Biden Faces Pressure As He Seeks To Fill Diverse Cabinet | The Cross Connection | MSNBC

Representation matters, and President-elect Joe Biden has promised his administration will be the most diverse in history. Yet questions remain about how he will fill the few vacant key posts in his Cabinet and how these appointments will deliver on the issues important to a changing America. A panel of experts joins Tiffany Cross to discuss the importance of Biden’s Cabinet decisions.
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Biden Faces Pressure As He Seeks To Fill Diverse Cabinet | The Cross Connection | MSNBC

Biden Faces Pressure As He Seeks To Fill Diverse Cabinet | The Cross Connection | MSNBC


    1. I am on this feed as I can see many uneducated and deluded Democrats, who have eaten up the lies of the Democrat controlled evil media. Just hear to educate you guys and girls so your not too surprised when Trump is sworn back in on Jan 20th. You will thank me, once you have woken up to the truth.

    2. @Intelligent Design Yep. I check in over here to watch them dig their hole deeper. Biden will never step foot in the Oval Office again.

    1. I am on this feed as I can see many uneducated and deluded Democrats, who have eaten up the lies of the Democrat controlled evil media. Just hear to educate you guys and girls so your not too surprised when Trump is sworn back in on Jan 20th. You will thank me, once you have woken up to the truth.

    2. @Intelligent Design Hey, you! You learned how to copy-paste! Good job! You said the same thing on another comment!

    3. @Intelligent Design I would like to thank you now. I got a good laugh about that Jan. 20 trump thing. Could you answer a quick question for me?

      .What are his best qualities that won you over?
      Was it his narcissistic disease disorder, His blatant racism, his cheating on every wife, His cheating on his taxes, his bankruptcy fraud. His disgusting name calling of smart educated women, or his Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, & Bullying, His White Supremacy, Homophobia, Transphobia, & Xenophobia. Or maybe it’s the fact that almost every one of his businesses have failed. Or are you ok with all of the above.

    1. @Yi
      Ugh, I don’t doubt that Democrats were engaged in nefarious acts to subvert the election however I seriously doubt any group of citizens will be able to right the outcome in light of the fact that we have career politicians and judges running the show whose careers long outlast any single presidency and who do not in any way shape form or fashion actually serve the American people or our best interests but rather their own best interests.
      At this point even the presidential election has become nothing more than political theater but it could actually turn out to be a good thing.
      Maybe people will finally realize our entire political system is corrupted beyond belief and do something about it.
      I’m actually not a Trump acolyte but I’d prefer him over Biden but that’s only because of two maybe three issues, other than that I disagree with a lot of what he’s done but even so he’d still be preferable to Biden in my opinion.
      I have to say though, I think you’re beating a dead horse at this point and you should be concentrating your efforts elsewhere.
      Even so I wish you luck.
      I don’t click on unknown hyperlinks though.

  1. I’m all for diversity, but I’d also like to see diversity in ideology, as well. What can they bring to the table?

  2. Hello, Humans.
    “Life will always be to a large extent what we ourselves make it.”-Samuel Smiles


    1. @Floyd Zepplin cause you sound so logical… making insults just to be rude.

      You sound exactly like you describe ‘democrats’ and ‘liberals’

    1. Sanders isn’t even a Democrat. The old fool should stay out of Democratic politics. A cabinet position isn’t a consolation prize for losers. Cabinet members must be compatible with the President.

    1. @Yi sit down and stop with the foolishness, you and all know good and well people just got fed up with all that craziness of that unpresidential chaotic man who was suppose to lead but had no club, believe me you and yours that trying to talk this craziness about stealing the election stop it. Many knew this was the straw and they took it. So stop with this craziness. No one wanted him , only those who are easily to be beguiled. So sad. Smh

    2. So how did Trump win in 2014? I wish we had a Woman in the Oval Office. Here we are with an incompetent fool! Jan.20th can’t get here quick enough!

  3. He’s just naming people of color who come from his neoliberal ideology, rather than Progressive people of color. It’s insulting.

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