Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to CNN's Chris Cuomo about his performance in the first Democratic debate, saying he was not prepared for the way Sen. Kamala Harris confronted him on his record with busing and school desegregation. #CNN #News
Biden: I wasn’t prepared for how Harris came at me

Biden is a joke, they need to stop wasting our time with him
@Rob Dillon hell yeah, Biden should have the candidacy
Who is THEY??? He’s choosing to run, just like he choose not to run in 2016.
Trump is the nations joke
@allthewayupNORTH _ the mainstream media that’s propping him up I mean he was on all the major national polls before he even announced his candidacy please they are the elite donor class that’s giving him the money to run
Sanders would have done that, we will be hearing he is dividing the party. He is right, he would expect Kamala, the establishment candidate attack him.
Its irrelevant whether he was prepared or not…. His time is over and he needs to pull out of the race before he wastes more money and attention.
He gotta win
Joe “I’ve got a black friend” Biden.
@Papa Jose clearly you’re not black so stop saying who “we” will vote for. I will vote for whomever I want including Ms. Harris or Mr. Biden. Talk about who YOU aren’t going to vote for…you probably don’t even live in this country.
Time to ban OLD WHITE GUYS from office.. on BOTH sides. They have been nothing more than abysmal
Actually, the friend is mulatto….
@Hikage Sidcow Yes, the kiss of death was at the debate when they all raised their hands when they were asked if who would give illegals free healthcare.
@Papa Jose Since Black Americans are a diverse population, I believe that the Black vote will be scattered. I can see liberal Blacks picking Booker, Biden or Harris. I can see a person with my views not liking any of the Presidential candidates because they still refuse to appreciate and earn our votes. The presidential candidates of both parties are not suggesting solutions to the American citizens’ concerns and especially not ADOS.
He sounds like a dad in the 70’s who’s trying to relate to his son who he just caught smoking pot. “C’mon man, don’t throw away any potential careers, dude. Havin’ a record isn’t jive, man.”
@Alfonso G lollllll
Jello Biafra, I remember the word jive back then, in the 70s. I think Dude didn’t hit the scene and get popular till the 80s. I Don’t recall ever actually using the word jive, really. But, I used dude and dudette in the 80s. Easier now, bc one can use Dude for any gender. A many gendered word…
He’s long past retirement. I’m sorry but aging is real. We don’t live forever on our brains he’s just like the rest of our bodies. We need somebody in their Prime not somebody will past it.
At his age I want to be relaxing not trying to run for president or working.
Awesome and Exactly!
“Make America Say, Come On Man, Again.” LOL! All career politicians must get voted out. They are not the answer, folks
Then how the hell is this fool suppose to take on Trump if Kamala hurt his feelings.
Biden is an absolute shill! His voting record is incredibly bad and corrupt. We can not have a biden nomination!!!
@David But he raised his kid to enjoy the white stuff! That is Presidential material.
Where does he say his feelings have been hurt?
@David Corrupt how? List the record that shows corruption. And for extra credit define corruption.
Joe if you get so twisted with Kamala you’re toast with Trump. Geeze
Lotta Sunshine ya the Democrats are just feeding upon themselves with this racist silliness. They’re already imploding. What idiots.
$mittyd he did. I hope he’s still got the composure but I’m not seeing it. Concerned.
@Lotta Sunshine can you give me proof that Trump is a racist please, I saw the first step act press conference and I didn’t see the act of a racist so give me some proof.
Trump is best! Trump for 2020
Hey MORON, U R prepared for nothin. Go home to sleep.
indian1 that’s a Dumbocrat for you
He looked better standing in Obama’s shadow…
@Tara Jackson Nah, he seems ENTITLED! Seems out of touch. Seems OLD. SEEMS LIKE A REPUBLICAN in Sheeps clothing.
You’re right. He’s not the one, and if he gets the nom on name recognition we will probably still win the election, but the progressive policies this country needs will go by the wayside. He has nothing to offer but relative stability, which is a very low bar.
Now I know why they always kept Old Joe “Hidden Away” and only let him out on special occasions as Obama’s VP. Joe, give it a wrap, go home and read bedtime stories to the grand kids.
Poor thing, has that desperate, “deer in the headlight look” or the “fight or flight” look.
NO NAME, now we know why Obama chose him. Now Joe is put out there. The Democrats set Joe up to look like an idiot ( which doesn’t take much on his part). I almost pity him (not) They both lied;
Kamala lied about busing
Joe lied about segregation
As a black I wouldn’t vote for either one of these two liars
Why he tryna sound like a black man at the shop??
If that’s what @Nehemiah Howard meant there is a less dodgy way of saying that, like “Why is he trying to sound black?”
@Alpha Panther how does “Black: sound?
@Kwum aix Accent… Or choice of words…
@Alpha Panther Since Black Americans are not a monolithic group.. there is no “accent” or “choice of words”. Black people from the south sound distinctly different from Black Northerners.. and use totally different euphemisms.. Pretty much like whites do not have a “accent” or choice of words.
He wasn’t prepared to be held accountable for his actions. Sit down somewhere you old fart

based on your picture you’re not spring chicken yourself henny.
Just wait until the next one, where Harris is held to account for her pride in imprisoning thousands of young black men, because they too poor to afford Justice.
When is he releasing “C’mon man” hats!?
That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard about Biden so far. Very apt!
It’s one thing to talk touch, it’s another to be tough. Joe, you are nothing but a blow hard.
Why does he need to be tough? He’s a good person with a good heart. That’s what should matter not being tough. The problem is you guys are only thinking of finding someone to beat trump
@Breakglass Dawkins only little kids for Joe
@Greg Make America Creepy Again!
you had me at “I wasn’t prepared.”

If the establishment makes this man the D candidate, get ready for another 4 years of trump
Come on man… Joe Biden is a f..king clown!
does not have a f..king chance!
Come on man.
@Shuhei Hisagi Anti american go back to your country.
@x92811 “Wow such hatred in your heart” You maybe want to tell that to Mr. Trump first?
Trump would beat any of the candidates. Biden has the best chance because he’s not spending full time on campaigning to illegal aliens.
Amen to that! TRUMP 2020

Biden`s window is closed. “C`mon, Man” is not a campaign slogan.
Vote for me, c’mon mannn!
Nor is “his “window is closed” a valid criticism of Biden.
Well said!
I like the way he’s just acting like a regular, middle class Joe: “C’mon Man!”
So easily impressed
Best thing Biden said in the debate was “My time is up”
I told you Joe, the racist in your party have a target on your back.