Joe Biden said he hopes to answer questions "without interruptions" in the next debates against President Trump and called the president's conduct "a national embarrassment." Aired on 09/30/2020.
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Biden Calls Trump's Conduct In First Debate 'A National Embarrassment' | MSNBC
In a conversation with my teenage daughter about the debate I said the moderator should be able to cut the mic. She responded with Trump should be wearing a shock collar.
You keep telling yourself that.

@Easton Roberts Hurry, get to a doctor asap. Your eyesight and hearing are failing you.
@Gary G Like bidens demented brain
@Lindy Baker Clairvoyant
Probably watching the one in his head while vacationing at Broadmoor or Bellevue psych units
marty k from the mouths of the young, right on!
YES, shut down his michrophone after his 2 minutes. So Simple. WHY did this Not happen???
@OhighO Skater While we’re fixing issues we’ve found lets add that among the laundry list of other things. Set standard rules going forward and make a debate a requirement to qualify for office.
Was pretty sure I already knew but double checked. There are 3 requirements for presidency. I think McDonalds has a higher bar for employment. We might want to rethink the job application going forward.
Thanks for sharing though, didn’t know they had to agree to debate terms. I always kind of thought it was a given.
Frances Magro if you only have to defend yourself from a lier then answer a question and you got 2 min it’s not going to workout ! Then if you have to respond to a lie about you and do the rest in two min it’s not going to workout as well . Trump has to defend himself and explain that Biden lie too much then go on and xx answer a question! It really sucked that debate was useless ! The truth is people who listening a m d watching cnn too much and few other networks had created a relay bad attitude against our president thanks to CNN . Why don’t you stop watching those channels and learn to think for yourself . You should be more appreciative the hard working president Donald J. Trump! You guys seem to not have your own brain
so you Borrow a CNN brain to bash and never give the president any credit for all his hard work. The democrats party going to destroy your life . You really have no clue of what those socialist had in mind .its a shame that you just holding on to what headlines that makes the president look bad created to fail you from seeing the true things .
@Blondina101 101wow You are funny!
@MJB For Trump Having an opinion is not “rigging the election” or committing fraud.
So Biden can wear RA contacts. He read from his contacts that is fraud. Lying Biden lost you fools wake up
To you mr. Biden continue to stick to the issues answer the questions directly and continue to be the gentleman that you are and let that fool rant and rave and make a fool out of himself you don’t have to help him he does that all by himself
Agreed. Only the designated speaker & moderator should have a live mike.
Why, when most people tune in to see entertainment? Civility never brings in the ratings. This kind of circus does. It’s like Jerry Springer but with two elderly contestants.
“A national embarrassment” is the understatement of the century. Trump is an incompetent fool. The next two debates- Trump’s going to do the same thing ;lies, name calling ,, lies some more,constant interruptions,than lies again. Trump can’t and unable to debate because he can’t string one full coherent sentence together. Trump tried to hide his stupidity and incompetent by hurling insults and projecting.
Sgt. Terra you didnt state one fact
KodachiC he is a billionaire. Take a finance class. His debt is not the same as your debt
@ScottNWC Who counts the votes is all that matters.
@Lamonzo Make a doctor’s appointment asap. Your hearing and eyesight are failing you.
@Gary G just got out of the nut House and they said I was just like Trump……We both got 2020 this is where I drop the mic and say latter winder lickers
Turn Trump’s mic off when it isn’t his turn.
@Lobster Venus a few times compared to trump 70 times, dont be a trump bootlicker
@First Last then why would you? That makes no sense ! He does nothing but lie & is a complete embarrassment to the USA as a whole.
@Lobster Venus if we’re going to keep score here, then it’s clear that Trump interrupted Biden about 10 times more often than Biden did Trump…
This isn’t rocket science. You get a timer. You set it for 2 minutes. The other guys mic is shut off during that time. This is simple enough that kindergarteners could pull it off
@Bittersweetbrawl you dopey leftys love to bring that up, it was sarcasm, but your narratives are falling apart and you really have nothing left.
make the next meeting on zoom, bring the candidates to the debate site and stick them in separate rooms
Dewey…..I see that you have got a “comment” from a “desperate” Trump supporter.Its a wonder Trump didn’t endorse the KKK as well.Germany thought that Adolf Hitler was “great” in the 1930’s……..they didn’t think the same in 1945.America needs to shut the door on the Fascists,before they really get a hold.Trump is just a “stepping stone” for them,a “vehicle” so they can grab power……don’t let them People vote

