Joe Biden blasted U.S. President Trump over his reported comments mocking U.S. war dead and military service. White House correspondent Hunter Walker looks at how the scandal is playing out in Washington.
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This is SO ridiculous
You sound like angry teenager
If the Democrats think this is going to help then they are incredibly stupid, so obviously fake
@Emiel Vanderwel obviously
Another anonymous source?

@Claude Beaulieu-Roy I upvoted!
@Nick Knight congrats friend
Imagine my shock
@Trump 2020 Are u even Canadian?
Claude Beaulieu-Roy , I am
Anonymous sources… For all the crap Trump actually says, it always amazes me how unverified and outright lies are constantly propagated on news channels. The schtick has gotten old, Biden’s getting crushed
@Cyvamp Bottom of the barrel.
@Cyvamp what are you gonna influence? Populism in Canada? Fascism in the North?
Seriously what are you influencing? And is it righteous?
Getting truth from the news hacks is like getting sushi at McDonald’s. McDonald’s doesn’t have sushi
@Trump 2020 meanwhile Trump is putting tariffs on our industry.
Claude Beaulieu-Roy , ya and. You don’t think we dump products in the USA?
Reported without evidence another “anonymous source” Journalism is dead in Canada.
@DamnStupidOldIdiot they’re getting all riled up about elections they can’t even participate in.
Circle jerking
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy it’s democrat propaganda and they know claiming it’s alleged allows them to spread their bs narratives. liberals have no boundaries to lying.
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy LOL true.
Nope, it’s not.
this was debunked by veterans who were there that day.
Would someone please change his diaper, he’s getting cranky.
I agree with this.
I also believe that we should all clap twice every Tuesday night.
But that’s just me.
And I’m insane
Comments on

U mad?
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy Les nerfs Claude
@joemad ayoye c’est ridicule… on n’a même po dvote on s’en criss de l’un ou l’autre. Mauvais côté du border
Check out the sources
@Nick Knight You are a problem child
@ET Himself haha whatever that means… Great job!
@ET Himself please post any audio or vudei that you have to back up your conspiracy theory.
Quick. Call creepy porn lawyer, he’ll get to the bottom of this
@Trump 2020 Haha, which one?
Are you guys reporting gossip?
Haha more lies
Literally who cares, we can’t even vote
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy you obviously care….. you have been replying to every comment….. you dork!!!!
Claude Beaulieu-Roy lol you’re projecting so hard
Hmm, no anti Trump news today, so let`s just go ahead and make some up!
What a non story
This is just a distraction from those “fiery but mostly peaceful protests”.
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy so we stop paying attention to Trudeau the thief.
@Claude Beaulieu-Roy by that same logic one can ask why we’re being told any of this at all see how dum u r
@Apprentice Phil seems that you lot are the most distractable given how much u love some orange guy that puts tariffs on our industry
@Fax Checker no, see how dumb we are. All I know for fax is that trump is putting tariffs on our industry. I dont have anything against him other than what affects Canada directly, because I’m Canadian and I care about my country.
U should too.
@Claude Beaulieu-RoyAnd yet you clicked on the video and commented several times on it. Whos wasting their time here?
It was from someone who he should have fired long ago.
That 600 million from the liberal government working its magic. What a shame.
Who cares…. “supposed remarks”
Joined the military as an “Attorney General”… Privilege much???
When your election hopes are based on burning cities, you’re probably in some trouble…lol
A bunch of nameless sources have credibility but not the President?
Joe Biden Secret Service Agent: We Had to Protect Women From Him, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’
We do not believe you, we stopped believing you with the Russiagate lies