Joe Biden is leading the president by eight points in new Quinnipiac general election matchup polling and by 12 points in new Fox News polling. The Morning Joe panel digs into the numbers. Aired on 6/19/2020.
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Biden Leads Trump Nationally In Two New Polls | Morning Joe | MSNBC
And Trump is ALREADY raging about the Fox News poll in Twitter! xD
Balnazzardi Haha We knew it wouldn’t take long.
Make every city like Seattle and Detroit
Balnazzardi Bunker Boy hates Seattle bcos Washington state passed a law that no presidential candidate can get on the ballot without showing his tax returns.
I love the uneducated people and the uneducated people love me too. That’s the first time this man told the truth
@W B Biden said I’m your Black Master you must vote for me
@Demsareliars Everyday proof?
Joe Biden loves him his nappy time!

@Joe Slapperasski Yes. It is…
@Robert Zuccaro That’s a low blow
Stop calling them his base, it’s a cult!
Actually in reality Democracts support Transvestites and HOMOSEXUALS. *FACT
Yup. Traitor enablers. Morons.
But the democrat heroin addicts that are slithering around Seattle are just nice kids right. Sheep.
@Bud Fudlacker Nah. They’re pretty chill. Not you!
I can’t remember the last time 9% of blacks and 31% Hispanics sympathized with the Klan
@poonanny so? when was that? So how is that relative to TODAY?
@Aaron Landry that is the dumbest thing ever. People are quite aware of the klans roots. And they are also quite aware that flipped to the right a long time ago too.
You are making the assumption all those people don’t do research and ask questions? Are you suggesting something else in that comment?
Kar The Klan never flipped: . Democrats just started using the KKK as an insult for Conservatives because nobody likes the Klan and they want people to forget their origins
@Kar You need to educate yourself on American history. Being ignorant is a choice
@M7 SOCIAL Malcolm X also called out black Conservatives he was also racist stop watching one video from 60 years ago the man was more than one grainy video he was complex unlike you a human block of wood
When you hold the farm hostage, it doesn’t make the voter too happy.
I’m a farmer I don’t even know what you’re talking about man he’s not hold no one hostage you’re a sad case of course look at what you’re watching fake news
@Cody Jarvis so are you.
@Cody Jarvis then why r u coming here to watch ? go to faux news lol …..I know what u will say ” YouTube recommended to me ‘ LOL
asad bashir Funny you liberals constantly spam the same insult about Fox News when they’re actually the most trusted news outlet in the US: .
I don’t watch Fox News either, but if you’re going to insult news outlets, go for CNN or InforWars
@Aaron Landry I hate faux news n I dont watch btw did I hear most trusted news outlet? lol bye Felicia no need to argue with u
mehh….I’m sure Putin can cover at least a 15 point spread via his voter interference.
Or China…
Are Democrats still trying to push the Russia Conspiracy Theory? How are you not embarrassed by that? The FBI deduced that was impossible before Trump was inaugurated. I mean, have some dignity for Christ’s sake
The fact that trumo is even at 41% tell me everything i need to know about the Divided States. This country is beyond repair.
Just dismantle it and restart from scratch.
American Jews, now, suport man who gives his blessings to some new Auswitz ! Ons million Uygurs can go to concentration camps ! WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT IF BOLTON HAVENT WRITEN IT DOWN, FOR HISTORY & FOR NEW GENERATIONS ! UNSEEN, JUST UNBELIEVEBLE !
Miche Yahla You can start in November. Vote blue
Auckland. NZ
@Sevlija Blazevic Shalom from Israel. I dont support Trump, but neither do I support your sick and ignorant and just plain wrong comment about Israel.
@Fred Davis you’ll be proven wrong in November…
@M P Randy Rainbow 2020
@bman move of planet earth snowflakes
Yes please vote. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!
@Akila Smith The last time the electoral college stepped in, popular vote had voted for Hillary, 3 million margin
@bman our country is capitalism, no democracy
Voting against the Orange Menace will be such a great feeling. Eat it Donald.
Trumps winning a second Term AND I LOVE IT
You’ll feel good about voting against the orange menace until around 11pm that same night when all the final tally’s are in.
How will it feel when you realize that your vote was for nada?? HaHA
@Jimmy Jazz scandal free?…….bahh wake up his son made millions off his position…
As a Chriatian, I cant understand how evangelical support the Moron.??? sad

Christian all about the “Truth”
Some Evangelical Christians are issue voters. Issues such as anti abortion.
@Bladerunner 1986 that’s why they celebrate pagan holidays, beause they follow the bible right. I could go on and on..