3rd of November 2020.
@O’Neal Jones I ain’t a troll mate. Just a person not using his own name on here, which you I think ain’t doing as well. I have legit political opinions. In the United States, there currently is a brawl between the military industrial complex/interests of pro-globalists, and someone not aligned with their policy preferences; Trump. We’re seeing it play out in daylight. I do not know whose victory would be better. I do believe that the current system itself was responsible for creating enough support for a person like Trump, which in itself should be a good argument against it.
@abby T your either a traitor,a Q head or a Russian troll
@Thomas d’Aquino show proof and not Q HEADS newsletters
Trump was loud because he wanted chaos.
He thinks that’s the only way he can win.
We’re now talking about his performance and not about his tax fraud.
Solution: Mute the mic of whoever does not have the floor.
Might need security too, wouldn’t put it past Trump to just walk across the stage to the live mic and keep interrupting.
With all due respect to Chris Wallace, he should have switched off 45’s mic. It WAS ON HIM as the referee to properly moderate the battle, er, the debate. Come on Wallace, man up next time!
Trump will just scream like a baby over the dead mic anyway
Hit the one who is talking out of turn with a cattle prod that will shut him up quick.
@diane scott Can I be the one with the cattle prod? Please?
“Actually, tonight’s DEBATE made history, it was the first time I ever watched something on TV and wished there were commercials on” – Jimmy Fallon 29/ Sept / 2020

OK everybody, here’s the chant for the next debate:
@Michael Spadafora sound just like the sheep you are. So I guess you love white supremacist too!
@Michael Spadafora that is not the point of a debate. Two people on a stage, two minutes for each topic. That is what was agreed on by both parties. Like his usual narcissistic self, Trump doesn’t think the rules that were agreed on should apply to him.
@Nancy Stroh dingbat morons should not get involve in politics, period.
@michalena333 biden kept deflecting questions and just telling people to vote. that man didn’t answer a single question directly or honestly.
How are you still undecided after watching Trump’s embarrassing performance last night?
Please do not ignore, this is a
Divine Warning:
Only the truly innocent will be spared…
You must choose,
righteousness or evil?!!!
There is no in betweens…
FAKE president, trump is a national embrassment. Truth matters
@Ali Powe OK brother and you literally just regurgitated the same talking points from EVIL-CNN and MSNBC. So what’s the difference?
@Barry Snow I read everything. Any news that I can come across. Unlike you foxites and pinheads, I read. Even conservative columns. If it’s informative, I’m all for it. What I don’t do, is allow others to shape my ideals or beliefs. Nor am I subservient to any statesman or politician. You’re entitled to believe in whatever you wish. And that is your right. Just because someone had differences in beliefs or opinions, doesn’t necessarily make them wrong. That’s the problem with both sides. One thing is clear: if you put all of your hopes and stock in this president, and don’t see, taste, touch, smell or hear the proverbial writing on the wall—then you my friend must be a moron.
@Sebastian Sutton I didn’t. So..whatever.
Sebastian Sutton glad to see you obey the dog whistle just like Pavlov’s dog. Your master calls you.
@Ali Powe Because you are a Pro-Palestine Muslim and you want war?! All The Jews in the middle east are at peace! All the Muslims who are successful and value a strong work ethic are at peace! The war is in your heart!
When you think of Trump, the words that come to mind are ones like “vile,” “depraved,” and “loathsome.” Trump is indeed a profound national embarrassment.
In Europe and Asia, we see trump as the clown and conman. He’s an international embarrassment for USA. We are equally very impressed how dumb his supporters are.
I 100% agree with you, and he is a clown and an embarrassment, that’s exactly what he is.
With that comment, you look stupid.
Trump doesn’t even know what a debate is…let alone democracy!

trump has been called a bully, cheater and a liar by the most respected people. And he showed his true character(s) well at the debate. he looked red and full of rage.
One good thing about last night’s debate: We saw Biden as a true gentleman and Trump as a Gestapo-styled thug!
how true
Or a feeble minded cousin of AD
Yes it was an embarrassment for the US as people watched all over the world!
The CLOWN has been a “NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT” for the last FOUR YEARS !!