Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield joins MTP Daily to discuss Hunter Biden’s response to Trump’s attacks and the debate tonight. Aired on 10/15/19.
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Biden Campaign: Hunter Biden ‘Showed That He’s Not Going To Be Bullied By’ Trump | MTP Daily | MSNBC
The Biden’s are pure saints compared to the Trump’s…
Ian B let me know when an indictment happens. Until then STFU
@Slim NOLA Difference is I can point to the documents that demonstrate all I have said. All you have is empty smokescreens, bluff, bluster and attempts to shut down ideas that are contrary to you.
Speaking of smoking stuff… Do you think I have to be a Biden to see the issues associated with the Trump presidency?
No I do not intend to STFU! I shall continue to call it as I see it and if you dislike it that’s your problem. As I see it Donald is, as Shakespeare put it in Hamlet, “hoisted on his own petard.”
Ian B dude don’t be technically inclined to sound smart. No indictments and the Democrats look like tools again. So please STFU
@Slim NOLA changing the rules are you? Your initial post asked for crimes I gave some. So you shift to ask for indictments. Trump has sealed indictments from both SDNY and Mueller waiting for him to leave office and a change in Barr.
Tillerson, Perry and Bolton have all found Trump to be too far across the corruption line for their tastes.
So he is the question for you: where do you draw the line on ethical behavior in a President?
Uncle Joe please make America Sane Again

How is America insane?
Nobody wants Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden. We want Bernie Sanders.
Speak for yourself.
Who is “we”?
Why are we not concentrating on the trump trio. Eric, Don Jr., and Ivanka (her husband Jared)? They are doing what Trump is accusing Hunter of doing only ten folds more.
Keep your eye in the illegal business dealings of the Trumps!
Hunter was cleared, period end of subject.
But the Trump trio has not been investigated.
I’m curious as to what “Trump’s trio” is guilty of doing? I would love for you to explain it to me! Also I must have missed the memo about Hunter Biden being cleared…
CNN is not a reliable source, It’s as fake as Biden and his family.
Haha are you a joke?
ConTroller why do you think biden has any chance of winning?
@shkotzim baconBiden is a joke to me. why do you think I think Biden would win?! Bernie 2020
ConTroller oh my first comment was addressed to the other guy
@shkotzim bacon Frances use to be an anti Trump scholar till couple of weeks ago. Then he picked up Biden’s cause and did some amazing stuff till just now, where he accidently stabbed himself to death. Winter came for Frances Magnus in mid fall. SAD
Heyy Zaddyyy!!!
If you ain’t voting for Joe Bi

hur hur hurrr

You should put that on a shirt
But unfortunately Sleepy Creepy old Joe is going need more then that to win!
She is awesome.. Love her.
vote blue no matter who save our republic
Lol I agree…
That’s a week strategy
TRUMP 2020
In the middle of everything, why do we even have to pay attention to Hunter— c’mon people Trump will throw anything against the wall to try to distract us from what is important— HIS CRIMES (TRUMPS’S)
What are these crimes you speak of?!
TERRIBLE answer!
His buddy got him on the board!
Of course he had/has more pull because of a VP Daddy.
Just it wasn’t Joe directly directing him nor the board.
Hey trump, your melting, your melting. Look at yourself, your melting dude.
A wizard of Oz reference, That the best thing you came up with?!
This is why Trump is going to win Again in 2020. You can’t argue facts… So you go on a personal attack!
Just like the late John McCain’s funeral which turned into a Trump hate-fest
tRump does not appear to feel embarrassment or shame about lying. He doesn’t seem to be thinking about how he can lie in ways that can be defended as truthful. He seems to just state his lies starkly, and move on
What has Trump lied about?
Why did Hunter Biden quit his China job, if he wasn’t bullied out of it? He’s quickly trying to cover up his criminal tracks. President Trump has the Bidens’ number… and it’s the same number as the prison’s, that they’ll both be staying at.
You people must be on hard drugs! Everything you say is a bold face lie! How do you live with yourselves??!?!?
Well, this video went over like a lead balloon…
Not even MSNBC’s foreigner subscribers liked it?
chuck toddy totally lost objective reasoning elected officals seeking power and money unelected long term employees in doj fbi cia etc etc need term limits on all of them——- biden looks lost on debate stage thought pete looked good last night
Watching Hunter Biden “explain” he and his fathers corruption is like watching a fox on top of the hen house trying to explain to the farmer how it “WASN’T ME” who killed the chickens! (while blood and feathers are dripping from his mouth!). To use a Joey Biden euphemism….”C’MON MAN!!!!!”