Biden ‘stands behind’ decision to withdraw from Afghanistan

U.S. President Joe Biden says that American forces 'should not fight a war' that the Afghan army wouldn't fight itself.

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  1. Wow I’m happy we don’t have to see Trumps mean tweets anymore! At least the Taliban are allowed to have a Twitter account, what a joke!

    1. Mitch Zurbrigg
      Correct. A phased conditions based deal, without a messy rushed helicopter evacuation of the embassy, or Afghan citizens falling to their deaths from Boeing C-17’s while attempting to flee a violent blood-soaked overthrowing of the Afghan government.

    2. @Mitch Zurbrigg Biden had no problem ripping up any deal Trump made ! You have too question why not this one ??

    3. @Duncan McCockiner it does kinda seem similar to the Vietnam exit in the 70s. But you can’t guarantee it wouldn’t have ended up the same if trump had done it. Trump pulled out of Syria and they took over the same way and isis murdered thousands of Kurds and American allies trapped there in the same way. It is kinda fucked up that biden pulled out, this happened , and just yesterday he said he send 5000 troops back

  2. ” What can I say about that suit, that already hasn’t been said about Afghanistan….it looks bombed out and depleted” Silky Johnson

  3. You can see he doesn’t take his eyes off the teleprompter. Wonder if Harris or Pilosi wrote his speech.

    1. Probably both of them did. It takes two morons to write a speech so bad that a geriatric can barely read it.

  4. What I see is a castrated, progressive suit being beaten back by a group of bravado filled purveyors of heroic masculinity!

    1. Imagine a pilot who can barely fly a single engine airplane flying a 767 at a descending rate of 10,000 feet a minute and then flying it into a building with precision…….Imagine that.

  5. The afghans being tortured to death right now can thank joe, while he spends time on his holiday smoking crack with hunter .

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