President Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered a stark warning to Americans that the future of the nation’s democracy could rest on next week’s midterm elections, an urgent appeal coming six days before final ballots are cast in a contest the president framed in nearly existential terms.#cnn #News
Biden sends a sharp message to Americans as midterms loom

Sitting Presidents should not be allowed to campaign or use their position of power to influence elections. They are supposed to work for all US citizens, not just those who vote for them. And, yes, this should apply to ALL sitting Presidents.
@HM3 Drake Might I remind you that it is BIDEN (not Trump) giving this stupid divisive speech!!!!
@Dave Brown He is acting like a dem cheerleader.
@Ruben Ruiz Potato giving a speech off the teleprompter, at the end of his speech, there are instructions for him to repeat the line. Biden, “Repeat the line.”
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
Biden is a hateful incompetent president
The fact that the Pelosi thing is the first thing that he brought up makes it even more fishy. Real Jussie vibes.
It was a violent political attack. He followed it with similar death threats made by sore loser Trump loyalists against Republican election officials. The POTUS needs to address this. The real problem is that you would like to dismiss it.
@Randy Watson
. Instead of playing Wack-A-Mole they were playing Wack-A-Paul
As soon as he said that, I felt like, maybe these conspiracy theories that this was a staged attack so the left could use it as an election scare tactic are actually true! My word. I don’t believe in or espouse conspiracy theories but now I’m beginning to wonder. It’s like Joe Biden is confirming it.
Exactly, as if they are trying to play “victim” in order to convict their opposition which is clearly not working in their favor
@M Hall , yup, all four of them.
This video is a good example of why the dislike button was taken away. They dont like hearing the people. They like hearing themselves.
Leftist communists like censorship
@Alejandro Rivas have you
@Alejandro Rivas That scope of thinking seems beyond a lot of the “commentors” Makes many not bother im sure but that might be the strategy
Biden is the most inclusive and loved president of all time
Joe Biden is a great example on why we need an age limit for our “leaders”
@Gary Stewart He can’t even form a sentence. And his actions point to ineptitude, incompetence, and downright nonsense.
@jensonee Oh that’s because we’re all really, really stupid and you’re just really, really smart so you see things we can’t see. good luck to you and Please do save democracy with Smokey Joe.
Also save the environment and the unborn babies from parents who don’t want them anyway.
Sorry, but there’s no point in explaining things to the rest of use, we’re just too stoopid. You good though.
@Jim Johnson i made a point. it was pointing out the repeated lies about the spread of drugs being put into halloween candy. why would fox keep plugging that BS? the reason is they constantly promote fear. but, if you are just watching fox and maybe newsmax, you might not recognize this story is one that they give their audience over and over. they put a different story to it but the underlining theme is fear.
@Brad the people who voted him into office.
@Jerome Wade to be honest as someone who was never a huge Trump fan id take it over a party thats running the economy into the ground.
This administration has compelled me to vote Republican for the first time in my life.
Same X100
@Michelle Bakker I’m not even going to respond to someone feasting on propaganda they heard over leftist media.
“Biden doesn’t control gas prices despite the fact he killed energy independence and fumbled Afghanistan which is where we’d be importing oil from” “Oh gas prices gone done a little? Thank Biden today!”
@g h trump wanted to do a stimulus package too (a bigger one) and would have likely got it as well. While the stimulus contributed to the inflation, the serious logistic problems that the pandemic caused, is the main factor. So like I said inflation would have still been a real issue, and the fed would have still had too raise interest rates regardless who was in office.
2nd time I’m voting republican cause the democratic party has morphed into something weird af! They are pro pushing pedophilia/pornography on our kids and then labeling parents as ” domestic terrorist”, killing babies, high inflation, high gas prices ,sending our tax paying money to other countries.
Wow not a good time for that
Thank you Biden. I will vote. For no mutilation of young ones and their parts. For better energy policies in America. For not abandoning our people like in Afghanistan. For responsible bills that don’t waste money. For a secure border. For lower crime. For not putting parents of children on watchlists as a threat to the homeland, for the first and following amendments, for tempering inflation, for USA being self sufficient and only trading outside of our vital needs, for energy reserves that keep America safe in the event of a conflict, and more…. So much to vote on. Thank you Mr. Biden for the reminder
Well, at least Joe is wearing pants here, unlike Pervy Paul Pelosi!

