New CNN poll shows trouble ahead for Democrats in the midterm election as President Joe Biden's numbers fall. CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein reports. #CNN #News
Biden calls reporter a ‘wise guy’ over inflation question

New CNN poll shows trouble ahead for Democrats in the midterm election as President Joe Biden's numbers fall. CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein reports. #CNN #News
He refused to acknowledge inflation with his privileged perspective.
…and the Johns Hopkins report shows that the dictatorial, authoritarian gaffes against the constitution that were advertised by corporate media did nothing but ruin 3 generations of Americans for the sake of the boomers yet again.
The old and the fat. No wonder Chuck Schumer is terrified.
He knows what this thing was designed to do.
Democrats are the enemy of the American people obviously
@PjotrII nice try excuse for your Biden vote.
@H2o Echo Unfortunately I can´t vote for Biden (I would if I could). It is not that Biden is the best of the best, it is that he is a decent leader, compared to the embarrassing cringe the US elected before him.
@PjotrII so trumps expensive solar panels are to blame ? Riiiiiiiight
the comment section looks like it’s going crazy over this one

MAGA panic
@Marvin Westmaas And 91 million will vote against any Republican that runs against President Biden in 2024 he is not going anywhere until 2028. Then Katy Porter or someone like her will run this nation for another 8 years. By 2028 there will be no Republican party. More floods out daily about all their dirty deeds and deals.
@RuRdy2RK if you think one side is against us all, you’re paying attention man. Good God you’re brainwashed
@Marvin Westmaas I wonder how many of those 81 mil now wish they had not?
@Rob S. Only the dung dum’s buy into the cultist propaganda, we’ll see after the midterms if the cult lost or not shall we?
Inflation is the increase in prices this year over last year. So the current number is the increase in 2021 over 2020. Now what was going on in 2020 that might have caused prices to be low????
If they think 7.5% is a tough number, imagine how it will feel when most people realize it’s actually more like 15%. The CPI is highly manipulated.
@John Coloe The CPI is not an accurate measure of inflation.
For example, rent accounts for a whopping 40% of the CPI, which the BLS cites at 4.4%. The Washington Post, however, cites rent inflation at over 14%.
I’m sure there are more ways the BLS plays with these numbers to avoid increasing social security benefits which are tied to inflation.
Many people will tell you that inflation is higher than 7.5% without breaking down the numbers because it is self evident. The balance in their bank account has more credibility than govt or corporate media. We already know unemployment rate numbers aren’t credible (people dropped out of workforce), so its government’s duty to make a persuasive case why CPI deserves more credibility. They have not made this case.
@John Coloe are you aware that if you took the original CPI formula and used it today we would be at 15%? What good is a formula if you adjust it to give you the desired result?
Back up your bullshit or keep it to yourself
Dig in that kitchen drawer, pull out a shopping receipt from one year ago. Use it as a shopping list. Subtract it from your your new purchase. You will find LESS than $7 on the hundred.
This stuff is so easy to prove to yourself.
I’m tired of the whiners more than I’m bothered by the 1%’s problem because it’s not my problem.
7% annualized is .625% per month – so today I have to chip in an extra 63 cents for every HUNDRED DOLLARS I spent 30 days ago.
For every THOUSAND DOLLARS I will pay $6.25 more
Where oh where will I find that money?
gtfoh, people need to buck up a little. Just replacing a sh*tty cup of Dunkin every workday for year with a cup of PREMIUM homemade Starbucks would save enough to pay the inflation one ONE MILLION DOLLRS and I sure as heck don’t spend a million bucks a year. I do prefer Starbucks and I might be smart enough to make my own damn coffee – your mileage may vary but your savings wont.
Let Joe Manchin and the other 1% worry about inflation – it’s not really a problem for the little guy unless you’re more into feelings than facts, in which case, cry me a river
@Thadeus Lund You conveniently chose to ignore my closing comment. I couldn’t give a rip what you think about the CPI. You’re making hyperbolic, nonsensical statements to promote an ideological/political/partisan agenda.
Inflation is a very really problem. However, it’s not one that this or any other president can do much about. Even if they did wield this kind of power, it’d be a damned if they did/damned if they didn’t situation.
The very people shouting the loudest about inflation, blaming Biden, are the same folk who want limited government. You don’t get to have it both ways. So sorry.
So, take your CPI rock and push that up someone else’s hill. Because I wholehearted disagree with both your viewpoint and your tactics.
From Asia.
We are suffering from inflation too. In economics, inflation refers to a general progressive increase in prices of goods and services in an economy. It refers to situations where there are not enough products or services being produced to keep up with demand, causing prices to increase. Corporations are profiting, using inflation as an excuse to raise prices.
@Bolek Pieczonka Yale.
“Inflation is a great asset.” – Joe Biden…You, we, are suffering b/c the powers that be want us to suffer so they can consolidate and pay off debt at our expense.
@Brian Ward
BS. A Yale graduate wouldn’t be wasting time here. Go back to Fox News
@Brian Ward Yeah I don’t believe you for a second. Primarily because you disagreed with the original comment. Displays a clear lack of economic understanding on your part.
@Brian Ward

