With the election just two weeks away, the Morning Joe panel breaks down new battleground polling from Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida and Texas. Aired on 10/22/2020.
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Biden Has At Least Five-Point Lead In Pa., Per Battleground Polls | Morning Joe | MSNBC
One day, it’s like a miracle. Trump will disappear.
@Dave Schultz After November 3rd, hopefully, you disappear from the internet.
Please be right
And I bet the Iranians know something…
Yeah 2024
Looks like we should investigate Trump on everything he accuses others of doing!
@David Hale Nope.tRUMP is the dictator, voter intimidation, voter suppression. It is an ELECTION, WE CAN VOTE FOR BIDEN IF WE WANT!! His ego can’t handle it, man baby has to be liked.
@nofy bn that’s funny. You are hilarious
@nofy bn your DNCbot teenaged-girl hysterics aside, Hunter isn’t running but his dad, who made Hunter’s actions possible, is
Keep the pedal to the metal! Get your non-voting friends off the couch.
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes Ha sorry, I will fix that.
@dls951 reminds me of hitlers old rallies, ( bout same time mentality also)
@nevermore from past ya sure thing Bozo, TRUMP/PENCE 2020!!
@nevermore from past are you that old ?
I wouldn’t believe Fox news if they had a whole pack of fox of the set.
@Jackie Jones Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
@Phil M. the difference between then and now is the media no longer plays trumps propaganda. Truth is truth, alternative facts are lies and the Kelly Ann Conway talking point approach to reality is propaganda. We’ve seen it all already. The lock them up, the last minute fbi investigation and stank trump tried. Fox wouldn’t even take the story, what does that tell you? Two weeks, 40% have already voted; tic tock tic tock.
@PCBacklash _ They do. And they show Biden il leading.
@Phil M. TIC TOCK TIC TOCK The difference between then and now is the media no longer plays trumps enquirer tabloid smears. Truth is truth, alternative facts are lies and the Kelly Ann Conway talking point approach to reality is propaganda. We’ve seen it all already. The lock them up, the last minute fbi investigation and stank trump tried. Fox wouldn’t even take the story, what does that tell you? Two weeks, 40% have already voted; tic tock tic tock.
@Jack Thurston Fox is full of lies. 75% tabloid propaganda trash. You know it so stop pretending like it’s news to you. You sound ridiculous pretending. The entire planet is aware so stop with the trump type fake ignorance.
Polls showing a 4-5-6% lead for Biden are too close for comfort. VOTE on the basis that if you don’t vote Trump will win. Most important POTUS election in this lifetime. Go early go asap and/or mail-in secure and safe!
@William H Music 2020 You have two things right Trump and slide..Now just add will after Trump then into prison after slide…See that was easy….
@Kathy Sexton Same here!!!

@redponii You have it right friend
@William H Music 2020 TWEATLE DEE DEE… This might be a good day to stop sniffing glue. https://youtu.be/jS8SUqqZD5k
Mine is in the mail! I just sent it! Woot woot!!
Trump paid more taxes to China than the US? What gives?
Ivanka made more Chinese jobs than trump made in America.
America first?
China doesn’t have loopholes that the rich created for themselves to get out of paying taxes, I’d imagine. There aren’t many benefits to having an autocratic state, but people actually having to pay their fair share is one, I guess.
-he got a HUGE payout by the chineese gov rigth after being elected (aka a bribe) and he took teh money… Crook/traitor conman.
@nevermore from past – Considering the banks are state-owned in China, that wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Pretty much everyone who was indicted regarding the Russia scandal also has ties to China, including his kids.
Which virus is the deadliest ??
The Coronavirus
Conservatism ??
Conservatism and Covid are kinda the same thing if you’re a US citizen.
@David Hale TRIBALISM is more dangerous than conservatism and liberalism combined! In fact, I’d say they’re both very dangerous without each other to keep them in check. Then again, I’m an independent voter. I don’t think any politician should ever feel so safe in their job that they can say things like, “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue…” or even “liberate Michigan” in this current context. THIS IS NOT OKAY.
@David Hale – Lol, yeah. The side of the political spectrum that’s trying to give everyone free healthcare so we get on the level of the rest of the free world is the deadliest. You may want to give your brain time to kick in before opening your mouth again. The only thing liberalism is a danger to is the rich who built their wealth off the backs of hardworking Americans and don’t give back.
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes Hello , hope you and yours are doing well .
The Republican Party is no longer a political party/movement. It’s a criminal organization
Vote blue! And be sure to make your vote REALLY count by signing the petition and sharing the link with as many other people as possible. The fate of the entire world depends on it.
Criminal organization huh ? Let’s talk about all the arson,looting,harassment,assault and murder that BLM and Antifa has done.
@SandStriker Recruiting If that ain’t fake news, I’m the Lord and Saviour of the world.
@SandStriker Recruiting Oh you are so funny. There’s absolutely no truth to this and you guys just keep putting out this old crap over and over again and again. Can’t you come up with something new. Like Trump mistress during is first marriage had an abortion. Now that’s real news.
@cmt 63 other way around lol, red wave is coming, and the liberal party knows it

