President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday that he had chosen former career diplomat William Burns to lead the Central Intelligence Agency. David Ignatius reports. Aired on 01/11/2021.
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#JoeBiden #CIADirector #MSNBC
Biden Picks Veteran Diplomat William Burns As CIA Director | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump needs to be removed immediately!
@HOJUNO back to sleep Democrat..and waite your turn on the F.E.M.A expirmental nano bots brain trans mittance.
@HOJUNO drink the coolaid I don’t care..have my Share
@Tessmage Tessera Obama killed more trumps wife sent aid ..Michelle Obama sent blankets food..
@sally Bowers I don’t care what you think. And I never will.
Dont be fascist
Have you heard that Trump’s new favorite food is Banza Pizza;
he heard it was made of chick pea.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
You’re mine, phukkbunny, personally
Burns’ first job is to investigate Trump and his Trumpeteers.
@broli m ByeDon
@DAN – DROPI’m convinced that this interpretation of roles, evidenced by recent events as far back as two or three decades, and the failure to share intelligence across these two primary agencies, is severely flawed.
Even career professionals and analysts have pointed to this kind of thinking as responsible for failing to prevent the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The CIA _does not_ operate within the United States. A good citizen would know that.
@broli m Y’all made it easy for us.
@Stefan Frankel And who gave you authority to qualify any other citizen as “good”? By whose standard, yours? Either way, last time I checked, Langley was still inside of the ‘States, and for anyone to think that inter-agency channels for professional relationships and communications don’t exist for the good of the nation…
Well, a free citizen, living in this democracy will just have to judge for themselves.
Yep the mission is a go ta remove vladimire putin from power and break apart a cabal that formed durin the trump administration of business people the tried ta take over the US
He is a classic example of everything Pompeo, Trump’s 1st director, was NOT.
Pompeo was not qualified, but neither is this man. Neither had any CIA experience at all. I had hoped Biden would do better than Trump, and not stoop to cronyism, but my hopes were in vain.
@Deborah Freedman As a career ambassador in hot spots across the globe he has worked hand in hand with the CIA (which work out of embassies) for decades. A career CIA bureaucrat may not have a sufficiently diverse perspective of the entire organization.
@Deborah Freedman Pray tell how you arrive at being persuaded by this pick that Biden’s motives were driven by “cronyism”?
@Liss Clark you sounds so desperate. Make sure to take your meds. Hatred is not healthy, you don’t want to those two at Capital hill die of medical emergency at age of 50some. Take care.
@Liss Clark how the #%*@ can you say that when Trump is the biggest of all you just described???

it’s over you lost now be a good little girl clean up your mess and play nicely…..sooo delusional 

Trump in drive-thru:
“You want fries with that?”
“that’s a tough question. You didn’t ask Biden if he wanted fries. You’re a fake cashier. I’m Done here”
Yes! And we hope Der Trumpenfuehrer is done, but I fear his stormtroopers are not.
Melania to her divorce lawyers: *Stand Back And Stand By* .
I always see this comment in other videos, I always click like
Love it. Cant wait to see the drama when everything falls apart in his life. All social media platforms have dropped him including reddit and snapchat.
I have been saying that for a while. Lol

@John Rod You people are bots. Nasty low IQ bots
If they can pick a SCOTUS in 8 _days_ , they can *IMPEACH* in 10 !!
@mark Evans You’re the one who ask for my advice. So I give it. You may tried to hide it under sarcasm but deep down I hear your cry for help.
@mark Evans wow.. attacks from the peaceful “Law and order “ party? How emotionally unstable of you .
@mark Evans LMAO, says the brain-addled loser high on the Koolaid. Get back under your rock, MAGAt.
@mark Evans Dude, you have issues, lots of them! You sound like you have tiny little feet… oh dear. And issues. You know such big words.
They can impeach in the house but not in the senate
Wow! We are getting qualified people to run our institutions. Refreshing. After Trump we need to troubleshoot all these agencies. Well done
@USMC forever And what qualifications is that?
@sjow maybe you better read their credentials an the compare them with Trump’s line of friends and donors he imposed on us. There’s a cure for ignorance, it’s called education. No ofense meant
@sjow there’s now reports of potential danger to all 50 states from militants. Do you see our president stepping up and calling a press conference to cool his supporters down? That’s what I call unqualified and inept president. I hope that no more blood is spilled for a delusional man and for his ego. Bless the USA
@USMC forever meh forget i asked you are just a low iq noob
@sjow I think it’s time for you to leave Trump’s cult. I know your leader is the love of your life. He is no good for your mental health. Get a grip or it will take over your brain.
Idk about any of you, but isn’t it soooooo nice to have a president who hires candidates that are QUALIFIED for the job!!!! And not people without experience who only got the job because they pledge allegiance to trump
It’s so very nice……
What makes him qualified?
@sjow experience education and character.
Get us some good people for a change from Trump and his presidency
You listening to Mika again? She’s a communist Russian.
Trump is a good man. You want a pushover like Biden and Kamala. They make you feel so good!
Impeachment is better. Trump will get no perks of being an ex president and will never be able to run again.
Bad Idea, We need him in office once WW3 starts, all the nations demand Trump especially North Korea, You want him all out but wait long enough and you’d be begging for him to go back
What, Biden wants to nominate people with credentials??
Diplomatic credentials are not intelligence credentials. This man has no experience in the relevant field.
@Deborah Freedman Ok.
At least he has credentials and experience working in government.
What were the credentials of Ivanka Trump, Jered Kushner, Betsy deVos amo ?
“Students Trained for Active Shooters Give Advice to Congress” — Every American should watch this video
I did and it was excellent!
@Bobbie Zaborsky I’m a retired high school language teacher. Please help me pass this along if you’re willing. I’m adding it to the comments sections of every video I watch today.
Its time grown ups run the country
My name is Joe Biden and i got hairy legs
The biggest challenge in the Biden administration will be to identify the true patriots and the Trump insurgents within each of the executive agencies.
Lies and more lies! Let my people go!!! Save the mutants, save the freaks, save the world!!!!
the last time there was a rebellion in this country it didnt go well for the rebels either did it
The left considers themselves the resistance. Trump supporters are the ones waving american flags
He’s gonna have a lot of work to do, investigating terrorist groups working against us.
I’d suggest starting with the maga rallies.
There need to be legal and legislative consequences for this assault on democracy. Biden, this is not a time for appeasement.