2020 candidate Joe Biden unveiled his economic recovery plan for working families and said, "It's time corporate America paid their fair share of taxes." Aired on 7/9/2020.
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Biden: 'It's Time Corporate America Paid Their Fair Share Of Taxes' | MSNBC
President Biden has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
@Deplorable https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
zero chance. get a tissue.
@Eco Geek
Joe Biden is a shameless. Joe Biden did the eulogys at 3 funerals of Separatist and one a member of the KKK.
Black/White Americans jobs were lost overseas because of Joe Biden’s crooked dealings.
(Joe Biden’s son collected $1.5 billion from China)
Kids in cages at the southern border in 2014,
those Cages were built during Obama/Biden Administration and they knew it.
Sounds much nicer than President #Virus45
@Bernadette Leonard
But Michelle is a Man
Cypherdude1 wow what books on economics did you find that drivel in?
Trickle down economics does not work, ever. ever. ever.
@Baron When your only tool is a hammer every problem looks like a nail
When you are a fascist PIG all opposition looks like communism
@Deplorable He loves it so much he dodged the draft 5x with fake bone spurs!
@diane frady
Michelle is a Man
Monetarism was introduced as part of Reaganomics in 1980 and resulted in the Tech crash and then the GFC. Its time it was dismantled.
If you were a small business owner, would you rather pay 21% corporate tax rate of 38% ? Before the pandemic , Trump cutting the corp. tax rate was the key to the historic economy….
And it’s time to repeal the citizens united ruling.
bingo, this must be the first domino to fall or else nothing will change
That’s a small part. Campaign finance is long over due for a complete and total overhaul. The corrosive effects of massive corporate political contributions has eroded representative democracy into a mockery.
Go Joe, True & Blue
No more welfare for billionaires and billion dollar corporations at the expense of the American people.
@Disgustipated but now he want to share the wealth the way Democrats always do
Blm threatening a mother going into a church with 3 small children. Blm filthy mouthed lowlifes attacking the pastor and men of the church then bursting in the church an attacking church members and youll see even several of the blm men told the worst of the radicals beating up church goers this is wrong and nothing to do with black lives but violence.
@Benjamin Levine Just like that 2018 red wave? BTW I informed you that Vegas booking odds have Biden as a 2 to 1 favorite. I said nothing about partisan polls.
@American Pie the KKK have been doing this for centuries and they are all republikkklan and the support Trump the president of the Confederate states of amerikkka
Trump’s 12 year old son has been recruited!
biden is the real man of integrity
And YOU are the reason an IQ test should have to be taken before voting. BaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaa
@Moira McCleary Really? Putin is all you got? If you are going to go after Trump at least go after him on something he’s guilty of.LOL. That’s the problem with Democrats, They go after what they are told to. Doesn’t anyone do any homework anymore?
“I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle…a racial jungle”…and “I oppose busing to the chagrin of my liberal colleagues”…..man of integrity….oh yeah more recently, “You ain’t black if you vote for Trump”….classic right there
@Disgustipated STFU hater he’s for the people and not just white people
@Don Quattrocchi he for all Americans not just white
They should probably pay their employees better too…
Wal-Mart had to run a food drive for full-time employees, ffs.
$15 minimum living wage here we come!
Restaurant crew members and cashier jobs were never meant to be careers. When I was a teen in the 80’s the only adults at a fast food joint were the managers, the retired, and housewives.
@Ricky Spanish Those are the only jobs anymore. Not everyone can write code. But we could rebuild the USA, put millions to work with good paying jobs if only we didn’t keep giving our Treasury away to corporations and the rich.
I’d be embarrassed if I owned any kind of company and my employee’s were on federal welfare programs. I’d be ashamed knowing I was making billions and billions but was not paying someone who worked for me, full time, enough money to even afford a single person apartment. Full time walmart employee, BEFORE taxes, earned about 1200 a month. That’s most people rent payment… nevermind water, electricity, food, medicine, and various other needs.
just wait folks the day will come soon within a year that President Biden will stand in front of the American people and announce that we defeated the coronavirus factually. I truly believe thats going to happen.
Everyone has to believe in SOMETHING. Knock yourself out
He doesn’t know where he is or what he’s running for.
@Ricky Spanish no im talking about biden sorry for the mix up…
@Michael Brown Remember he said he’s running for senate, now go change your tampon.
@Ricky Spanish trump said…nevermind…
Finally a Presidential candidate who has released his tax returns and has a positive message with solutions and policies instead of Trumps empty promises of releasing his taxes and policies after the election, racial rhetoric, populist propaganda and slogans.
