Biden Faces Pressure To Reunite Separated Families | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Jess Morales Rocketto of Care in Action and Ali Noorani of the National Immigration Forum join Morning Joe to discuss new Biden executive orders aimed at undoing the Trump' WH's family separation policies. Aired on 02/03/2021.
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#Biden #SeparatedFamilies #MSNBC

Biden Faces Pressure To Reunite Separated Families | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Stephanie Landon My valid argument is this is a country, there is no country with no borders, with no strict immigration policies. Take all other countries for example. If they don’t like our laws and policies, why did they come at the first place?

      My father is “separated” from me, so I know how they feel… I am not White. My parents were legal immigrants, they didn’t jump a border. Your career has nothing to do with what’s right. And you didn’t answer my question, Are you brainwashed or a hypocrite?

    2. @Jovanny
      You believe whatever the partisan hate sites tell you to. The automatic separation policy was entirely new under Trump, and you can easily look that up.

    3. @Stephanie Landon Well you were talking about the cages, so you either didn’t know that Obama and Joe were the ones who built them, which makes you brainwashed and don’t know what you’re talking about.. or you are a hypocrite because you chose to condemn Trump about it and ignored who built these cages at the first place… Checkmate!

    1. @Jeff Stockton
      Of course it is gramps.
      What of any significant accomplishments have you attained in the last 40 years?
      Other than deciding on McDonald’s or Wal-Mart?

    2. “Evil” like lowering the cost of insulin and epinephrine pens? Brokering peace deals between Israel and Sudan, Bahrain, the UAE, and Morocco (whose king Mohmmad IV presented Trump with his country’s highest award) and one between Serbia and Kosovo? Or maybe you mean “evil” like securing $25 billion in funding for historically black colleges and universities (as opposed to the $4 billion those same institutions received during Obama’s eight years) and bringing black unemployment to the lowest level since that statistic has been recorded. Which “pure evil” specifically are you referring to?

      Also, the word you were looking or was “undo”.

    1. Separating Familes was Obama and Biden’s policy that Trump enforced cause they were too scared to, moron.

  1. I love how republicans are still sticking to the dumb “argument” that it was Obama who started all this “kids in cages” thing. I guess they’re too ignorant to know the difference between family separation as an unfortunate consequence of the law (Obama) versus making it the primary goal in deterring families from seeking asylum here in the first place (Dolt 45). Because I don’t remember Obama having to convert old shopping centers into holding camps or building 1,000-capacity tent cities to handle the volume. 🤔🙄

    1. @Mateo Flores Everyone seeking asylum deserves to be heard. The process needs work, efficiency needs improved.

    2. @CShield They aren’t seeking asylum. They are entering illegally. There is a process by which to seek asylum. If you sneak in. You get booted. You and your kids. Together. Not seperated.

    3. @CShield Oh please read me the statistics for illegals who actually show up to their hearings…you want open boarders obviously.

    4. @Mateo Flores It’s clear you’re not interested in reasonable discussion, your obvious racism won’t allow it. The process needs work, but everyone deserves to be heard. It’s basic humanity. Peace out, sad clown.

  2. Court is Pelosi problem not the Presidents.He’s very busy let’s let him do the work without the”mom mom mom” stuff.

  3. I started my immigration application to reunite with my parents during the end of the Obama admin, unfortunately I had to finish it mid Trump presidency

    As soon as Trump presidency started prices for applications almost doubled, processing times were severely backed up and delayed and papers would get constantly lost in transition. Trump essentially managed to pull a full stop on LEGAL immigration.

    People have their reasons to dislike Trump, but I have a first hand experience and a good reason to dislike him. He kept over a year of my life separated from my family.

    1. I am truly sorry for you and your family and many others who are just seeking a better life. I hope things get better. What the previous administration did was absolutely disgusting and vile! I hope this country can heal for all. May God bless you!

    2. So glad you got in at all during that poo storm. Congrats! And if it sounds condescending please accept my apology in advance…
      Welcome Home! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😘

  4. Every family affected should receive millions in compensation and passports for them and extended family..We need to show the World we do not stand with Trump…

    1. Stop using emotion and start using your brain. These kids are trafficking victims. What kind of “parent” abandons their kid in a detention center? The parents are long gone.

    2. @Benjamin Berlinsky
      Abandoned? These kids were TAKRN from their parents by the Trump administration. They did it purposely as punishment. Do you really not get that?

  5. So you’re going to pressure biden after the failure of the impeached one left them there for 3 years…Rome wasn’t built in a day…was it?

    1. Killing jobs, raising the price of insulin and epinephrine pens, sending troops to Syria, breaking his own mask edict, admitting that other than continuing Trump’s covid vaccine rollout that immunized 1.3 million people on his last day (a vaccine that was produced in a timeframe “experts” said was impossible as a direct result of Trump’s actions, he has no actual plan, oh yeah, the racist, little girl sniffing fossil with Alzheimer’s is doing a great job. So good in fact that antifa has been rioting again in Portland because of him.

    2. @Brian Jones and putting kids in cages as a deterrent to stop scared parents is legal in which way exactly? Sorry I am a slow witted Republican who never took a drop of the orange Koolaid.

    3. @Kate Turner It is legal the Justice department said so, I realize that you may not like it but it did send a message to people thinking of using a trafficker to get here

    1. I see no difference, as a Mexican American who works hard all I see is just another rich old white pendejo who wants to steamroll his elitist agenda. Opening the borders is a stupid idea, something an elitist gringo would want for cheap labor. It isn’t about being open or giving a better life for peoples from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador etc etc. it’s all about exploitation and cheap labor for rich one percent along with generating windfall profits for themselves a long with Wall Street. due to streamlined efficiency via third world labor.

  6. Yeah, they need to plan this. Otherwise actions are usually futile. Look at the past five years as an example. Don’t criticise them for approaching this properly.

  7. He should not have to come in and clean up that last man bs that never shouldn’t have happen in the first d+m place those precious children will never be the same.

  8. “Biden Faces Pressure To Reunite Separated Families” that remind us, yet again, that #Jan621 Insurrectionist #DJT is “utterly incompetent” as per the words of both his own Federal Judge elder-sister Maryanne Trump Barry and his own Clinical Psychologist niece Dr. Mary Trump. May #Imp2POTUS45 always hear “You’re fired” via the unwavering reality of election results that reject him who is the cause of #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject).

  9. I hope you have an amazing 2021,Please repent because Jesus is coming soon,

    Like so more people can see this

  10. Now that we have kept Joe busy writing his name for the last two weeks, do you think he is ready to move on to shapes and colors??

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