Biden Slams Trump On Russian Bounty Intel, COVID-19: ‘Dereliction Of Duty’ | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Speaking to reporters after remarks on the coronavirus outbreak, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden torched the Trump government for its response to COVID-19 and intelligence on Russian bounties being placed on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Aired on 6/30/2020.
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Biden Slams Trump On Russian Bounty Intel, COVID-19: 'Dereliction Of Duty' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Biden Slams Trump On Russian Bounty Intel, COVID-19: 'Dereliction Of Duty' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. If trump and surrogate vp both wore masks and instructed all to wear them, it would lessen the casualties but that ain’t going to happen, eh?

    1. If protestors and RIOTERS wore mask people might be safer But thats not going to happen either Eh?

    1. @ТОЛЯ Н
      Not really. He cheats like a bandit and his attendants claim he’s so senile he’s probably not even aware of it.

    2. @Kenny dark2light
      Apparently, your protege, david mc deleted all his posts and quietly escaped .
      His lies and hyperbolic exaggerations were amusing but even less believable than you’s are.

      Well good luck with your journey to find self awareness, and if you discover mr. “Q” along the way, please express our condolences for the death of the drumpf campaign. 🇺🇸 BIDEN 2020 !

    3. @Kenny dark2light haha you’re the perfect advertisement for the typical, delusional Trumpanzee…

      Jumping up and down, flinging your feces around…. screeching nonsense.


  2. Something I never thought I would see an American president that will not support the troops he is a disgrace

    1. Did you catch the executive order he put in that stole money from our troops? That was a month or so ago.

    2. @Fernando Sor which to this day he has built 3 miles or so of actual boarder wall. thats it.

  3. Most informed person on the planet earth” Not, or did you forget about Covid.Informed people listen..

    1. He’s just a president of the most powerful country in the world but of course he don’t have no Intel

    1. Yep, Trump is the most informed guy ever, but didn’t know about the bounties. Nazi Barbie. 👹

    2. The White Wolf
      Briefing him doesn’t matter. He is a stable genious, remember?
      He became an expert in medicine by being in close proximity to his uncle. So he obviously became intelligence savy, by having intel officers in the oval office every day. That goes without saying. 😉

  4. Fumbling attempts to bury this fiasco are only shoveling dirt onto Trump’s decomposing political corpse. Keep it up.

    1. Oh contraire.They are letting 90,000,000 Trump supporters to make sure they vote.Obiden is donezo.

    1. @Chloe Key How original,dork.That is all you frikin idiots ever have after facts are in your face.Tinfoil hats,Kool Aid.

  5. Enough. Every press person, every news outlet, everyone on the WH press room need to just ask “when will Trump stand down?” It should be the overwhelming chant in America

    1. Personally I think “Lock him up!” should be chanted every time Trump opens his mouth. 😈👍

  6. Trump knows now…wtf is he doing?

    Why isn’t he up on a podium giving a message that the military will hear as their C&C having their backs?

    1. Should be on TV telling Putin that it needs to stop and dropping sanctions on Russia immediately.

    2. Planet G right. Instead of the MacaNinny out to cover for him… par for the course with the Cheeto.

    3. Exactly still nothing from the moron saying if this Intel is true there will be ramifications for Russia and the Taliban to atone for. That’s all he has to do to get on top of this, but what do we get silence from him and BS from his staff.

  7. ” rogue intelligence officers!”

    Whoa, they’re really going for it. How can anyone back this moron?

    1. @Andres Miguel Cervantes It’s nice to see that I’m not the only that refers this man as Moron on here. But your right blame rogue intelligence officers. But what are you supposed to do if something you sent up the chain to the WH as a serious threat to our military and national security and nothing is said and no action is taken. Completely inept administration and unfit for offices.

  8. Can someone explain to me how, according to Kayleigh, the most informed
    person on the planet, was in fact, uninformed about a serious and
    credible threat to US soldiers? Does that even make sense?

    1. It’s not meant to make sense, she’s just pandering to his base and the delusions of her boss who only cares about looking good.

  9. She’s a big old liar…. Her nose is going start growing hey kayleigh was it really worth your reputation??

    1. She used to be an outspoken critic of the president, but she really lost her ethics and sold her soul 2-3 years ago, all for a job in the WH. I like to say I feel bad for her but I don’t for anyone that throws their morals and ethics out the window for this man, ie just like Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and the list goes on.

    2. @MaskedMarvyl
      Of course she didn’t silly. Folks with integrity don’t stand in front of a podium and promise not to lie to the American people then lie in the next sentence. 😈👍

    1. @dayinthelifeofmycat
      That’s how I feel everytime Trump and his enablers open their mouths and stupid falls out. 😈👍🤦✌

    1. And we know what is needed to do to a rabid dog. Come november, this president is going to the”Vet”

  10. Hey, red hats, your boy is a perfect failure. Domestic, economic, military, foreign policy, failure on every level.

  11. Just when you think that no one could lie as shamelessly as Sarah Sanders, along comes Kellyanne McEnaney

    1. Jazzy, I think trump says, “A BUCK! MINE… MINE!!! ALL MINE! MORE BUCKS… NO BUCKS FOR YOU! 10 YEARS!”

    2. Trump:”Buck? Never heard of him. I may have taken a photo with him cuz people want to be…photographed with me. I’m very popular ya know. Everyone says so.” 😈👍😁✌💩

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