National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby outlined a report on the withdrawal in Afghanistan to be released to Congress by the White House.
RELATED: White House to release Afghanistan report, withdrawal the 'right move'
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#Afghanistan #Biden #War
Military tribunals needed decades ago
It was kinda the right decision, they just picked a most ignorant way to go about it.
There was no good way to do it since all of the agreements were between the Trump admin and the Taliban a full year prior to Trump’s end of presidency. The agreement gave the date that we were suppose to leave which was in the spring.
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I just texted him,I hope he replied soon
and imagine you can double it if the gov. will not interrupt
_”Emblematic of the mishandling of the entire withdrawal from Afghanistan was the fact that the Islamic State jihadist who murdered 13 American service members and numerous Afghans a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport in August 2021 had just been released from prison at Bagram Air Base, the center of American operations in Afghanistan until the United States precipitously and irresponsibly abandoned it in July of the same year.”_ – Robert Spencer, “Whose Lost Afghanistan?”
Trump did not even include the New Afghan government during the negotiations. The government that we helped build.
The Afhgans that worked with our troops giving them valuable information and sacrificing their safety were suppose to have paper work started almost a year before negotiated withdrawl date but that was just stopped, for whatever reason. A lot were stuck there. Their lives all in peril.
The date for withdrawl was already rescheduled once and doing it another time would be extremely risky.
Trump did not even include the New Afghan government during the negotiations. The government that we helped build.
The Afhgans that worked with our troops giving them valuable information and sacrificing their safety were suppose to have paper work started almost a year before negotiated withdrawl date but that was just stopped, for whatever reason. A lot were stuck there. Their lives all in peril.
The date for withdrawl was already rescheduled once and doing it another time would be extremely risky.
AND why did they hold the Democrats responsible for the Iraqi…Afghanistan war 20 years later? Remember, it was a slam dunk.
Trump announced the withdrawl from Afghanistan over a year before his term ended. Why didn’t he do the withdrawl? He had plenty of time to do it.
Yeah one do nothing president one sorry president the sorriest I’ve ever witnessed in 65 years a complete failure for leadership
Let’s go Brandon!