Samantha Power, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., talks with Rachel Maddow about opportunities for the Biden administration to restore the world's faith in the competence and abilities of the United States in the wake of the Trump administration and, in particular, its mishandling of the coronavirus crisis. Aired on 11/25/2020.
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#Biden #Faith #MSNBC
Biden Faces Challenge Of Restoring Faith In American Competence In Wake Of Trump Chaos
Public health works. Private partnerships in health do not work.
Lol ok. Netherlands switched to private health insurance companies in 2006 because the public health plan was so poorly managed
Trump’s Mom did make the greatest turkey.
Make you mean hatched!!!
Glad to be 46th comment,,,Samantha Powers for Sect of state,,,
Oh, look at her offspring
That made me laugh hard! lol
Trump is hoping the turkeys will pardon him.
The turkeys voted for him so why wouldn’t they pardon him?
Do people not realise,someone that sues a Bank ,so he doesn’t have to pay money back that he owes,is capable of Doing anything
Joe Biden already spilled the beans. When you have dementia the truth leaks out of you.
@Randy4me Ah yes, your belief in this imaginary disease is quite disturbing. Btw your link is broken and carries spyware.
@Em Andem Liar! You just don’t want anyone seeing the truth.
Try knowledge instead of faith.
I am german: don#t be naive, trump destroyed a lot of trust, but he was the preliminary peak of risk and irresponsible foreign policy. Bush jun. was ruthless too an the wars he and his father have left a toral mess behind. nixon and reagan were also ruthless leaders. it is your complete elite and the people who voted for them. to say everything was the orange ape is not enough. one must be insane to trust in america.
@Eve Bert THX I didn’t realize it – but Hillary Clinton was also the wrong person – although she was never president.
@cindy tong I am a Canadian and I agree with @Minimax Trump may have focused the perilous situation in America but he certainly didn’t create it. I’ve been watching your politics a lot more closely in recent months and Trump would be nothing without the might of the Republican establishment cow-towing to his every whim. You have a political system where congress could hold a President in check if it wanted to, but they don’t want to. That is clear. They sold the soul of their democracy for power. Not unusual in politicians, but not usually so blatant.
America teeters back and forth from progressive to near fascist, to recently full fascist under Drumpf. Just read some history and you can see that clearly. Sometimes that shining light on the hill is a torch or burning cross.
@akahina not the behaviour of a nation witch want‘s to lead….
@ace baker yor prime minister is much mord impressive. he has his problems – like merkel, but they are seious people. all the best from germany
don’ focus on trump – he is the outcome not the cause. don‘t even focus on symptoms. your system wich braught him up is rotten.
Thank you!
Our group is up to 164 now. Still a few billion to go…. but we’ll get there!
Exactly! The rot and inequities have been shown throughout the pandemic.
TY, most refreshing opinion I’ve heard as of late.
I never lost faith in America. It has a special place in the world, always has, always will. Normalcy trumps lunacy. Pardon the pun.
You are pardoned. Forgive the pun
What? 74 million think racism and fascism is a good quality in a president. Dont be naive, America is up to its neck in this mud and the world may know there is a real president at the helm soon, but the world also does not trust the american people to not go down the wrong lane again in only four years…
America I s good in many ways but not special
The root of narcissism is a feeling of being special
Trump feels he is special and lives in his own lonely world
In the end no Country is more special than the next one
I agree, not having the constant bombardment of chaos will bring the majority of Americans back towards the center in time. The conspiracy theorists will remain in their conspiracy world, but they are not a majority.
Civility is on it’s way back
@Ganiscol Has Biden be declared incompetent already? Harris is in charge now?
ALL women are the backbone of the world, ask your mother.
America has lost massive amount of world prestige over the last 4 years, it’s going to take a while to build it up again. Trump’s America First policy (if you can call it that) has meant that many developing countries are looking more to China as a better trade partner, while America’s allies have learned not to trust America and have worked out ways to work without America as a partner. None of this matters to Trump supporters of course.
