During an event to honor police and firefighters, Biden remembered retired police officer Aaron Salter Jr. who died in the Buffalo shooting.
RELATED: Buffalo's Jefferson Ave community mourning after mass shooting
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It’s a dame shame u gotta take a bus ride just to think
U will pay some day
I thought he hated police too
Human Have Become Lower than Animals…
What animals murder their own children?
This means that these so-called humans are lower than animals. Regarding abortion Srila Prabhupada writes are follows in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, 5th Canto, Chapter 14, Text 9:
The Supreme Personality of Godhead does not allow anyone to act against the stringent laws of material nature; therefore illicit sex is punished life after life. Illicit sex creates pregnancies, and these unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion. Those involved become implicated in these sins, so much so that they are punished in the same way the next life. Thus in the next life they also enter the womb of a mother and are killed in the same way. All these things can be avoided by remaining on the transcendental platform of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. In this way one does not commit sinful activity. Illicit sex is the most prominent sin due to lusty desire. When one associates with the mode of passion, he is implicated in suffering life after life.”
So, those who abort have to suffer the karma of being aborted.
They Demand the Right to Murder their Children.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
what’s higher than animals? that’s you problem
The Platitude circuit.
There goes Biden, speaking in tongues again. Can you provide subtitles, thanks
Biden couldn’t be bothered to visit Waukesha… Gotta pander for them votes!
The U.S. House approved more than $40 billion more aid for Ukraine, as Congress races to keep military aid.
I have bought $SKYH
I don’t remember Trump ever giving a heartfelt speech like this. Instead it would have been about how large the crowds were at Trump’s election.