Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Kristen Hillman discusses U.S. President Biden's quick action to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project.
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What a surprise, eh?
How does this affect the oil price? How does this affect the CAD,
Not at all.
Prices go up
Mni Wiconi!
Well at least we don’t need to worry about additional environmental tax increases any time soon.
I feel like the invading army lost. And is being dismantled in front of me. Fortunately the are plenty of jobs for pipe fitters, electricians, plumbers and construction in the future
Awesome News
Typical uneducated response. Where do you think they will get their oil from then dumb dumb. Dictatorships like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. The world needs oil now and for decades to come. You use oil byproducts everyday. You are typing on a device that has oil byproducts in it. Get educated on the facts and stop embarrassing yourself.
@Susan Grimm your answer is less informed.
Time for canada to build it’s owns plants to make secondary and tertiary products. You can make the world’s largest shingle plant out of the tar and expand the ft Saskatchewan plastics and derivative products. Move the products by train and supply the Sarnia market directly rather than importing usa products.
It’s not an easy transformation and cannot argue it would be economic but finished products are worth more to transport.
Canada does have refineries but they are on the east coast. One of the pipeline projects was to reverse and improve existing pipelines so instead of delivering refined products from the refinery, they would deliver crude to the refineries. Of course Quebec says no even though a fair proportion of their population agrees with the project. Note that like many refineries, our refineries can only tolerate about 10% of their feedstock being heavy oil so it will still take foreign oil just to process our oil. There are some small refineries in Alberta for the production of gasoline but hardly enough to be significant, however there was talk of upgraders to improve the quality of the crude by synthesizing synthetic crude. We haven’t heard anything of that since Kenney took over.
Oh, please. Canadian powers to be have NEVER had the guts to point out the fact that Obama was instrumental in getting construction of the XL started – then took his photo op to say he was against it on his way out of office, not to mention how environmentally UNFRIENDLY truck, rail and maritime transport of oil is.
Trump is in Florida. Tell him to sign again

Get used to them herding the press out after his prepared statements. Unreal
Looks like he’s almost dead. What a disgrace
You cannot take away business from democrat
warren buffet railroad
Biden is a 4 days President
Well – now your gas station will have gas at $4.00 a gallon and we’re not even 24 hours into this.
Canada has to get tough or get beat up. I don’t understand her “move forward” quote, there is no forward, there’s stop, reverse, or negotiate for pennies on the dollar.
that aint happening with Trudeau
HE MUST BE Tradeau buddy,
So the press got to ask zero questions. This is already starting to sound like a dictatorship.
Now’s the time to push Energy East, every drop of fuel used in Canada should come from Canada
But ottowa and the French still want the money from Alberta though eh? Be nice if we could just tell them to poke off…….. see how quick it would change then