Rachel Maddow reports on a new set of executive orders from President Joe Biden aimed at protecting the environment and addressing climate change, part of an ambitious program that has supporters in Congress shifting gears from advocacy to action. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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#Biden #ClimateAction #MSNBC
Biden Not Waiting For Congress To Get Started On Climate Action | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
“C’mon, man, give me a break, you know the thing!” – Joe Biden
@Kevin Pak
*Office Space | Didn’t You Get That Memo ? – PC Load Letter*
@Richard MacLean move on, Richard, your paper tiger is in Florida now
@Silver Forest
@Grampa Genuity how do you know anything about the Cambrian era or about CO2 parts per million? That’s right, because of the work of scientists. And yet, you think you understand better than they do the dangers (or lack thereof) of CO2 in our atmosphere?
@Baron Munchausen don’t pretend that you aren’t stupid. We don’t have scientists doing science today that support man caused warming as an issue. We have Drifters on the take or cowards afraid they’ll lose their job. There are as many scientists who disagree with the LIE of man cause global warming but they are silenced and punished for their integrity. Borrow someone’s brain since yours obviously doesn’t work very well.
Biggest joke ever
Democrats invent new ways of stealing money from American taxpayers all the time.
@TheLord IsComing
Biden: ” C’mon man you know the thing must be worn on all federal property.”
Times two.
Rules don’t apply to him
Just look at the likes vs dislikes, and they expect us to believe Biden was the most voted for President of all time lol
Now they are putting up videos that have been up for 8+ hours on the msnbc and cnn page. The goofs that are subscribed to those channels have been thumbing the clips up like good little puppets for hours before they release the clip into the “news” section.
Yeah another rich old white dude to boot. I think the turnout was at record lows for BOTH sides. But our “government” isn’t going to admit that.
Likes and dislikes
They cheated hard and the Dems dgaf cuz they’re full on TDS and dgaf about this country.
He accused trump on being a dictator. by circumventing congress in useing executive action. Nothing is being voted for by congress this is not democracy its a dictatorship. Im actualy paraphrasing biden in an interview. 35 executive orders in his first week.
Anyway Be my guest, fact check it.
The retardism of electric cars for emission-free guilt ride is fossil fuel powerplant for electric generation still exists which will work that much harder to produce more electricity to meet influx of demand cuz of the cars. whats cheaper and more practical and reliable? gas or electric?
Stop using logic
What happened to his promise of more stimulus money for the people?
Is that why he turned a Syrian oilfield THAT ISN’T OURS into a military base? For climate change?
you all are getting played like a fiddle.
@Bill Crowley hey if I was a bot, I wouldn’t circle back around to tag you with more profound yet (to you) disagreeable truths.
Let’s establish some shared territory, something we can agree on…?
Ok, here goes: which way is UP, Bill? Take all the time you need. Which direction is the sky, Mr Crowley? Let’s see if we share a physical world, what say you?
Point to the direction known as “up” ok? Use the emoticon.
@albert miller oh. This ain’t no joke ,biological bot
@Bill Crowley who is laughing now Willie?
@albert miller only people that hate America
@Bill Crowley blah blah woof woof comrade
Because not-dictators don’t need a legislature to dictate.
LOL cannot tell if this is a serious comment or not, that is where we are at now.
Bruh signing executive orders in the first day of office is something most presidents do. Plus he can only effect things that happen on federal property or put back into place previous federal regulations that were once passed in congress. I get how it seems but you need to look up how executive orders work because they do not equate to laws to govern
@Clawed Arc ok so those Trump EO’s that Democrats fought in court were fine.
Of course Joe isn’t waiting. By his own definition he is a dictator ruling by executive fiat. 19 EOs in the first week, more than the last four presidents combined in their first week. As for solar, wind, etc. I would love to see the plan for building infrastructure for them without using petroleum products.
Boo hooo Biden is actually doing things within his Power to help every day Americans! How awful
Then by your definition FDR must also be a dictator? He also signed more than 3000 executive orders during his time as president, roughly 300 per year. That’s almost one a day!
Then we got Wilson in second place with 1800 overall and 225 sighed per year.
Next up was Coolidge with a grand total of 1200 and 215 per year.
Fourth place goes to good ol Teddy with a grand total of 1081 and 145 per year.
Calm ya self, as long as he doesn’t keep signing executive orders at this pace, almost 40 is actually rather insignificant.
The guy has congress, signs executive orders like crazy.
Nope, not authoritarian at all.
@Noneya Bizz He has to rapidly repair all the damage done by Trump, and this is perfectly normal for all Presidents when they first enter office. Also we don’t have Congress, not entirely, we can do budget reconciliations on some legislation to get past the filibuster, but not on everything. Biden’s EO’s are mostly to cancel out Trump’s evils. Maybe you should give him more than 1 week before you judge him; mark my words, in the next two years you are going to see a return to civility and a return to normal as well as a great post pandemic economic surge. I guarantee you that America will be doing much much better; unless you refuse to acknowledge reality.
He needs to take care of small business, food for families in need,testing etc. not things like letting boys in girls bathrooms, climate changes needs in the first 100 days etc. etc.
I agree. He’s doing it wrong… Shouldn’t try to get bipartisan support for a new stimulus package. That should be done the way Sanders suggested. A lot of people voted Democrats especially in Georgia because they were counting on that. These executive orders should have been issued little by little especially after acknowledging Republican voters’ concerns. Unity does not come from Congress because they don’t want unity. They want division so they can keep their base.
