The seventh day of the Biden presidency saw the president take executive action on racial equity and order a huge vaccine surge to states nationwide. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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#Biden #Vaccine #MSNBC
Biden Orders Vaccine Surge And Acts To Undo More Trump Policy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Time for Rand’s neighbor to be “neighborly”.
You want him to do what you do to your wife when drunk??
5G mm waves are a threat to our health.
That was a great answer. lol
Orders 200 million of which vaccine? Trump’s vaccine that he called irresponsible. Ok I understand
Trump didn’t have a vaccine…so no, you don’t understand
@Ryan Exactly– You can’t break lock-step and admit who fast tracked the vaccines. Or admit to who TRIED to stop incoming flights from Wuhan (and was called xenophobic by Dementia Joe). ORANGE MAN BAAAAD!!!
@Duke of Prunes II Feel free to look this up yourself but Trump had literally nothing to do with the development of the vaccine.
@gwabafettIf the vaccine took the 3 years that the DNC’S media apparatus predicted, who would they blame? Trump, or Biden? So Trump gets zero credit for anything good, and total blame for anything bad. Got it.
@gwabafett we know but when Trump said that the vaccine would come soon msm said he was lying and it would take months even years before it would reach the general public.msm lied what a surprise
Dazed and confused, for so long, it ain’t true……..
There playing with the likes and dislikes they like playing with fake numbers If your on INSTA GRAM they make you follow Biden you cant unfollow him what a joke
Just delete Instagram
TF are you talking about. How braindead are you ?
Biden is president wether he was elected illegally or not
I see the news cycle is going to be dominated with things Biden “ordered”, and will ignore the fact that it will do nothing.
@garin fl until March… fake news at a micro level ladies and gentletards

@John Reed more vaccines for starters
@garin fl that would be an action, not “nothing”
@John Reed Semantics.
Funny, 3 weeks ago when it was fresh in their minds, they were ready to hold trump accountable. Wonder what happened since then, hmmm
So we should only convict a muderer durring the killing? Once the victim is dead and the caos is over, they are free to go without accountability?!?!? WTF are these people trying to agrue here?
Yes! Convict Biden of inciting violence against Americans for the last several years, allowing and aiding China in releasing and securing the virus on Americans and all manner of treasonous acts! You are beyond ignorant if you don’t see this!
Love how the edited out all the gibberish he said
Well trump isn’t president anymore so why would they show trumps gibberish? Nobody cares about him, that’s why he was fired from office
@Trapkos The corrupted Democrats used COVID-19 as an excuse for mail in ballots was a well-orchestrated cheating scheme! These pervert men of the Constitution like Schumer, Pelosi, Raffensperger, Kemp, Ducey, McConnell, Romney, Whitaker, Bôckvar etc … refused verification and validation of each mail in ballot!
@Trapkos ? If trump had 2 scoops of ice cream, you didn’t just hear about it from MSM, they cried and called him obesite.
@Ted Vu there’s no evidence Democrats cheated
@Trapkos Ruby Freeman of Georgia is an excellent example of ballots scanning over and over again while no supervisors were on the floor! There were 200,000 more votes than registered voters in Pennsylvania! 65 millions mail in ballots were sent out to every household that had just DMV addresses. An estimated 3.1 millions mail in ballots were wrongfully sent out before Election Day! Eventually, cheating evidences will shed into light! History will call this 2020 election as the worst election in America!
“I got hairy legs that that that turn that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap.” -Joe Biden
@DanielX64 cult leader? As mad as you got, I’m gonna go out on a limb & assume you’re in the Biden cult..
@Bob42047bmx Thank you Sir!
@Trapkos as soon as you lefties do
Trump may be a pervert too, but don’t try and cover-up for creepy Biden
@Bob42047bmx so where did you get your medical degree to diagnose these ailments in president Biden, that you claim that he suffers from???? bloody muppet
“You ain’t Black!” – Joe Biden
@Mo You love being a slave to Democrats don’t you lmao
@Mo HAHA! You still voted for that moron after all his racism? Dumb as a box of rocks!
@Mo “i don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” -joe biden
Don’t take my word for it. He’s was recorded on audio saying it
@Mo Trump has been a public figure for decades and i still haven’t heard him say anything racist. Just lies and misrepresentations about him.
You’re too stupid to even realize this is a quote from Biden.
Thanks for being low-informed and/or stupid
Brian williams was fired once for lying…now he’s back lying again
This man is demented and lives in another reality than we are in!!!
Exactly. Trump is demented and lives in another reality. Couldn’t agree with what you said about trump more. That’s why he was removed from office
Funny comedy show. With only pawns left, How will the” big guy” and friends get out of CHECKMATE? WAKE UP Joe. You have no authority, and no body cares about ya.
BS. You got caught fudging the numbers and now are forced to actually do something
Oh wow he ordered a surge, wow this is bold leadership, A SURGE
this guy has fooked everything up in 1 week imagine whats to come laugh cryingly harder
Biden said presidents signing executive orders was the sign of a dictator. Lol he signs 33
Won’t need 200 million. 1/2 the country doesn’t want it.
“I don’t work for you!” – Joe Biden to American taxpayers, fall 2020