer and cleaners armed with disinfectant. Aired on 03/17/2020.
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Biden Sweeps Sanders In 3 States On One Of The Strangest Primary Days In Recent History | MSNBC

Biden Sweeps Sanders In 3 States On One Of The Strangest Primary Days In Recent History | MSNBC


    1. joshua johnson oh look the old Russian troll trick are you able gonna keep this up for another four years, You might have to make up something else next

    1. What about the black kids who use to play with Joe Biden’s leg hairs ? he said he knew what cockroaches were from that point on.

    1. @bob scott
      I know right. You know what would be real funny, you should go to Italy, march right up to one of those, so called, coronavirus patient and give them a big, sloppy kiss. Live stream it, then go to one of those fabulous tRump rallies and give them all a big laugh. That would show us dems who was in charge. Getter done. I dare you!!! You’d be a hero. And if you died, I’m sure tRump would send your family a big fuc…. I mean his warmest condolences.

    1. @John DiGiacomo You mentioned “Biden has a black friend named Obama”. That terrible leftists installed by the Democrats was a dreadful disgrace to the unlimited number of fine qualified black people in this nation. Trust me I have been associated with and worked with many patriotic black Americans that cringe at the thought of being even remotely connected with Obama.

    2. @Daniel Kissner – We are way beyond discussions of definitions and semantics about socialism vs communism when our country has been pushed this far left,

    3. The primaries aren’t over, and Sanders hasn’t withdrawn, if he’s the nominee I will vote, if not, I won’t. You’re missing the point. The DNC and media manipulation of the people and process, and the fact that the largest block of voters have no say in the nominations process. Corporations control the process and no real change is allowed to come about. Next to foreign interference, political parties were one of the primary concerns of the founding fathers.

    1. @Carl Campbell and that is that, enough of my time wasted, but you can keep going to other videos youtube comments complaining about them dems because you have nothing better to do than blame all your problems on other people 😂 peaceskies ✌

    2. @Dylan Boe – I have been a conservative, working class man and a watchman for a very long time; not “piggy backing”. I am not intimidated by leftists name calling like “racist””uneducated” “uninformed” “dumb sheep”. Honestly Dylan have you worked much; worked your way through college, raised a family put any kids through college?

    1. @Tatatatatre the majority of people who sit out elections are underprivileged people often minority voters. So this privileged BS is pointless. People sit out elections because they don’t feel represented or taken seriously anymore by the government.

    2. @Daniel Kissner
      The people did vote. They didn’t want YOUR candidate. What’s wrong with you people? If I didn’t vote for BS, you’re saying i shouldn’t have voted at all? You do realize that Biden got a lot of never tRumpper republicans don’t you. Stop it with this, DNC rigged the election sh**! DEMOCRATS wasn’t feeling this revolution crap. We are in trouble you idiots. We’ve got to get this monster out of office. If you’re not willing to help, fine. But don’t try to hender the cause. You are no better than tRump’s cult.

    3. @Tammie Campbell to be honest with the trump presidency hasn’t been as bad we were told it was going to be. I can do another 4 years of this. The democratic party can either hang on to their 70 year old audience brainwashed from the cold war about socialism or start catering to the future of this country. Until then I’ll be happy to let the Republican party win. At least they screw us without pretending like they care about the issues we care about.

    4. @mikelopia009
      Like I said, stay on the side line. No true dem has said what you said. No true republican has said what you’ve said. Neither party wants tRump. The only people that wants tRump is brain dead tRumppers or russian trolls! (Light bulb over my head!)
      Ohhhhh, I see. I just thought about who you are. Welllll, it was nice talking to you. Good-bye!

  1. I heard an appeal from Biden to Bernie supporters today.
    It was so lame, you could compare it to a xerox copy of a plastic fruit.
    He says, “I hear you” . First time someone heard the sound of my middle finger.

    1. Biden is a clown. He literally said even if Meedicare for all was passed by Congress and sent to his desk he would veto it. He would literally let tens of thousands of people die to keep the status quo.

    2. @Daniel Kissner We don’t need medicare for all. We need realistic prices and insurance that does what it’s paid for…
      The Government screws up everything that it touches. Keep those incompetent slugs away from our healthcare!

    3. @flyin polack With all the people out of work right now, how are they supposed to pay their monthly premiums?

    4. @norway178 You honestly think this corona BS is going to last forever? Try thinking past the tip FFS…

    1. @Sarah Smith I also work but I have also gone to War for your right to be stupid. So yes the Government did support me.

    2. @Gregorio Bell all paid for by my taxes, you are welcome. Taxes that I am forced to pay by threat of jail and property confiscation, but as you said I am a bad person.

    3. @Gregorio Bell thank you for your service. You can throw insults at me all you want if it makes you feel better about supporting communism.

    4. @Sarah Smith you are a bad person because you say you are forced to pay taxes. I pay taxes willingly so that if someone’s home is on fire there’s someone to put it out. So that if someone’s in trouble there’s someone to help them and if our country is in need there’s a Military to keep everyone safe. So people can drive from place to place without having to build their own roads and hopefully so we can teach the kids of this country not to be like you.

    5. @Gregorio Bell awe yes teach them to be sheep, brilliant idea. Having free thinkers will always get in the way of the commies. You like me have to pay taxes or you will be in jail or have property taken. I would give taxes voluntarily if given the choice but again we have no choice. Because you are unable to have a conversation without throwing insults, I will say good bye and wish you and your family a blessed life 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍

  2. How is this possible when everyone is in lockdown? No one is supposed to go to the voting polls.

  3. Why is this primary still going amid the virus outbreak? Oh yea, because the young are the ones taking it serious. Biden is winning so the DNC is happy.

    1. @Kevin Arzola sadly it’s more common that you seem to ether realise or want to admit the fact is the youth I this country have grown up in a selfie likes and follows are the only thing that matter they dont vote for the things they say they care about unless it’s a video or a reality show when it comes to things that matter they have the unfortunate attitude those people showed during spring break part of the reason the larger populations are having to resort to more drastic measures to keep people indoors is becouse way to many were still filling bars nightclubs and other places that frankly older people aren’t as much as we hope that the young would use the power in numbers they have to change things for the better they refuse to take the responsibility and make their voices counted t when it matters so people like Bernie will continue to fail becouse they rely on those that are unreliable

    2. miguel figueroa all of this is irrelevant. The old are the problem and the primary reason for the virus spread.

      The primary should have stopped before Super Tuesday and have it be postponed for a month or two later. They could have easily had a general Election Day type of primary where all states vote at once.

      No excuse for this primary to continue other than corruption and obvious bias in favor of Biden

    3. @Kevin Arzola bias or not dosnt matter when the outcome would still have resulted in the same thing there is no youth vote period and until that changes we are stuck with the broken government we have

    4. miguel figueroa no it wouldn’t have because I’d rather live than vote. I’d rather have my grandmother live than go vote and pass an infection on to her.

      Thats the reality. The young don’t stay home for themselves, they stay home for the rest that are most at risk

    5. @Kevin Arzola you maby but unfortunately the vast majority younger people dont share that attitude

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