President Biden vowed to help Americans remaining in Afghanistan leave the country following the US military withdrawal.
#CNN #News
President Biden vowed to help Americans remaining in Afghanistan leave the country following the US military withdrawal.
#CNN #News
So I’m a little confused, did he get the military to leave because of the deal Trump made or because he vowed he would ?
@Colbyrules! my doggie But, but, but you thought the Virus & Pandemic was not “a big deal” and probably still do. All b/c Dump told you…..good little sheep. Biden did the best he could with what he had. Dump would have made a disaster out of it, just like he did with Syria, the pandemic, and everything else he touched and that’s been thruout his whole LIFE.
@Nitemare0085 are you a bot? Best case!? Even an idiot can see, nothing about this was a best case, not even a good case.
@Clay Had Biden put no real mechanism to ensure that the Taliban honored their commitments, the Taliban however made significant quick gains in rural areas and cut off supply lines for Afghan military bases, The army had no choice and Biden is incapable of thinking tactically let alone taking advice from his Generals. Weak Biden and woke Democrats practically gave the Taliban American military as a present. Total incompetence and if you leftists and your media cannot see through the BS then the USA has fallen
@Clay Had Why do you liberals hate Trump more than terrorists?? Trump had big balls and terrorists, China, North Korea, Iran, ISIS, NATO were scared of what Trump might do. USA is so weak under woke Democrats who worry more about putting transgenders in the military. Pathetic lunatics
@Clay Had he obviously hadn’t lost control of the country,he wouldn’t have handed over the other airport either.You can defend biden all you want.If you look at biden and think that man is playing with a full deck then your judgment my be a little impaired .When biden refuses to even take questions after his blame speech and waddles away it certainly gives the impression of weakness,it’s his inability to answer a non prescripted question that also is extremely worrisome.Not to mention he basically rearmed the taliban with billions of dollars of arms,72,000 military vehicles and stockpiles of ammunition and missiles .That alone should be grounds for Treason.
@xavier republicans: “don’t worry about our huge mistakes, they don’t upset us do they?”
so your whataboutism then means you admit Biden messed up? Ok, got it.
@xavier trump was responsible for the black death too
@Nav Singh Trump released 5,000 Taliban in exchange for 1,000 American Troops. The left wing media just can’t seem to report the whole story or it would go against their fascist propaganda of F Trump. Trump saved 1,000 Americans and gave the Taliban grunts. The current leader of the Taliban however, Obama let out when he emptied Gitmo.
@Fkthe Demlibscum more like to northern virginia
What an utterly pathetic speech . Words which are empty. Words with no meaning. Words written by someone else for a purpose which is political. Words with demented objectives. Just empty words
CNN should’ve disabled the ‘Like & Dislike’ buttons
the “elected” resident is throwing truth bombs out here!
They control it don’t worry I’ve been watching it lol
Americans, joe Biden, Americans including American school children were left behind.
Trump should not have surrendered to the taliban.
Again, the last half of Biden Speech was Strawman and Gas Lighting.
He has Successfully snatched Failure out of the grasp of Victory, as he blames everyone from the Trump to the ANA, ISIS-K to Americans left behind….
This man needs to Go!
The failure belong to republicans who sent us to the middle le East knowing it was a mistake.
@dj kommode It Seems to me a Democrat President Also kept us there for 8yrs as he Expanded into several other Middle-Eastern Countries – So please STFU
@crxess you mean he continued what the republicans started while reducing troops in the Middle East. Obama made the biggest reduction in forces out of everyone. Thanks for playing facts and opinions.
Joe, “When God was giving out heads, I thought he said beds, so I asked for an extra soft one.”
@JDub Faux News has turned off the comments section. That’s why they are all here now
@Fixer Upper Typical move of any Marxist Democrat who voted for Biden. They need to dismiss, deny, divert attention away from Biden in order to justify voting for him.
@Richard De Fortune Still not seeing a lot of positive comments from you guys supporting this knucklehead…
@A / V who cares? You people think that Donnie Boy should have won because he was the biggest mouth who had many cultists going to his super spreader rallies. The American people agrees with Joe Biden as the orange buffoon was too afraid to end the war.
ACTUAL BIDEN QUOTE (DemPrimary 2019) – “ … so you, so you go ahead and stack spaghetti sauce at a store and in a supermarket. You control the guy or the woman who runs who brings out the carts on a fork lift. What happens?”
“C’mon man. That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think huh? Are are you a junkie?”
@bob gertrude Joe, “I resemble that remark!”
Everything He blames on the Taliban …..
