Biden Leads Trump Nationally With African-American Voters | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former VP Joe Biden currently has 81 percent support among African-American voters and President Trump has 3 percent support, according to new Quinnipiac polling. Aired on 05/21/2020.
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Biden Leads Trump Nationally With African-American Voters | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Biden Leads Trump Nationally With African-American Voters | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Agolf Twittler
      Hi. You have a lot of comments here. I haven’t read them but are you insane?

    2. @NDFOOTBALL Thousands of people dead…yeah he can show some kind of empathy to the families. That is what MOST presidents do.

    1. @littleportrait I never saw any videos of Obama partying with Epstein like Trump did. Only Trump was verrified saying:

      *”Jeffrey Epstein is a terrific guy that is a lot of fun to party with. I heard he like beautiful women almost as much as I do, especially those on the younger side”*

      If you are a true Christian that should make you sick to hear the President Trump admit to knowing that Epstein is a pedophile.

      Hes the only one where theres video footage of him partying with him surrounded by women. Hes the only one that has said direct quotes admitting their knowledge of Epsteins preferences of young girls.

      So when all this surfaced, Trump did what he always does. He tried to make ppl forget about all the actaul evidence by blaming other people and tweeting out conspiracy theories so that low intellegence ppl can be fooled.

      The fact that he scarmbled to make these counter attacks on other people just shows how guilty and scared he was. And ppl like you just line up and drink the koolaid from your cult leader. What more will it take to break the spell from this devil incarnate Trump.

      Where is the evidence against Obama? Theres no possoble way you can dare say that there is more evidence exposing ANYONE, compared to what we have all seen about Trump.

      Here is actual footage:

    1. @Brian Portis ad hom is not a debate class 101 skill.. it discounts any credibility you may have.. it makes it hard to believe you went to clown college.

    2. @Michael Parrott-MacLeod Trump is beating stinky finger like a rented mule.. Trump is cunning and crafty… Everyday he kicks rats and their media serfs in the nuts… Everybody is watching the show

    3. @Michael Parrott-MacLeod sleepy joe can’t win..Bernie/Maduro cant win..hillarie can’t win…. Democrats are running around with their hair on fire… They will never be able to keep Joe Biden hidden until November..

    1. @Merchant of Venice
      “Exert control? Please. That’s you my friend.”
      …aren’t you the one talking about guns and “See you in the streets if anything happens ;)”
      …I didn’t say anything about control now did I? Nope… just you dummy.
      “You want the state to have a monopoly on firearms.”
      …funny… I never said anything about a state monopoly on firearms.
      “We’ll defend this country”
      …yes.. sure… you can’t even put on a mask to protect your neighbors from getting COVID, and I am supposed to trust you to defend the country? Please…. don’t make me laugh.
      …Yes… you are one tough guy when corralling defenseless citizens.
      …However,when you have Russian tanks rolling down main street, you’ll probably be the first one to collaborate with Putin, showing him where is the best spot to park his tanks.
      “if you want to have a coup against our democratically elected president.”
      …wake up… you’re daydreaming againg…
      “Never said is was about controlling anyone.”
      … You said “Funny how my side has all the guns, military and police support. See you in the streets if anything happens ;)”
      … sounds like you are bragging on how you can exert control over people through the use of violence.
      “We aren’t about that.”
      … oh yea? What are you all about?
      “YOU all want to control and act like totalitarians.”
      …projection… so the defenseless citizens without the guns are the totalitarians?
      … wow.. you are dumber than I thought.
      “That will NEVER happen when we have our right to bare arms.”
      … “bear arms”, not “bare arms”
      …yes, of course… you won’t allow “totalitarians” by bearing your guns in the streets so you say…
      … so these people you don’t like… what are you going to do? Round them up? Show them who is boss?


    3. There is probably a 35% bloc who are full zombie and cannot leave the cult. trump offends everyone else when he gins up the trailer parks though.

    4. Virgil Parks ???
      you speak in riddles? in any case, I know one thing.
      Those who only write in capital letters are usually a bit stupid or are very scared.
      Sorry, I would like to help you… 🌸

    1. The Mahamushi
      nice that you can still laugh. enjoy it.
      Your laughter will pass in November at the latest
      and the US will breathe a sigh of relief.

    2. FYI everyone. The people _did not_ put Trump in power. Elinton won the popular vote. The _electoral College_ did that. Eliminate the EC, and let the people elect their president.