How can there still be so many brain dead people supporting Dumpf.
@LindA Foxx No I define globalist as on connected to the world bank. To put everyone under the same money system. They own all of the msm media so ppl they like get good attention and ppl they don’t get bad attention. Simple and plain. All news radio magazine eCT are ran by the same 5 companies. So are those companies are talking good or bad about trump? Sounds like to me he is against them. Something bad happens to him the blast it everywhere something good happens they don’t even cover it. Lol
@John Edward Simple test who is the msm against ? Trump . They own the whole msm so they will make whoever with them look good like Biden can’t even remember what state he is in and they just don’t cover it at all. Meanwhile even if it’s a lie they spread it about trump. Use common sense.
@John Edward hunter Bidens LAPTOP …eat that
@703Deuce of Kirkdale Beats listen to them all +++ objectively.
703Deuce of Kirkdale Beats no other country in the world has such a stupid system. The people vote the people choose.
stay scared friends, force your friends be scared as well so that they get out and vote Blue up and down the ticket. One party has humiliated us worldwide over the past four years – it’s time to make them pay.
Vote vote vote, I am going to vote early today!!! Biden and blue down the ticket. Another independent voter using my power wisely.
Thank you @GiGi Jibby! I was a registered Independent and I am proudly voting for Biden and blue all the way. Country over party. Truth over lies. Democracy over Dictatorship.
Thank you. Please tell your friends to do the same!
Bless you.
It should not be this close with the criminal we have in the White House
No. It tells you that a Biden’s win is just the beginning of solving much larger problems.
You’ll be so disapointed on Nov 3, again.
Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
@dls951 We’ll see soon enough.
Just vote people. Vote now, vote early.
@Chuck Longino TRUMPI IS TOAST !!!! BELIEVE ME !!!!
@reitereschle I LIKE TOAST!

@Chuck Longino Vladimir Putin is from Russia
I don’t support democrats but I need to vote out orange conman to make America great again! God will not forgive Trump killing innocent people with his incompetency.
When the polls shows are over 50%, that’s more of a credible prediction.
Polls do not vote. Voters vote. Go out and vote.
The Electoral College votes.
Voters vote in polls. (Mind blown!)
The Trump plan is to get states as close as possible then try to steal electors. A fitting closure to the treason party.
@Dennis Seconded. Moron city!
Wow America has a lot of awful people that can support such a foul human being.
@Charles L Jones and Biden is ignoring about half he Dem party. How’s that for a unifier? And “Trump BAD Biden Not Quite As Bad” is not a solution. Good luck in November, DNCbot
@Charles L Jones corporate Dems (Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer, Clinton, Hoyer, Perez etc etc etc) who control the party have effectively shut the progressives out. Good luck in November, DNCbot
The only pollster who correctly predicted and polled every state correctly except Nevada in the 2016 election and the 2018 midterms has Trump winning in nearly every swing state. I’m not going to go over all the results but we will see whose right this time. He has Trump winning in Michigan in 5 out of 5 polls while every other pollster has Trump down 7 to 12 points in MI. When it comes to credibility, they’ve been proven right time and time again while everyone else was wrong. The latest Minnesota poll has Biden leading by a mere .4 points which is essentially a deadlock.
The good news is that people do not longer believe in polls: just vote BLUE…
@Lisa Elissa
My vote will eliminate your vote
@American Patriot Or the other way around obviously. Follow your flock https://youtu.be/29pkHvCeK0U
@Lisa Elissa look. Read what I said. Trump’s hardcore supporters are jackasses. That’s what I said. But the old polls didnt account for non-educated people. And many of them are changing sides this time around. But lumping all non-educated people in one group makes you look like a jerk.
@Cajun Viking Obviously I’m referring to Trump supporters, as evidenced in the link I provided.
Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
If you ever needed a reason to vote Biden, Trump now says he’ll leave the country if he loses!