@TravelerPat I don’t know…. if 2/3rds of American Adults (Pew Research Centre Poll April 21, 2020) believe that the government is not doing enough to reduce the effects of climate change – that sure sounds like a decent chunk of Republicans that agree with this sort of move by the Biden administration. Just the message that is sent to swap federal government cars to clean and/or electric will drive huge investments in new job growth areas as manufacturers and service suppliers chase those type of contracts. It is the oil company funded politicians that make up the “why now is not the time” fairy tails….. hmmmm Republicans methinks (Teddy boy Cruuuuuz). I do agree though that a stimulus package is needed now….plus vaccine rollout acceleration. Walk and chew gum time!
@Bunyip73 It doesn’t seem likely that Republicans will compromise based on comments on social media and their representatives in Congress’ actions regarding Trump. I’m just concerned about the working class in swing states who may not care about liberal agendas but care more on jobs and livelihood. By pushing liberal agendas first and stimulus second, if Biden’s performance in terms of jobs and economy is not that satisfactory to them, Democrats could lose seats next time and gridlock will be back.
@Bunyip73 Just saw on the news about Kevin McCarthy meeting with Trump. Pretty obvious they want to keep the division and Trump base going. What can keep and even grow the Trump base then? Hate and disagreement on everything Democrats try to do through misinformation and negativity, right? Covid is a hoax, so is climate change or that jobs are more important, higher taxes for everyone, Biden didn’t pick the best people for the jobs and the first criteria are skin color, sexual orientation, etc. If the Democrats don’t deliver on help for people and the economy, it’s gonna be very dangerous.
New administration appears to be putting sanctions on America
Sounds like insurrection to me
Sending 150 billion to foreign countries for a nonbinding nonactionable “deal” needs to be called what it is — wealth redistribution and theft.
@DoYou ThinkBro? Then you dont know what insurrection means. Jan 6th was insurrection. This is putting regulations on companies so they cant wreak wanton destruction on the environment
@Valesti Vale January 6th was not an insurrection. People just wanted their vote to be considered. Installing a president that was not elected is all kinds of unlawful.
If January sixth was insurrection, then what do you call burning looting and murdering in the streets, to advance socialist agendas contrary to every type of law?
@Roger Felton Republicans are such nutjobs. Lol
These people are such a joke
And how many high paying US jobs did he destroy this week with all smiles from the liberal media?
@Zach Thompson You directly asked policy with regards to covid, not the thread. A lack of policy is probably what lead to such massive job loss under the previous administration.
Now we’re going back full circle. The difference between then and now is Biden ran on taking aggressive steps towards climate change. People working on the pipeline had months after Biden won to find another job whereas the poor handling of covid dragged this out for months causing 40+ million people to lose their jobs and businesses.
As for propaganda, what fact did I post was propaganda? Climate change? Or are you just virtue signalling about how enlightened you are for getting your facts from other far worse propaganda outlets like OANN and newsmax? You’re so deep in the ideological mindset through propaganda that all you see is liberal this and liberal that.
@Jack Sam it’s obvious that we disagree. Which is typical of these types of conversations. I can appreciate your views but I do think that you are mistaken in your assumption that a left or right policy led to job loss from covid. You have stated no facts or specific policy to back up your claim. I refer to my original post, and just because Biden said he would do it does not make it right. A presidential executive order without the backing of congress that directly causes the loss of American jobs is wrong. And the fact that the media, who is majority liberal just smiles and says what a great job is disgusting and shameful.
@Zach Thompson “A *lack of policy* is probably what lead to such massive job loss under the previous administration.”
I don’t know what non existent policy you wanted me to post.
Whether what Biden did is right or wrong isn’t relevant. It’s whether you had time and warning for the inevitable and the answer was yes. Personally I’d say it’s a step in the correct direction.
As for stating facts, you haven’t said anything with covid except for you disagree which… has nothing to do with the non existent policies you want me to post.
Unless you’re about to tell me the objective verifiable 40 million people that lost their jobs from the incompetence of the previous administration actually didn’t happen and climate change is a hoax, then yes, these are facts.
@Jack Sam agree to disagree. My view on the covid issue is and you can reread my posts, that it was not a left or right issue. The economic shutdowns were the issue, shutdowns agreed on by both the left and right. To blame one side is incorrect and completely politically motivated. But you saying what Biden did is not relevant while constantly deflecting to covid job loss being a conservative fault is a ridiculous argument.
It’s obvious we are just going in circles and we can end it here. I’ve enjoyed our discussion and wish you the best. Have a great rest of your day!
@Zach Thompson I didn’t say what Biden did wasn’t relevant I said your feelings on whether it was right or wrong wasn’t relevant.
The shutdown was a factor. Half assing shut downs, no national policy, covid stimulus being refused to even be put up to a vote by the Republican majority leader. These are either in part or entirely on the republican party. Just the shutdown is a 1 dimensional view of what the previous administration was being criticized for.
See you around.
Stand alone bill for the people now, show me the money jo, Pelosi
Look up you tube “Why Louisiana Stays Poor, Pt 1: The Louisiana Paradox”
What was his % on that deal?
Biden said just in October that you’re a dictator if you do everything by EO. Oops.
Apparently not a new stimulus package…
You’re awake? Umm no, you’re actually going back to sleep you dirty liar.
I don’t think I would have done the federal lands part.