Biden Doubles Goal, Plans To Distribute 200 Million Vaccine Doses By 100th Day In Office | MSNBC

President Biden announces his goal to distribute 200 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by his 100th day in office after fulfilling his campaign promise of 100 million doses.

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#Biden #Vaccine #MSNBC

Biden Sets New Goal: 200 Million Vaccines By 100th Day In Office | MSNBC


    1. @Demetrius Dion <------ DNC drone goes for "I know you are but what am I". Niiiice.....

    2. @Harvey Manfredsenjenson, get a life, dude. At least, use the money that the Domacrates are giving you to good use, and take a good Grammar Class. This is what it for, to get you from living out of your mother’s basement to living on a higher ground. Good luck, wish you the best! Now, that’s being nice.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️😷☠

    3. @Harvey Manfredsenjenson I don’t know about drool but I figure he is having a hard time keeping his head above the Repuglicans tears. You people are pathetic.

    4. @Demetrius Dion Your talking to a Russian spam bots with over 530 propaganda comments 🤣 I suggest you look at the profiles… Biden is doing a great job.

  1. God bless you Mr President. Now if you can fire Mr Saul of the SSA a (leftover of the Trump administration) whose neglect of the American people is the reason why over 30 million disabled Americans, and Veterans who served this country has NOT gotten their stimulus as of TODAY!

    1. @Nuclear Christian
      Yeah. What a creep. He’s already got his sentence. Imagine walking around in life with a face that all but says; ” I’m a corrupt, ugly little creep! Oh yeah, and a weasel too!”
      (Sorry if any weasels were offended by this comment).

    2. @Nuclear Christian
      I believe if they start adding to the board, they can vote the demented weasel out. Hopefully that’s the plan.

  2. when he first announced the 100 million goal last year, I said it was a tough number to hit, but it got done. I hope the 200 million is achieved too!

    1. @The Man With No Name I read the bible when I was a kid – got it the first time. Oh, and the rest of your story goes down like a lead balloon, it sounds like you’re trying to actually start a conspiracy theory of your own with that fish tale. But no thanks, I already know what mRNA can and cannot do vis-a-vis genetic DNA, and don’t need your alternate version.

    2. @Guy North “Creating a new Progressive America is going to be an uphill battle. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it looks…” – joe biden

      “As a kitchen table, I learned a lot of lessons…”
      -Joe Biden

      “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.”
      -Joe Biden

      Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.” – Barack Obama.

      “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”- Joe Biden

      On covid; US covid infected in America, 6 thousand, 344 thousand, 700. joe biden

      On US covid deaths; One thousand, one hundred eighty nine thousand 506. joe biden

    3. @Nobody Knows I read some of the bible as a kid as well than I met with companies working on the MARK OF THE BEAST and it changed my world. This is the manufacturing, production and world wide distribution. The CFO called it the next I-phone and that the technology is complete and ready to go. This was back in 2014 and God sent me another witness working on project armageddon as well. They both said the same thing, by 2024 it will be here. Also in my line of work I dealt with many of the pharmaceutical industry companies as well. I met with many individual working on Noah 2.0 which is genetic armageddon. I have been writing on this and doing videos on this well before the Globalist Luciferian Satanists released this bio-weapon on the world which the plan was to vaccinate the world. Just go listen to Bill Gates he is high level, committee of 300. This is higher up the pyramid way more than Biden and Harris who are 100% pure satanists.

    4. @Steve’s Place Don’t play the blame game on covid infections and covid death under Joe Biden. He inherited it. Plus the numbers have been fake and over counted from day 1. In 2015 Joe Biden performed a satanic marriage ritual of death were he sentenced two souls to the lake of fire for eternity. Now undertaker Biden and his satanic pet snake named Kamala come to seal the coffin of the United States of America. Get prepared things are just going to get worse and worse. As I said months ago, when they grant illegals citizenship, being a citizen of the United States than holds no value.

  3. How anyone can still think Trump was a good president is beyond me. It took less than 100 days for “any other administration” to do better… cus that’s what Biden is… just your average president doing his job.

    1. I know right, lol.
      Check it out

      Trump is living rent free in your soul, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    1. “Creating a new Progressive America is going to be an uphill battle. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it looks…” – joe biden

      “As a kitchen table, I learned a lot of lessons…”
      -Joe Biden

      “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.”
      -Joe Biden

      Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.” – Barack Obama.

      “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”- Joe Biden

      On covid; US covid infected in America, 6 thousand, 344 thousand, 700. joe biden

      On US covid deaths; One thousand, one hundred eighty nine thousand 506. joe biden

    2. @The Man With No Name John is the writer of the comment…
      Notice the . After ‘John’?
      It’s called punctuation….😏

    3. ​@J Bifulco I am blind, thanks for pointing that out. Again this is not a vaccine this is DNA manipulation. This thing is bad news. Those of us warning on this, for me it has been 3 years we have been silenced and shutdown. I went to the LORD with not being able to get his message out, God has sent us the warnings not to take this vaccine, those who listen to his voice will not take it, I need to trust on that. Even many of the stupid churches and some ministers are pushing it. Us far right super bible thumpers end of days preachers are saying run as far away as you can. I met with these pharma companies in real life this is Days of Noah, genetic armageddon. You need to understand I don’t wear masks, social distance or follow any of this crap. Even me, I will not go eat in a restaurant or go to the movies. Maybe all the movie theaters are closed, no idea. No more concerts or sporting events. But I would go to a Golf tournament and I would go maskless. If I will not do those things how much less will people do who are scared of this virus?

    1. Biden was quoted as saying “When a toad buries his acorns, you can’t judge a tugboat by its cover. Where are my pancakes?”

    2. Its funny how many Republicans think Trump was the best and most successful President ever. The only real “accomplishment” that he signed into law was eliminating the inheritance tax for people worth over $10 million. They sold it as an important bill for farmers and small business. I don’t know how many farmers and small businesses are worth over $10 million.

  4. Thank you (A Real) Mr. President of our United States. Thank you for representing as one should in the highest government position of our country. Representing all Americans, all of the people of our great nation (that has always been great). Those who also isolate themselves and place labels on themselves know that they are also being represented regardless of party or ideals. Thank you!

  5. This must be why Biden’s approval numbers (58%) are the same as Don the Con’s disapproval numbers.

  6. This is good. Under promise and over deliver. A nice manageable goal that if met, gives confidence to the the US people and a political victory to Biden.

  7. God Bless President Joe Biden, God Bless America and its Democracy!
    Finally leadership we can have hope and believe in!!

  8. A quality individual , getting things done too benefit All Americans….not his friends.
    To those defending tRumps Record, it’s not even close.

  9. Happy that I voted for this man over Trump. I will never vote Republican again. This guy is not perfect, he’s clearly losing his mind, but he is so much better than what we had before lol

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