@Megadog Great another Disinfectant Donnie Disciple full of alternative facts and full
@Dave Schultz How Dr. Gartner, a Psychiatry professor who had been teaching in the dept. of Psychiatry at John Hawkins medical centre for 28 years sees ttump”s cognitive state.
That thing living in the WH is a very sick man, physically and mentally, and you don’t need to follow his step.
triggered snowflake
Bono……the only thing tRump planned on doing, after he found out he won, was to figure out the best ways to milk the American taxpayer for as much as he could.
@all4114all Yeah, but my vote means everythiiiiiiiiing. And so I shall do so this November, not only for president, but also for all the other down-ballot races.
Please US citizens with a brain GO VOTE please the fate of the world may depend on it
@Toward Treatise Jacob Rees-Mogg is a joke and not even the Brits take him seriously. I’m not going to listen to his take on the EU or democracy, seeing he’s a reactionary conservative and die hard Brexit guy.
@Toward Treatise FFS, he started his 2016 campaign by saying all those blatantly racist things about Mexicans, and that was just day one. Come on man, be serious.
Cas Moons is it racist to lock your front door? There are colored homeless people. The concept of border security isn’t racist anymore since the virus. Studies showed a decrease in racism in the US during Trump than under Obama.. that was before violent marxists overtook BLM of course though. “You ain’t black” “Jim Crow Joe” Biden actually is racist.. http://www.joebiden.info
@Toward Treatise Okay, I’m done feeding the trolls, so I’ll just say I can’t help you to see the truth if you choose to be blind.
Cas Moons Biden’s racist compilation if u really care about the issue https://youtu.be/jPUFwmZN9eo
28%? That is laughable it should be in high 30’s. That’s when american really rocks and rolls. Look at the historic data.
I don’t think it would be a good idea to raise it that high this quickly, people would want to leave the us or be mad about it and vote conservative next election. Next term or next democratic president could raise it more into the thirties.
You first…….but I bet you get an EIC every year.
He sounds like a professional politician, which is at least what we need right now. But, more than that, his thinking is right. His ideas are sound. And he know how to talk about them on camera. Forget about what can and can’t be done, or what will and won’t be done. His head’s on straight. He understands what’s going on and what should be done about it. Forget about “anybody but tRump.” Biden would be a good choice in any election.
@Jesse Lowry The democrats got him impeached, but the republican party is so corrupt that even if Trump shot people in the streets they still would have acquitted him.
@Jesse Lowry Mueller said under oath that when Trump is out of office that he can be indicted for obstruction.
@Jesse Lowry New York is working on some beautiful indictments for tax evasion and tax fraud. Thanks to the supreme court, trump has to release them lol
@Arrest Donald Trump Ha, lets see how that works out.
@Jesse Lowry I bet it will work out a lot better than your attempt at locking up Hillary. You still haven’t answered me as to how that has worked out for you?
Close the loophole of avoiding paying employee benefits, sick, vacation time by hiring part timers or “individual contractors.” That’s an abuse by greedy corpus.
YES, raising taxes on corporations is the right thing to do, let them pay their fair share of taxes. I mean Amazon is one of the richest companies in the world and they pay NO TAXES. How is that fair?
His populist message will help score him a W in November
He trying to copy what Trump says
@Tommy Westbrook No – Biden will raise taxes on the rich and fund renewable energy. Trump is about cutting taxes and ‘clean coal’
welfare for billionaires is over
they said he had dementia guys i see complete sentence and nothing related to dementia
Chasing away American companies abroad with higher taxes is demented.
accuse others of everything you are guilty of – sorry trump, we see right through your games
Cause they didn’t show the whole clip of the speach, lmao.
A broken clock is right twice a day Moron
Democrats always have to pay back the deficit the Republicans spending and greedy fleecing of America.
Joe Biden will bring back jobs, period!
Oh please. Trump never passed any legislature concerning the economy. He was handed a strong economy and spent his days in office playing golf and celebrating his good fortune.
@HankVoight Stop watching prahganda Fox and get a real life.
@HankVoight Rump is still ridibg on the coattails of Obama jobs growth! Rump has done NOTHING! He tweets all day and watches t.v. according to reports from his staff and he doesn’t roll into work until the crack of noon!
@Tom G. I don’t watch Fox News, That’s what all leftists say when someone doesn’t agree with their stupidity. You failed again
@diane frady Why do you assume I am for Trump just because I pointed out a FACT that you idiots seem to get wrong? Oh I know because anyone that doesn’t agree with you is for Trump right? How narrow minded
I was going to vote Biden just to get Trump out, but now I’m finding myself actually nodding my head in agreement when with everything he’s saying.