    3. @my2cents2u that’s what the dems need to win, simply change the rules as you go along ….. FFS .. really!..what is wrong with you people??

    4. @my2cents2u change the rules for your convenience. ..that’s not how it works…30 states to 20 states…

    5. He knows any MSDNC “poll” is fake. Fake News uses Fake Polls. Just like they did in 16′ when they claimed there is no possibility Trump can actually win. Every “poll” and pundit put Trump last among all candidates, they were ALL wrong.

  1. From overseas. I hope your next president is a capable man. He will have to fix trumps mess and win back the respect of the world.

    1. Like the respect that the u.s. got while obama was president, right? World apology tour, sending u.s. businesses overseas and racially dividing our country! Yeah, happy times!

    2. @mountain mann
      You’re fcking hilarious
      Why hasn’t Netflix given you a stand up show
      You’re fcking funnier than Dave Chappelle

    1. @OSKA Oska you must put your pants on the same way Joe does. Pants first and then his underwear lol. Are you related to low IQ Maxine……

    2. @Anthony Egidio Thank You Anthony and I thought you were in 2nd grade lol at least you’re learning.

  2. Reminds me of what LBJ said when he signed the Civil Rights bill. Hint, it wasn’t about the statute of limitations for murder.

    1. captron78 maga
      Again an old bitter man, should be f__ked again, maybe the mood will rise
      and you don’t have to hang as many people who are more beautiful and wiser than you …

    2. PRS SE
      Another maga moron who is proud of his lack of education!
      Since Drumpf there has been this strange behavior
      of being proud of not being able to know or do anything

    3. @Claire De Lune 3 years and no prison for Trump.
      Let’s see how long it takes Trump to find crimes on previous administration. 😃

  3. I love your analysis Reverend … Thanks for being the “only” non-white person on this all white show !!!

    1. The one who spoke in trumps round table party yesterday was the epitome of an uncle tom… i hope African Americans come out strong to vote this year. Old white men arw ruinining our country…and yes im white and i can see it

    2. Wow,leftards are the most racist group of morons on the planet…Tha God y’all are just a fringe group..

  4. Multiple amounts of money wasted flying for his campaigns but not enough to feed the public. What a joke.

    1. Its not the governments job to feed you, or clothe you, or burp you, or change your diaper. Get a job and quit mooching.

    2. @Virgil Parks So are saying Biden will win?
      Lolol really?
      You live in a fake news bubble.


    1. Man! That women is stunningly beautiful facinating aura and like you say she should have much more say…Joes ego is toooo much!! he loves his own voice..Mika ripped trump recently BIG TIME!!! Gave him a serious slagging of..THATS a women with conviction!!! trumps scared of her…it always annoys me Joe goes on and on and on… Mika SPEAK UP!!!


    2. Lisa Currier I would PAY to be a fly on the wall during one of those convos 😂🤣💀

    1. Kent Horvath so this global pandemic is the fault of American democrats now? Haha your stupidity knows no bounds does it.

    2. @Kent Horvath and Trump spemt money on packing peolle into rallies calling civic” a hoax” after being repeatedly imformed of the epidemic that was coming. Oh and building a useless wall that we have all seen the video of an 8 year old climb with ease. 😂😂

  5. Two years ago a group of renowned psychiatrists said that his mental illness would deteriorate, especially under pressure. They were so right!

    1. @Ghengis 99.9 If i was OBAMA I would say something crazy about TRUMP every day till he’s losing sleep Make sure i’m in his head 24 /7 ..To the point thats all he talks abouts..

    2. Percy Williams trump doesn’t care because at the end of the day, who runs the country again?

    3. @Carl os I spent 11 years in the MARINE CORPS ..Why would i be thinking about a coward 6 time DRAFT DODGER .Like your boy TRUMP..

  6. How about he release his Taxes or his college Transcripts!!!!! You know if it comes to light it will all be bad and even illegal!!!!!

    1. We need the Deutsche Bank loan info. That way we can know who put up all the collateral to back trump’s risky refinance. That is, we could see who owns trump.

    2. @Fred Freddy can you gather evidence first before accusing Trump of anything? what is wrong with you?

  7. How can this be?!? After all, Trump said it himself; he “always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

    1. @jesse10049 Do you trust hair sniffing child creeping Joe with your underage relatives Jessie?

    2. @Joey Harper Trump already lost. Most voters are voting AGAINST Trump rather than FOR Biden. The anti Trump vote will bury him.

    1. I wish you were right!
      But Trump must think he can lose Michigan and still win in the general election.

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