During a CNN town hall in Las Vegas, Nevada, former president Joe Biden explains how he'd stop foreign election interference and issued a warning for the gun manufacturers.
#Biden #TownHall #CNN #News
Biden says he will beat Trump, issues warning to gun makers | CNN town hall

LOL he can’t even beat the lunatics in his own party to win the nomination LOL
Biden installed lunar panels on his house.
Joe knows the guy who invented the internets.
You knew it then and you did nothing
biteOne says”I Will Beat My Meat”
BiteOne! That’s good. I like.

Old sniffer: he’s the man!
Scratch & sniff.
Did anyone catch what he said at 4:16? “Bye the way, if he stands behind me like he did Hillary”…
Karen Dilday
Yeah.Joe the Lifeguard. The dude’s a trip. If only we could get him on the debate stage with “The” Donald.
That’s Donald Jamaal Trump for all you hypocritical “progREssives.”
In the same sentence he says he will win then explains why he will lose
Biden is reading the “don’t vote for me manual.”
I think you’re trying to discredit your opinion.
Guys I’m suing Mazda for me getting a speeding ticket. This makes a lot of sense and you’re a bigot if you disagree!!!
@Conner Cox most likely was but sounds good to me
sing along
Or just skip down to the biggest insult in the book: “liberal.”
No one bitches and moans more.
They’re still crying about Nov 2016. Yikes.

@CLPmakesMEhappy good one!
Ole hairy legs sleepy Joe. He’s the man!
Who was told to keep his hands off of kids
Scot Patterson
Yep. It would’ve been legendary to have the funniest two in the game for the presidency. Bernie is bore and a drag, with his communism and all. LoL.
How would you know… Didnt know joe had the gay vote..lmfao
sounds like you have first hand knowledge of Bidens hairy legs.
how much time have you spent sitting in Bidens lap jumping up and down with your hands down his pants?
Daryl Leckt you’re an idiot, he was referring to hairy legged Joe’s interview where he said kids would rub the hairs on his legs by the pool and that the Sun would make them blonde.
“Disinformation” <- Anything the Liberal Husband and Wife Snopes has been told to ban.
2:52 … More like this lady brings a fork to a food fight…
Could you believe her ?
Time to get dirty and ugly ?
Has she not watched Congress for the past 3 FUCKING YEARS.
Thank God they suffer extensively from Cognitive dissonance.
Unbelievable. And we wonder how they could still get votes ? Because of “that” kind of we tahw dation.
BIDEN only thing you can beat, is a bottle of Scotch.
An the CNN Swamp your plug is about to be pulled.
5:20 “anyway, I should stop.”
Yes you should.
“orange man bad”
Bidens got that “puts checkers pieces in his mouth at the nursing home” vibe
“I’m sick of being a knife to a gun fight”… well start packing and start eating healthier
Still full of cr*” Joe.
Elderly sniffer: “I love this mf’r”
Tell us about the cure for cancer you talked about 9 months ago, I’m waiting?…..