I think the rest of the world has a clear picture of American citizens by looking at how you have handled COVID. Tens of millions of you don’t even care about each other. Just try to be decent. That would be a start.
@Thomas Parkin No more impossible than 911 or the supposed Bin Laden invasion…
Now let’s hold hands with Onumbnutz and sing. “Bin Laden rode the body bag ashore HALLELUJAH!” “Found his passport on the Pentagon’s front door HALLELUJAH!” NASA found some Alien sperm on the planet Mars HALLELUJAH!” You can live there if you wear Owens Corning drawers HALLELUJAH!”
@Zach Wells troll. You know hat is a lie.
@Thomas Parkin Thomas, that is just a troll.
@Leng troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..troll……..
@G Guest You should work on having an epiphany.
This should be titled, “Biden Faces Challenge of Cleaning Up Trump’s Ungodly Mess and Will Spend Much of His Presidency Getting the World to Trust Us Again”
Snappy title
Kind of like Obama. He’ll inherit this mess and so will take 4 yrs to clean it up. He’ll need a second term to do his real presidency.
Hopefully everyone pulls together as a country and helps us out of the mess left by t****!
Biden will spend his presidency much as Trump did before him, enjoying himself before the big sleep. Yeah, Biden best avoid a heart attack but the food and drink are very tempting and you pay!
What mess ? Can you tell me what Obama do for the American people?
Trump, his sniveling GOP and the base of Trumpism has made America an unreliable and untrustworthy partner. This will only change once you get rid of the arcane Electoral College.It has to be majority rule in terms of one American and one vote. What is known trifally as the ‘Popular Vote’!
President Joe Biden please pick an aggressive DOJ..please let the DOJ pursue all criminal case against the clown and his cronies ..specifically the 8 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
Glenn kirschner
You think that will happen but it never will. Neither party will ever allow a President to go to jail. It sets a precedent they don’t want.
@Pablo Verga. I couldn’t agree more more! Biden himself should not go after Trump. He’s got a government to run, a country to heal and a world of relationships to rebuild. Instead he really should turn to his Attorney General and tell him to investigate all that went on in the last four years and if laws were seriously broken to bring those lawbreakers to justice. Not doing this would set an awful precedent.
@chalkyness Heal? So how will he “heal” the 72 million Trump voters? We get a seat at the table? Obama made sure that never happened. This is your America, not mine. I just happen to live here now.
This is what I think and hope is going to happen: NY is ready to prosed with the case against D.T. He can’t block his financial records anymore and they will reveal a lot of his corruption. The findings will lead to the IRS or another state to bring a law suit. I believe once those records are open to the public view, a chain of cases are going to happen. Maybe or maybe not there will be a need to do any investigation from part of the DOJ. But I believe Barr should be taken to court by the people for not only not doing his job, but protecting the criminal against the people of the USA.
I just hope that Joe Biden will recognise & include in his administration those few men & women who testified at impeachment & subsequently lost their jobs because they had higher standards than Trump.
Yes! People like Lt Colonel Vindman, Jennifer Williams, Fiona Hill, etc.
The world has seen how much of a mess the US is in,the democrats are going to need 2 terms at least,personally I won’t be buying us products any time soon
This is such a refreshing dialogue. Yes I know that there are issues and challenges but just the fact that we can have this conversation feels like a big black cloud has dispersed. H.O.P.E (hold on pain ends)!
Donald Trump
“it is what it is” v 2nd degree murder.
2nd degree: “murder that is caused by the offender’s reckless conduct that display an obvious lack of concern for human life.”
Charge & convict him in every State, then have a lottery on where to lock him up.
All bu Trump supporters and gop members look how they put up fake ballot boxes to try and steal ballots they need to be locked up so they think twice about doing it again they refuse to take them down because barr would set in and save them now dems r in charge and we need to end this fantasy that the right will work with us what do they have to do steal democracy 4 u to realize they want full control and will keep undermining it till they get it
The only challenge Biden is facing is remembering who he is. Your country will still be the laughing stock of the world.
Well there is now proof Trump won Pennsylvania.