Here are some of the big ticket items in Biden's American Families Plan.
President Joe Biden will propose a sweeping $1.8 trillion plan Wednesday for national paid family leave, universal pre-kindergarten, free community college and subsidized child care in what would be a dramatic federal expansion of the social safety net for families and children.
Biden is set to formally introduce his American Families Plan at his first address before a joint session of Congress Wednesday night. It's the second piece of his "Build Back Better" economic agenda following the release of a $2.3 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan released last month.
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#Biden #BidenSpeech #StimulusPackage
Now I understand George Orwell and what people mean when they mention Orwellian terms.
Thanks for watching’,, For your Cry**pto trad**ing endeavour to write as soon as possible for more enlightenment or tips w,h,a,t,s,a,p,p +1.8.6.”5.4.9.”
I dont understand why he just make $15 hr across the board minimum wage. Now hes nit picking on who gets 15.00 hr
Look at sf and tell me that’ll work. No nobody in The bay area can afford a God damn thing let alone rent. Higher minimum wage fixes NOTHING
@Mike Rodriguez Thanks for watching’,, For your Cry**pto trad**ing endeavour to write as soon as possible for more enlightenment or tips w,h,a,t,s,a,p,p +1.8.6.”5.4.9.”
Better than spending and not getting anything done, like Biden’s predecessor. Thanks. Get er done.
Thanks for watching’,, endeavour to write as soon as possible for more enlightenment or tips w,h,a,t,s,a,p,p +1.8.6.”5.4.9.”
Biden SNIFFS, “It’s Paper, Paperrrrrr…. have you ever seen it” SNIFFFFFF (Waterworld voice).
Nice video!! Very engaging from beginning to end. Nevertheless, businesses and investment are easiest way to make money irrespective of which party makes it to the oval office.
@Clifton January P hm on What’s app

I’m from the UK
I and my colleagues gave him a try and it has been good returns of our investment, Thanks Mr Donald williams
I’ve got 12th winning thanks to Mr Donald williams he’s really the best, I’ve made £16,400 in 18 days working with him
Really y’all know he,s?, I even thought I’m the only one he has helped walk through the fears and falls of trading
Yes I can believed that, I got victory with him was so sad after receiving the first pay knowing I invested so low with fear
How about providing people with the option to see wellness doctors so they can learn to understand how their specific body is working based on a “full” comprehensive blood test that checks the entire immune system, hormone levels, thyroid, different vitamin and mineral levels, lipid panel levels, etc. and then offer some type of allowance to purchase recommended natural supplements based on the wellness doctor’s recommendations? Why is it that I have great insurance that only covers medical doctors when I’m sick, but there is never any promotion of proactive health. Hmm, what’s wrong with this picture?
You can add all the jobs you want.Problem is, a large part of the population doesn’t want to work. It doesn’t matter the industry either.
Thanks for watching’,, For your Cry**pto trad**ing endeavour to write as soon as possible for more enlightenment or tips w,h,a,t,s,a,p,p +1.8.6.”5.4.9.”
so he and trump print around 4000 billion $ !! no wonder that china dont want dollar anymore for bigger transaction then just gold&iron and similar what is good for produce something&pay
Hey how about adding people without kids into your stimulus packet. People without kids are struggling too. Why should only people WITH kids get monthly assistance?
*How much is a trillion dollars? If you started spending one million dollars Every Single Day since Jesus was born until today, you still wouldn’t have spent a trillion bucks. Where will the SIX TRILLION $$ in democrat pork ridden spending come from?*
Don’t complain when everything is way more expensive! Can’t just print money and give it to people lol that’s not how economics works