President Biden and Vice President Harris are lobbying Republicans and Democrats to support a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) calls the bill “a life and death proposal.”
#CNN #News
Biden intensifies public lobbying for Covid-19 relief bill

we should have been getting at least 2k since march…..what a complete failure..
The Republican Party is at war with America and itself. It can’t decide between traditional Republican Values or Trumpian Neo Nazi Values. With the help of Tucker and Faux News, Trumpian Neo Nazis Values are prevailing.
Well a lot of that’s on rump and all of it is do to the GOP! Thank them!
Only thing Biden have to do is just do a vote to pass the bill you got the house and Senate you don’t need no Republicans help because they will never help you.
No checks coming but $1400. in coupons with free ice cream coupons with Joe Biden’s signatures.
I was gonna say something, but Bernie got it covered
@It’s BeYoND mE You welfare restates better care about Bernie because Mitch McConnell is constantly flipping you off.
Me? No. Maybe you since you are struggling. I am trying to finish college to get a paying job and start my own business.
@It’s BeYoND mE I have a master’s degree in nursing (nurse anesthetist) finished 5 years ago.
Chairman Bernie <3
If we have to go with reconciliation then so be it. If America votes out Democrats because they delivered much needed relief, then it’s an indictment on America.
I’d be honored if some fellow citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to the United States of America and our 46th President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe.
They waited till Trump was out of office to help, now really how incredibly SICK is that?? Suffer till WE get the credit!!! You and yours will be our demise, history will record it!!
You got it.
The people need help!
I love being attached to a party that does nothing, says no one ever
Bernie is relentless!!
Except when he runs for president. Sellout
Most of owners are lying and want tenants out and asking for relief. I just got a notice my self after been told to stay home and be safe
I hope another $1400s approved. I need the help. As I’m sure many many more do as well
@J&A Beach Dates Congratulations! I’m sure you will figure it out.
And you could have got it – had Trump got his way a few months ago. But these Democrats decided that attachments to their relief bills needed to tag along OR ELSE!! Pay attention where the rest of our money goes along with relief. Who am I kidding none of you really care, you will spend the future for today. Hey that is for someone else to suffer through. I am about me!!! “THE DEMOCRAT WAY!!”.
@Goober Mcgilicuty Gender studies in Pakistan take precedent over American families. Democrats really suck.
congress is too busy playing politics rather than being bipartisan
@Goober Mcgilicuty it was Mitch McConnell. A republican that voted against giving people money at all. What the hell are you talking about?
These Wealthy people are up GENERATIONS! (Including congress) But they don’t want to help people to survive to suffer another day it’s sickening& pure EVIL!
People should come first.
Funny how there was no objection to bailing out industries and corporations that were deliberately mismanaged and brought the economy to the brink of collapse, but when it comes to providing for people in dire straights because of a deadly pandemic that was also deliberately mismanaged now you want to cry foul! There’s something rotten and it’s not in Denmark! Recall these so and so’s!
Americans don’t got time for political games and finger pointing to get there money…they played with us for 6 months last year we deserve a break this time
Actually, republiCONS played with us ALL last year, and are still attempting to play with us, for yet another year! Liars and hypocrites!
@Karen Hammondsexactly, it’s ashamed that ppl in this country vote against their own interests
Good thing we have a leader like Bernie. If Repubs don’t want to get on board to do what a huge majority of the country wants, do it without them.
“It *could* burn bridges” Anderson?
The bridges have been burnt from the beginning! Republicans have NO intention of working with democrats to help Americans; stop acting like they ever will!
Anderson Cooper is so full of it. Democrats never were scared about burning bridges because they did that a LONG time ago
Bernie just makes so much sense all the can never argue with him!
Helping those in need is NOT charity but humanity…
Republican don’t have no humanity
Helping those when and only when its politically expedient is what psychos and their sheep believe in, GET HELP!!
I second that motion!!!!
“Yo, We just tryina keep us alive long enough for us to kill each other over the climate debate”
a very strong argument if you ask me :/
$2k is lunch money to these GOP thugs.