Biden Extends Lead Over Trump To 11 Points Nationally | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel discusses new national and statewide polling in the 2020 presidential race. Aired on 06/04/2020.
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Biden Extends Lead Over Trump To 11 Points Nationally | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. James theYounger lmao racist where, and to who? I’m half white, and I directly quoted the video, that’s not racist

  1. It’s amazing that Trump still has approval levels in the low 40’s. That’s some scarry stuff.

    1. @Jeffrey Walsby Sadly to say, the statistics prove that. I blame their education system, not the people

    2. @Jeffrey Walsby They did a survey one time, asking across the board, of where Americans thought different countries were on the global map, and the cultures of them. Half of them failed miserably, had no idea which country was which. Asked them about history of other countries, again failure…this is so sad, I remember in my younger years at school learning history and culture of many countries. Again, its the education system, not the students.

    3. @Alfred No. Uneducation is the systems failure, stupidity is a persons failure to understand things in a clear, rational way

  2. Why wait till November get him out of office now, we need the change now i can’t take anymore hurt.

    1. Because Republicans. If the Senate had gone blue last year, Trump would have been removed in February

    2. Well your about to be disappointed again because your gonna have to deal with it for another 4 years. 🤣. TRUMP2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸KAG🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🤣. #walkaway #BLexit

  3. Well said he’s already setting the stage for a civil war if and when he’s out voted out of office he’s already getting rid of those who have opposed him also trying to silence the press putting women and children in cages like animals he’s a dictator and Hitler, Kim John in, Puttin are his heroes ! I just can’t believe what I’m seeing and hearing this is America ! Not a Nazi dictatorship ! Although America was not perfect she was already great ! Resist fight back ! Lord have mercy on us ! And God bless America !!! 🙏☕👊

  4. We must make this a historic voting turn out!…… there’s still a lot of “Karen’s” out there

    1. Spot on, there’s still alot of Karen’s out there and alot of brain wash idiot’s. That they believe on Fox Fake News and Liar in Chief.

    1. I thought Texans voted Republican……NOT for the Trump Party?….I don’t see where Trump actually advances Republican values in any way…

    1. That’s what she said, 2016.
      Get it? lol Because Hillary was like,..nevermind.
      Trump 2020. 😁

    2. steel celt Trump has proven to us that he can’t lead during a crisis, I almost wanna thank patient zero for what has happened.

    3. @steel celt you fools should be smacked around until your brains start to function properly

  5. How trump even still has a chance right now is beyond me, with everything he has done so far.

    1. @Joe Shmoe can’t argue with facts. And I watch all media production and filter through the bullshi+.

  6. Seeing how Texas is so close, how long before the Texas sec of state starts purging hispanic names from the voter rolls??

    1. Wouldn’t surprise me. LOL Republic*cks are always scared to lose when more ppl turn out to vote!!!!

    2. It’s probably already happening. Texas should be sold to Mexico and we could improve the overall IQ in the U.S.

    3. @T B LOL it’d serve us right for f*cking up a perfectly good piece of territory which could have had such potential after we STOLE it from them nearly 200 years ago…..

  7. If we want him out we need to VOTE. If youre not doing a mail-in ballet, you better be there in person voting!

    1. To be completely 100 as a dem for over 30 years I just don’t know if we are going to win or not. I’m really scared. 11 points is not enough and these polls are never really accurate as I’ve seen as a democrat. I really want to believe biden is going to win I’m not too confident I was more confident in Clinton beating trump the last time and we saw how that turned out so whatever happens we will be really happy or really upset

    2. @Rock Bottomguy167 then vote and encourage others to vote. Rain or shine high or low polls vote. Republicans will be. And they will be working to stifle the vote of Democrats as they vote by mail.

    1. He just exposed how corrupt the system is all at the same time exposing himself that he is just as corrupt.

    1. Unfortunately there are still too many dumb Americans as you can see from replies to your comments that still walk are around with the wool over their eyes and thumbs up their backsides. Until those idiots wake up and pull their fingers out the world will remain in danger of the new dictator in the world.

    2. Nah that’s when a civil war starts. What happening now is only the beginnings. The system as a whole globally must fall and reform.

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