Careful don’t want to make grandpa Joe mad
Can you imagine if you really asked everyone?
The facts that these humans can jjst avoid the question the people want when it’s the people world shows exactly how much they control
It IS a VALID question. Where is the answer? – instead of being arrogant – answer the question.
He can’t answer a question unless it’s on the teleprompter.
Dont worry its “transitory” – joe biden in March 2021
@jeck jeck rent free in your head
@jeck jeck can you say, “ useful idiot”?
@jeck jeck when even liberal news channels like this have an enormous predominance of negative comments regarding this administration you know the liberals are losing – big time!
Media spreads misinformation
@Eliza Dolittle true true
Wow CNN , you’re finally waking up to the truth .
No choice. Crap ratings.
I like the fact that Biden admits that he has contact with cooperations. It’s nice when a corporate democrat is honest
Imagine raising prices and reporting record profits simultaneously. They are not coming back down, until corporate is certain that policy initiatives have been crushed, and corporate tax cuts can flow once again.
Question to CNN management: one of your “newscasters” suggested cutting the tires on the trucks to clear the streets in Ottawa. How would that reporter suggest the truck be removed without tires? Do they understand how difficult it is to remove those big trucks with a tow truck? How many tow trucks would it take? CNN needs to get rid of ALL their newscasters and start over if they want to be a legitimate channel again. They are all tainted at this point.
They are taints
They’re clueless
I saw our Presidents vocabulary is improving when asked about inflation.
Your president
CNN quite literally has lost its soul, some time since.
@Chaz Hawthorne our
Biden snaps at reporter for asking about inflation,
CNN: “so let’s talk about how bad Trump is”.
@Shane Lavender trump derangement syndrome is real.
Anytime democrats are asked a question they can’t answer …they divert to discussing Trump. It’s pathetic.
@David R. Stone
LMAO, reich wingers can’t stop crying about a nonexistent border crisis, snowflakes.
CNN has been reporting on inflation non stop. Do you even watch CNN?
@Bush Family Videos Your point? Donnie’s supporters were bringing up “Trump Derangement syndrome” even when criticisms were directed during his Presidency too. Or is your memory that short
I like the bouncing around between “inflation is a good thing”, to “inflation was caused by Covid-19/supply chain”, to “only an idiot would ask about inflation.” Whatever sticks. Problem is, nobody believes it.
Oh no! Many, many low-IQ CNN followers and Dem sheep believe it. Their support is not based on rationality, factual reality, or anything except emotional hysteria. Their legion numbers are defining the fatal flaw in degenerate America. This is how civilizations die. It has always happened, and now it’s happening in real time. Quite a show. It is what the Chinese apparently use in a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” These are VERY interesting times, times in which honesty, decency and even reality are out of style.
What is your solution to the inflation problem, wise guy?
The markets are been propped up by the FED printing money with NO limit, every time the Market blips down the FED dumps cash into the dip. I see any market condition as an opportunity so far I’ve made over $505k in raw profits from just q4 of 2021 Am I selling? Absolutely not. I have purchased growth stocks too a little at a time over the past few weeks. I am going to sit back and observe how this all plays out.
I hope you make so much money and that the market don’t crash and your left completely brome
@Marble Garden due to Covid but the mass stimmies, and the trillions of dollars of spending for foreign countries didn’t do it at all right?
@Marble Garden joe said he was gone fix it still waiting
@Brian Johnson he doesn’t have a crystal ball. Also, the American economy is doing very well, do you remember the state it was in when Trump left office? It’s not Biden’s fault that as COVID declined the economy began to pick up and make the gains it had lost over the previous 2 years… that’s actually a good thing. But all this pent up supply and demand (along with corporate greedy price gouging) as meant an uptick in inflation. This is true around the world. Do you know what inflation did prior to this? Basically nothing, so it’s just catching up to where it should be mostly. But nonetheless, democratic politicians seek to raise wages, whereas Republicans don’t. So ultimately your wages will increase. It’s not fair to blame Biden for the inflation that is world wide when he’s been in office of a single year… have some perspective. This inflation would have occurred no matter who was president. Don’t forget that Trump has been a cancer on the world. America was clearly at each other’s throats because Trump wanted to keep everything in a constant state of chaos, putting one side against the other. I’ve lived in many countries, and it’s extremely obvious that Republicans want Americans fighting one another. Use your brain, man.
@FlushaArt Intergalatic such a brilliat trumper he doesn’t even kow he’s participating in a spam thread
Biden’s Brain Breaks During Interview with Lester Holt: “And There is No Way We Were Ever Going to Unite Ukraine…I Mean Excuse Me Iraq…Afghanistan” (VIDEO)
Never has the United States been in more wretched hands. LETS GO BRANDON.
That’s President Brandon LOL
@Rick Evans Can only be called president of you’re actually elected.
Were you asleep from 2016 to 2020?
@Kikeordaz Martinez No, I enjoyed a secure southern border. Zero inflation. And citizenship in a country that was respected in the world community. Trump built up America. biden is tearing it down. I don’t allow CNN to dictate to me who’s a good President. I use common sense judgment. Number one, Trump was actually elected, and not installed by theft. Number two, his policy brought prosperity, and safety. Trump did was he swore an oath to do. biden deliberately violates law. And the results speak for themselves.
@J-Bro Have you tried wiping Trump’s jeez off your eyes so you can see better?