Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke from Delaware, urging his supporters to remain calm as votes are still counted in several key swing states.
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Every ballot that was submitted on time and able to be proven to be that person’s vote should be counted 100%.
@joannabuk Yeah, sure, no.
First time in a year the democrats said something that made sense.
Delusional Trumptard
Only the news outlets that say exactly what she wants to hear are considered real to them.
Didn’t Kamala call Biden a racist?
@Minu Mansoor- Mckee you’ll change your opinion soon enough lol
Why do you feel the need to stir dissension?
@crow source: trust me bro
@Minu Mansoor- Mckee I’d send you the link but YouTube won’t let me
@Minu Mansoor- Mckee G t V dot org it’s all there
Cheaters never prosper. And every ballot MUST be legal
@Jason Dussault Where did you get your research from, apparently Biden family is is not far from the garage can.
@Lavana La Brey Biden has 264 EC votes; Trump 214. Right now, Biden needs just 3,500 votes to take Georgia.
@Jason Dussault You are on the right path – totally agree, I mean who would know better than you. All these things you mention out for years on the main stream brainwashing stations – i’m glad you’r reporting this one last time before its too late and he gets away with it all.
Trump ends up winning. Cheers, from the future
@Adam Scott You watch TV all the time.
This year election is so dramatic that even the dead rises up to vote
@emmapeel38 Yeah I guess it is hard. I searched and found nothing. If it’s right in front of you could you just provide some insight for me here? I would love to see it. I can’t find anything and I’m pretty internet savvy.
@Alex Nezhynsky cast their vote thrice, just like Trump told his supporters to do?
Lol, this nonsense was debunked. Live in the real world instead of the Trump twitter-verse and his bogus propaganda machine.
You realize Republicans obtained a court order this morning to actually allow observers to validate vote counts.. they were physically being prevented from entering polling stations
Quite literally the definitely of fraud.
Biden “I don’t need your vote to win.”
Trump “at 4am ballots will mysteriously show up for Biden”
Both men are correct.
Trump Gained 10000 votes at 3:25am the first day Soooooo
@Rngnd1314 The sun will rise in the morning. I am always right.
@Rngnd1314 Everybody knew the mail in ballots would be counted last in those key states, that was no surprise. The mail in ballots are more liberal because Trump told his supporters not to trust them. He tried to completely get rid of USPS, and tried everything he could to stop those ballots, that much is clear. Trump knee he was going to lose if those ballots came in so now the only thing he can do is to call them illegitimate. Bernie Sanders predicted the whole thing 2 weeks ago on the tonight show.
@Rngnd1314 nobody is always right. anyone who says that is always wrong.
Cope more
The count hasn’t changed in 14 hours…..
They stalled the counts in Nevada, while GA, NC, and PA are still counting and are almost finished. Talk about not fair!
Its because donald trump has technically won but they’re trying to change that so he doesn’t get in office
Each LEGAL ballot must be counted!
@Doug Dynamo And no, I don’t watch Netflix either.
@Login Bill the ones cast in dead people’s name for starters.
@DR PHIL Votes cast in dead people’s name, and now a whistle blower coming out alleging postal fraud back dating ballots. Not allowing Trump poll watchers into poll stations, political signs posted illegally near the voting stations, Bedford’s Law, Biden winning more than Obama (yeah right)
@Pepe1776 some more regurgitation of baseless claims, trump supporters are a hive mind of stupidity
@Doug Dynamo Hive mind! This coming from one of the Leftist Borg’s most vocal drones!
Each LEGAL ballot should be counted!!
Every Legal Ballot should be counted
True ballots are watermarked. Trump is not stupid.
If there’s even the slightest chance of fraud, I believe it should be investigated. That way it only helps America regardless of rep or dem
I’m canadian. I don’t care if you folks down south are democrat or republican, you all deserve to have a fair election
Fraud. Except for trump, no responsible official in either party says there is a whiff of fraud. The American courts are agreeing. Who are you?
@Jack Jardine Saw it coming a mile away, and so did Trump. He’s convinced all of his supporters that a win is a win, but a loss is fraudulent. I’ve met 5 year olds that handle potential losses better than him and his cronies do.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
― Joseph Stalin
and research who voted thats dead already. eg. the dead mans vote
I wish Americans the best stay safe
We love all the way from Canada
Tu eres muy lind!! Vous etes tres belle!!
@California Dreamin creep
stopped the video 6 sec in… just here for the comments.
bots everywhere
I did the same, I can’t watch and listen to this guy.
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
-Joseph Stalin
The counting process reminds me of that slow sloth scene from zootopia
Today Nov 5th on Buffalo News a postal worker was found in possession over 800 pieces of mail in the trunk of his car that wasn’t his , mail in voter ballots included,….
coup d”etat
no other word for it
Common Joe try and stay alive. Watch out for Covid corn pop lol
No wonder quid pro quo Joe stayed in his basement instead of being on the Campaign trail. He knew he was going to win through voter fraud.