@Beachside Do you know where dictators and tyrants always arise from throughout history?

@Beachside Define dictator. I never heard Trump say that if you don’t vote for me then you ain’t black. But I’ve heard Biden say it! It’s well documented.
@James Bowen donald trump “everything is mine” “you can grab them by the …. they let you do it” Jeez education and general good quality people are rear in America. Thank God I do not live there. Go buy more gun’s see how that is working out.
It’s easier to believe a lie then to prove to someone that they have been lied to.

@Boomer It is hilarious when your types try to quote Orwell, when you are the embodiment of what Orwell warned us about. And no, Biden is not even near “always right.” Mindless obedience and worship of some messianic leader is more popular among a certain other crowd.
I think most Demonrats have finally figured out they were lied to.
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
The Reason why an angry MAGA mob attacked the U.S. Capitol is because they’re as RACIST as Donald Trump… “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by one logic” – Robert A. Heinlein
You know, as Biden once said, “The best way to get something done if you hold it near and dear to you that — uh anyway”
Come on, man?!
Truly a genius….
You forgot to talk about corn-pop !

Why do politicians continue to tout bipartisanship and collaboration , but in the same breath prompt division. Personally I’m more interested in WHAT and HOW these elected officials will work FOR the constituents they SERVE. How will they fix the inflation and financial constraints being pushed into the American public. How and why are we driving the bus at full speed towards green energy while we do not have the infrastructure in place to support the complete transition.
That is why I likeTrump.what you describe was what he did. Buttye Democrats use their influence with the fake news and they beging vreating all kinds of fake news about him that people that have regurlar lives like you and me dont really care about. We need solutions, ideas ,work done that help the legal american people to have better lives . We should vote for Trump and republicans that support him
I’m pretty sure ONE side does it way more than the other. You just have to listen and self reflect….
@WholeTruthNothingBut You are so right. It is Biden and the dems because they are losing. Biden should be ashamed of himself for this divisive speech. It certainly won’t help him.
The government can’t fix inflation because they caused it by passing trillion dollar bills in their overreaction to covid. The best thing we can do to prevent this from happening again is limit government power, they have become too powerful.
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
Anyone who tells Americans that democracy is ending unless they vote a certain way is a threat to democracy.
@Michelle Bakker so far I have yet to see any red candidate say they are taking away social security. I have heard the blue team say that but not the other way around.
Now for abortion, I have always felt that should be a state issue. I have no problem pushing things back to the states. This doesn’t make abortion illegal nationwide, but perhaps it would impact what state someone chooses to live in if they wanted ready access to abortion.
@Theann Hayes Democrat forcing vaccines=dictatorship, Democrat funding foreign Ukraine war without popular consent=dictatorship
Indeed!! Biden is the only president that attacks the people as his main talking point
Perfectly said
That’s a communist.
“When you can’t convince them, scare them” – Joe Biden
Never been scared of a pedophile
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !
Man Just Help Us Middle Class We Work Hard For Ours
Stop being stupid. The Democratic Party hates you. Your misery is their mission in life.
Wouldn’t hold out much hope for this corrupt old 50 years of do-nothing career politician
It’s amazing to me that people in this country can call themselves Americans and even patriots while also making fun of the fact that is 70 something year old man was assaulted with a hammer over a freaking political party. You can lie and delude yourself about what his motives are or what he believes, but we all know who he is and why he did it. As long as you foster hate over empathy and you put a party over people, this will continue to happen. And if you do anything but strongly denounce this act as violent and unacceptable, then you ARE the problem and you are not an American or a patriot.
That’s all fine and dandy, but why don’t people understand how convenient this “attack” was for Pelosi. I’m waiting for the stern speech against people that traveled to try to inflict pain on Supreme Court members who went against RVW