@K B Real I’m just saying what they would do not what they actually do. Believing in the man in the sky is a bit like believing in Trump. If they actually do god bless em
Majority of evangelical preachers in America are con artists!
Why does rump have any votes?
The court OMG
120k dead…this did not have to happen
Hopefully you’ll soon be among the 120k!
@Deiter Czerwinski why the hate?
Hit a nerve
Paper ballots voted by mail are not rigged like the electronic votes used now.
We’ve been using mail_in ballots in Colorado for years. We love it.
thats what i’ve been saying also. paper ballots can not be rigged!!. unless gumps criminals are in there counting the paper ballots. this conman is 100% crazy desparare to stay in power because #1 he enjoys stealing millions of dollars everyday. #2 when he loses in 5 months and is gone for good in jan 2021all of his huge crimes will be revealed. even though i believe he will never be convicted. the billionare corruption ring will still protect him.
The most important vote ever ! Make america sane again.
Considering what Trump has already done and not done, I’d argue 4 years ago was the most important vote – making this the second most important.
Dont tell the gop swamp they are following traitor trump off a cliff until after november. Vote Blue!!
Go Vote!! Evil flourishes when good people sit and do nothing!
Voting for joe is unamerican. The man will ruin America
@Nt 564 what do you got to lose America has already been ruined by Donald the lying Trump!!! FACT
Trump 2020
MR. G Stop saying fact you moron. Biden wants to send more industry to China via TPP you know how negatively that will affect black neighborhoods do you not care that Democrats care more about illegals from Mexico than black people??
thats why im voting for trump and im democrat.
VOTE Bunker Boy out this November, Make America SANE Again.
@R B : ha ha ha ha ha ha Snowflake .
crbox`TV , please reply AFTER the election. Until then, please honor trump. Go to the convention, no mask or gloves and breathe deeply.
WAKE UP JEFF, KKK are snowflakes and that makes you one. Look do me a favor and make your reservations for the convention. Sign the waiver and don’t wear gloves and mask. Because, you love trump daddy. And, we’ll see who makes it in line to vote. Boy….bye
@R B : ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Go Change Your Tampon Beta Male Soy Boy .
R B If Covid were that bad, Democrats will feel Covid greatly this election when all those rioters from Democratic cities have died off. Luckily for everyone, Covid’s not nearly as deadly as media outlets made it out to be. Their reports were based on research predictions that turned out to be beyond exaggerated
Shocking news: Evangelicals do not want what is lawful or fair.
This is exactly why we will use the law to apply the death penalty to all of Trumps traitorous base.
Trump is no Christian, his only using it for political gain. The man that can’t recite his favourite verse from the bible
. Trump is a scammer period.
There the fox news of religion!
@Dasan Lemus They’re the KKK of religion. Or the KKK is evangelical. I’m not sure which it is because it’s such a wadded up hot mess of authoritarian sin.
Because Jesus
the poll just said theres still a huge crowd of fools following this old clown. Sad era for US.
Can you believe this dinosaur still thinks cannabis is a gate way drug. He’s totally against legalization and still wants to lock people up for it!
I’d like to smoke a joint with Biden. I smoke it all the time and I’d still vote for him. If that’s really more important to you than everything else that’s gone on you’ve either smoked too much or haven’t smoked enough
Bladedummer Biden won’t even make it through the election before the DNC has him replaced. Lol Their going to screw him just like they did Burnie! Lol I can’t wait!
Agolf is just another case of TDS . They just can’t except the reality that Trump will be president for 2020 ,2024,2028………
@K P Russian bot…we’re not in russia twit. There’s only two terms here, you brainless bot.
Yes. He cant find his way out of the basement. Weekend at Bernies. Hes Bernie
There’s A Reason he SAID he Loves the Uneducated…. It Shows when THE UnEducated Follow this NUT CASE
Most Democrats are uneducated: “The exit polls, which historically have painted a better educated electorate than other sources, found about 55% of 2018 Democratic voters lacking a college degree.”