U.S. President Joe Biden says that American forces 'should not fight a war' that the Afghan army wouldn't fight itself.
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Teleprompter ‘stands behind’ decision to withdraw from Afghanistan
Just an empty attic up there
Well at least he can read a teleprompter, so still ahead of trump
Wow I’m happy we don’t have to see Trumps mean tweets anymore! At least the Taliban are allowed to have a Twitter account, what a joke!
Trump made a deal with the taliban in May 2020…
Mitch Zurbrigg
Correct. A phased conditions based deal, without a messy rushed helicopter evacuation of the embassy, or Afghan citizens falling to their deaths from Boeing C-17’s while attempting to flee a violent blood-soaked overthrowing of the Afghan government.
@Mitch Zurbrigg Biden had no problem ripping up any deal Trump made ! You have too question why not this one ??
@Duncan McCockiner it does kinda seem similar to the Vietnam exit in the 70s. But you can’t guarantee it wouldn’t have ended up the same if trump had done it. Trump pulled out of Syria and they took over the same way and isis murdered thousands of Kurds and American allies trapped there in the same way. It is kinda fucked up that biden pulled out, this happened , and just yesterday he said he send 5000 troops back
Who’s the “Tally-Bun”?
What ? Besides hairs, creepy Joe is also into buns ?
What else he and Hunter does ?
Tally buns are delicious
Tally Bon
It’s a new donut offered for a limited time only at Dunkin Donuts.
The Question is ..”lesson learned or not” no more wars from weapon sellers….?
” What can I say about that suit, that already hasn’t been said about Afghanistan….it looks bombed out and depleted” Silky Johnson
$1 trillion later worth of preparation and the entire government gets folded in one day
Thanks bush Jr for that ALL DAY!!!!!

@George Oy what? Lol
@George Oy hahahahahahahaha so now we are skipping right over Obama and blaming George W? Hahahahahaha
LMAO its funny cause its true… ba hahahahah
This men along with his minions will roll over billion times in their graves …
I’m sure all of his voters are rolling in their graves right now.
looks like he just had dental work and his mouth is still half frozen…messed up
Poorly fitted dentures can do that.
Come back n talk when youre his age,dumbo
What a goof
You can see he doesn’t take his eyes off the teleprompter. Wonder if Harris or Pilosi wrote his speech.
Probably both of them did. It takes two morons to write a speech so bad that a geriatric can barely read it.
What I see is a castrated, progressive suit being beaten back by a group of bravado filled purveyors of heroic masculinity!
I don’t understand the motives directing Biden. I only recognize human suffering
Thanks Bush
He’s getting a bit better at repeating someone else’s words.
I still hear him slur his words
“We paid their salaries” but seeing a doctor is financial suicide.
Maybe thats why they ditched them. Save money for more politically profitable projects.
You nailed it !
From Canada, with love
Biden doesn’t stand. He’s permanently on his knees, pleasing his overlords
And it is all the Taliban’s now air force and all.
Imagine a pilot who can barely fly a single engine airplane flying a 767 at a descending rate of 10,000 feet a minute and then flying it into a building with precision…….Imagine that.
The afghans being tortured to death right now can thank joe, while he spends time on his holiday smoking crack with hunter .
you messed up, Joe. Own it.
Hope that teleprompter doesn’t break, there would be a deathly silence.