It’s so aggravating, SO frustrating, how they just SAY a buncha sh*t, that THEY dont even follow themselves!! & They’re NEVER held accountable, because they don’t got the media FULLY in bed with them, so no serious questions ever get asked, & then all the …”normies”, or whatever you call ’em, they just watch whatever stupid show on regular tv, & they believe what they hear, so it’s a neverending cycle of lies & stupid. Ugh.
did you find drugs in your children’s halloween candy? no? did someone lie about that? were they the same people who lied about the election being stolen? where are the stories about the drugs in halloween candy? there are none? but you believed them, the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies.
Comments are being censored on here…I heard Crowder was taken down too!? Tf!
Would you mind naming the intelligent sources you “consume”? Would you please tell us what your “good questions” are? Thanks
@Moin Joe has never held a real press conference with the american people. The press represents the american people. When the WH preselects journalists and their questions, thats not a press conference
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
Biden makes very logical and informative speeches without self aggrandizement.
Remember when candidates used to list reasons why we should vote for them? Now they just trash half the country in their speeches
Huh, I have been to many rallies and townhalls, but never heard anyone but biden trash half the country.
Biden looks like a fool. Some unifier….. I would love to see his face when all the red votes come in against dems.
The dems have failed, this is all they have left.
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
@kek sipeo Your comment was removed
The question you should ask yourself on election night is simple: does this person represent me. That’s it. That’s vital. That’s democracy at work in our republic.
I’m a white cis Christian male. Most hated in America. Trump doesn’t even stand up for me but at least he doesn’t constantly demonize me for my race, gender and religion.
The Behavioral Science is in, Failure of a man, with bestowed means along with wallet, will exhaust his mentality in all the inhumane ways. Ruin of his own salvation he always betrays by his own nature. So, failed GOP agenda has to be halted, v o t e against complacency, led by Rupert Murdoch’s fake news headlines always touting Trump’s failures as a rich man’s ordinary day.
Democrats don’t represent me I’m voting rebulican down ticket
Your hero Donald Trump is a TRAITOR who attacked the U.S. Capitol in a POWER GRAB COUP to remain in Office… And you believe every LIE because you’re as RACIST as Trump… “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by one logic” – Robert A. Heinlein
joe biden reperestents us
With inflation currently coupled with bad energy policy, bad foreign policy, bad regulatory policy , and insane fiscal policy. My primary concern is how to grow my reserve which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains, sure I’m all in on the long term game. But with my savings lying waste to inflation and my portfolio losing gains everyday, i was able to come in contact with JOSEFTRADE and he was able to manage my investment within the agreed period of time.
Lately i have searched youtube for a pro trader to guide and provide me with accurate trading signals.. i will contact him, thanks.
I wish to be part of this success as well ..
did you find drugs in your children’s halloween candy? no? did someone lie about that? were they the same people who lied about the election being stolen? where are the stories about the drugs in halloween candy? there are none? but you believed them, the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies. you believe the lies.
*The many forms of Technology show who is for All people* no matter how one looks, one’s background or zip code – and Technology shows who is for a certain type of people. You can see who wants everyone to get a fair shot at succeeding and prospering. You can see which people within the House blocks policies that will help the majority of Americans and then some. *I am pleased that MOST PEOPLE believe their eyes and ears rather than choose to have selective eyesite and hearing*
*It is incredibly important to defend our democracy because our democracy is what makes America. If we lose it, we may as well be just another country*
agreed, protect our democracy for fascist democrats who led the charge to lock our country down, take kids out of schools for over a year, and force an experimental vaccine on people or force them out of their jobs.