President-elect Joe Biden outlined a $1.9 trillion emergency legislative package to fund a nationwide vaccination effort and provide direct economic relief to Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic, saying "the health of our nation is at stake."
#CNN #News
Lot of trump trolls in this comment section.
Bidens a troll what are you talking about?
And Biden cult members
@TJ S. but trumps the one who insisted violence okay
Again, won’t believe this till it’s I’m my hand
and if you get it then what?
That’s because you have been lied to for the past 4 years and couldn’t trust the source.
Yes and a January power bill of $400 dollars…
And gas 4 dollars a gallon
So he can act like its his idea.
I wish you all best for your futures guys let’s hope all this mess is done with soon stay safe
I can’t get my $600 stimulus till I do my taxes and claim a rebate, then on top of that I lose my unemployment cuz Trump signs a day late – I’m done
Same. I’m flat broke right now.
Maybe you should have done your taxes
I’m in the same boat too. I just don’t understand why.
I’m so sorry. My partner and I have the same problem. I hope everything goes well for you.
Your not done brother. If you weren’t so strong you wouldn’t be attacked viciously . Pray exactly to Jesus for what you need. Try to the best you can. Jesus works miracles.
We need an uplifting motivation for peace and reeassurance for a secure nation ..someone to BELIEVE IN.. I really hope he can help even if a little bit..
What happens if Joe loses his sense of smell

9:20 he starts talking about the Stim Check
The hero we need
You Sir, are a god.
He is talking about democrats cities and state’s he is a good reader to be senile
$2000+ stimulus: Treat it like its an impeachment and get on it.
@Charles Lavoie I’ll bet you will be checking that account

@Mr. White Military budget has entered the chat.
Mite as well, $10,000,000+ in tax payer dollars goes to (i)srael daily.
@I’m Negan yea ok…The government can’t just keep giving money. Our country already in debt and all this is doing is putting us more in debt. Plenty of jobs are hiring, so stop asking for hand outs.
@Mr. White Democrats violated the constitution in more ways than one, they can violate it again. No, this is not about the election, just in general
“I know what it feels like to look at the empty seat across the dinner table”
that hit me.
Grow up
@Anon User lol
Who can afford a dinner table?
He’s always alone in his head
Me too. I lost my Mother. But not to Covid-19. Any loss is terrible.
CNN, you forgot to write an article about the arrest of John Sullivan, the blm activist that participated in the Capitol riots, like many other journalists have. You know, the one that you’ve invited onto your platform a few times in the past? Thats odd
Was he black?
He wore a MAGA has in order to film what the rioters were doing. Wow so bad
Call one man out that’s not part of your mob and act like it invalidates everything else that was done.
He never was a BLM activist, he founded Insurgence USA, which is a group focused on police reform and racial justice, but has no correlation to BLM. Lex Scott, founder of BLM Utah, told The Tribune on Thursday that Sullivan has never been a member.
Why didn’t Joe take any questions after giving his vision
because the teleprompter told him he was done.
The answers weren’t on the teleprompter.
Nothing to be asked he’s not in office yet just letting you know the plan.
Because he is not yet president.
@Brian at least he can read one.
It is so refreshing to listen to a Good, Intelligent, Honorable men, President of USA…We won’t have to feel embarrassed anymore.
Wasn’t this trumps idea for $2000 stimulus checks now he’s taking credit for it.
Trump didn’t deliver, he will.
Trump didnt get it done!
Of course its b.s n once again plagiarized…
@juju malcolm No the Democratic Senate didn’t deliver, so as to blame Trump and give the credit to Biden………….Besides stimulus isn’t the answer, going back to work is the answer. Stimulus creates a bigger problem down the road everyone refuses to recognize…….
MUSH BRAIN Joe NEVER had and original thought in his life. Check out the speeches “HE WROTE” in 1988
You have 5 dayS to get to the WH and ask Trump to give you good @J
“As your president” oh boy, someone does not give a F***. To be fair, for all intents and purpose, he is our acting president.
Trump is still potus til the 20th
yep hes not even president and he’s acting as if he is.. MY goodness in HIs dreams and who was that clown in the chair behind him
@IFCJ- SUPPORTER cope with it
Okay so let me get this straight: when trump says that he wants a $2,000 stimulus check (despite it causing government debt) and he talks about vaccinations he gets criticized and there is mistrust but when Biden says he wants $2,000 stimulus check (despite it causing government debt) and wants to give a vaccination, he gets praise. I’m sorry, I mean this with respect, but who is the hypocrite in this situation?
Who criticized Trump for wanting $2000 dollars? People criticized him for opposing $2000 in the Heroes Act, but then flipping later after he lost the election, but no one criticized him for wanting more stimulus money alone.