President Biden says he is considering a gas tax holiday and will meet with oil and gas company leaders amidst record high gas prices.
RELATED: Gas prices climb to record levels amid Russian invasion of Ukraine
President Joe Biden said Monday that he hopes to make a decision about a gas tax holiday by the end of the week, as the administration looks for ways to ease record fuel prices in a midterm election year.
Biden said he is considering a pause on the federal gas tax, which some lawmakers in his party have pushed as a way to reduce prices at the pump for Americans. "Well, I hope I have a decision based on the data I'm looking for … by the end of the week," Biden said Monday on vacation in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
The gas tax adds 18.4 cents total per gallon of gasoline – 18.3 cents in excise tax plus 0.1 cent in a storage fee. For diesel, it is 24.3 cents plus the 0.1 cent fee. The national average price for a gallon was $4.981 on Monday, according to AAA.
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#Biden #Gas #Inflation
A one time tax holiday.. thanks for the nickel grandpa.
I hope Biden doesn’t do it, what’s .18 cent, come on man
Please, no more Creepy Whispering and Stop the Blame Game
Why is he so creepyyyy?!?!
This man is a traitor! Arrest him!
I feel exactly the same way Bo Rood
How about you justify your millions on a Senators salary. Disgusting.
we need a Biden Holiday for the next two years
But we don t need him or Kamala Harris after January 20th 2025 Gilbert RAmirez
He should consider resigning!
That s just the way I feel Robert Wehle
Gaslighting administration. It’s your incompetence creeper.
Politicians should hand over all the profits they made from the pandemic.
I would n t hold my breath on that
Don’t do it Biden, what’s .18 cent, come on man
Thanks Joe ! I feel better already ! 18 cents is a great amount of money and I cannot wait put that in my savings with .0000001 interest !
I’m feeling richer already!
I’m 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, we are finding it impossible to replace it. We can get by, but cant seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.
@Mitchel I will be checking this out, thanks a bunch for sharing.
Gas prices will always have a direct effect on food prices, the trucks don’t run on hopes and dreams
My local supermarket have started selling their meat joints and steaks in hard plastic security tagged casings here……l kid you not.
keep buying gas like a sucker lol I bought an EV 6 yrs ago because I no longer want to be a prisoner to oil and gas companies lol
You’re not alone, but don’t worry.. if you retired at 65, more than likely as of now, social security will only be able to pay back 79% of what you paid them… This could continue to drop lower and lower as you reach 65. Also, Medicare will probably be broke as well.. In fact, the U.S. may not even exist the way we all see it now if this crap continues.
You have no luck on what your doing to us as the people, we have our own gas and oil , put the pipeline back on dummy, You are so not right
Wow! That like a whopping 3.5% discount. And he is ‘considering’ it. Gee Joey, are we worthy of such a thing?
Everyone let’s rent for 6 months until prices drop or move in with parents People need to stop buying and control the urge to buy in order for these prices to drop, people are making things worse by over bidding which in turn causes more damage to inflation
It’s true that stupid people can only do little things
What happened to the letters he said he wrote letters to the oil companies did he get any response from those letters or now they pen pals poor old man doesn’t even know where he is what country he lives in he thinks he’s living in Saudi Arabia