Biden gets emotional hearing nurse’s story

President-elect Joe Biden criticized the Trump administration for failing to ascertain the election so his transition team can receive access to necessary information and be prepared to tackle the pandemic beginning on day one. #CNN #News


  1. *_If a Mob Boss or one of his henchmen called me and wanted to talk about the weather, then I would get the message._* And BTW Graham said he had similar conversations with Nevada and Arizona – which they deny.

    1. @Jerry Lloyd national security issue? Trump will fill him in on December 14 or sooner. If he doesn’t he risks losing some supporters. Past the 14th natl security IS at risk.

    2. @uncle Ricky Well Trump days are almost over can’t wait for him to get out of the way step aside and let the new administration do there job.

    1. @RAS BEN YAHWEH Trump knows his days are numbered he will go out people have elected him out… He might really be escorted out right to a jail cell either needs to concede because the people have spoken majority of people have spoken wasn’t CSI FBI or the military he will be gone

  2. Trump’s trifling behaviour goes against tradition and precedence. Can’t this be used to bar him from any public office in future?

  3. Even though Trump lost or hes fighting to win, why isn’t he doing his Job. Hes nowere to be found. Hes showing his true colors.

    1. @Timmy Schnitzel press conferences and golfing isn’t doing much for the citizens he swore to protect as they are dying.

    1. I’m a democrat that doesn’t mind whether a president is a republican. I likes Bush he just had the wrong people around him, but it’s time that Trump goes because he’s done an awful job.

    2. @Hag Bizcuit You’re confused with the wrong person, your cult leader got 27 ongoing rape and assault allegations that hes tried to pay off, my president has 0.

    3. I am right there with you. I am proud to have put country over party. This has been such a pathetic point in the parties history.

  4. GOP members trading their conscience for money and status. That’s why money is not a adequate scale of success. It does not stand the test of moral consensus on all levels.

  5. How many workers has Trump fired ?
    This whole thing is ridiculous
    It is just so evil.
    What motivates such a big disregard for everything that is real, let alone right?
    I don’t get it

    1. If he does not pass the relivant information he should be charged with neglect anf genocide. People will die cos of trump

    2. To make America great again. He believes some views and some people or demographics come in that way. Possibly like NazI Germany great with King Jung Un level of control.

    1. That is 100% true, where is the military in all of this? Didn’t they take an oath to protect the American people foreign and domestic. They are worthless and just glorified hitmen.

    1. since the president has not been declared yet, and you think Biden should step right in, I hope Biden gets in and I wish I could see your face when you you see Harris your president and not Biden how can they pick someone when they are still counting vote

    1. So then why did your country men and women elect him to office?? 🇬🇧

  6. While Americans get sick and probably die, their leader is golfing, spreading conspiracy theories and refusing to help his successor to ensure seamless continuity of government.

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