“I don’t want to talk about nation building but if we leave Afghanistan in chaos it will explode!” – President Biden video
Yes the Kennedy clan and “Abortion is love, hail Satan, death to the patriarchy” this ritualistic grooming act is the main source of DNC over the rainbow degeneracy excitement. Without it, the demonic spellbinding power fades. The star power of the devil’s political stage. The darkness of the demons they fear and the light of Luciferian V. for Vengeance. The symbolic head of John the baptist upon the “Abortion is love” platter. Demon consider mutilated babies beautiful children,dressed in scarlet, lain at the feet of the devil’s Seven veils Harlot.
The news channels will stop to upload Biden’s speeches..they always get more dislikes than likes.. even on CNN
Joe, “I want to take this time to give a shout out to my handlers for injecting me with speed so that I could complete this speech. ZZZZzzzzzz!”
@JDub Joe, “Why do you want to see Sydney’s kraken? Wasn’t mine enough for you last night?”
@JDub lol he was impeached twice and he won. That means there was absolutely no evidence because they couldnt find anything. Lmao get lost bot HA HA HA HA HA!!!
@JDub all you’re doing is digging a deeper grave for yourself, but no matter what, why do you want to align yourself with people that obviously are doing things that are detrimental to this country, you mentioned president Trump, well he was found innocent, and everybody knew that the charges were bogus anyway. Instead of Congress, mainly the Democrats, concentrating on doing things to help this country, they thought it was more important to concentrate on fake impeachment charges, and you’re sitting there agreeing with them
@solarman tint It’s clear that @JDub missed the “m” in his YT handle again – @JDumb
Why this old man yelling at us?
Oh wait was this *Before* his treasonous Afghan phone call transcript was released?
*Awkward* .
Yes the Kennedy clan and “Abortion is love, hail Satan, death to the patriarchy” this ritualistic grooming act is the main source of DNC over the rainbow degeneracy excitement. Without it, the demonic spellbinding power fades. The star power of the devil’s political stage. The darkness of the demons they fear and the light of Luciferian V. for Vengeance. The symbolic head of John the baptist upon the “Abortion is love” platter. Demon consider mutilated babies beautiful children,dressed in scarlet, lain at the feet of the devil’s Seven veils Harlot.
Joe, “I could use some good hair sniffing right now!”
Please hush your nasty mouth…not doing a bit of good to anyone much less yourself…sad and tiresome..please find something better to do..
@katy bassett Joe, “Oh Katy, you smell so goooood. Snifffffff, sniffffff, hmmmmmm”
@Dementia Joe imagine making your account have a joe biden pfp, named “dementia joe” and wasting such precious time just to mock a poor mistake our president made
skill issue
@Abnormal Joe, “Perhaps, this account isn’t a joke but a cry for help that I don’t want to be President Puppet anymore. You know as well as I do, I’m senile and racist as hell, and you still sold our your county to revenge 4 years of mean tweets!”
@Abnormal Joe “… and imagine that taking personal responsibility means being responsible for blaming other persons. My mistakes led to the deaths of 100’s including 13 Americans, and $84B of military equipment in the Taliban’s hands. Is this a SUCCESS or a SUCK FEST? No one is taking responsibility”
So this “massive success”, according to Biden, was Trump’s fault?
@sencerr226I’d just like to single this comment out for how it doubled me over in laughter re: “Tripling themselves.” Quadruple props to your typing abilities

@Shaun Finnegan Thanks Shaun, I didn’t realize the spelling Police was on duty today. It’s tough to type when I too am laughing uncontrollably at this circus of an administration.
Yes the Kennedy clan and “Abortion is love, hail Satan, death to the patriarchy” this ritualistic grooming act is the main source of DNC over the rainbow degeneracy excitement. Without it, the demonic spellbinding power fades. The star power of the devil’s political stage. The darkness of the demons they fear and the light of Luciferian V. for Vengeance. The symbolic head of John the baptist upon the “Abortion is love” platter. Demon consider mutilated babies beautiful children,dressed in scarlet, lain at the feet of the devil’s Seven veils Harlot.
Massive suck fest.
@Scrotum Sucker Jesus is the way my brother. Don’t fall for evil.
It was not a withdrawal, it was surrendering and arming the enemy while leaving our people behind enemy lines to fend for themselves in a hostile environment and fearing for their lives.
So he started this speech as though it was an accomplishment…
OMG he’s such a bad joke. Does anyone still believe a word coming from his tired mouth?

Don’t worry. “We have Americans stranded in countries all the time” – Pentagon Press Sec. John Kirby
He left off the “minor” fact that it’s in a country that wants to kill Americans.
Joe, “That’s enough of me talking about Beau. What do you think of Beau?”