President-elect Joe Biden encouraged voters to turn out in record numbers for the Senate runoff elections and vote for Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff while campaigning in Atlanta. Aired on 12/15/2020.
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#JoeBiden #PresidentElect #MSNBC
Biden Calls On Voter To Turn Out While Campaigning For Warnock And Ossoff In Georgia | MSNBC
Why not give Democrats a chance to get us out of this mess? The last four years have been a disaster.
@Afi James No, he won’t. Biden isn’t in it to stroke his ego and prop up a brand and enrich his kids and give tax breaks to all his millionaire buddies.
@Tangible Focused
You’re delusional Biden done more for Americans than Trump ever could..thanks be to God for Biden
@Roseann Peters he has been a snake since day 1. 47 years and his claim to fame is the unrighteous and prison industrial complex 94 crimebill. Where he is going is going to be glorious.
@Thomas Thompson , you mean President Obama that dragged our economy out of the republican’s Great Recession, the worse economic downturn since the 1930’s? Obama that had the Dow increase 164%, decreased unemployment from 9% to 4.5%, created over 12 million jobs, and faced two pandemics and lost less than 12,500 Americans.
@Vickie Shoemaker where exactly did trump fail?
Please Georgia,vote blue… continue the winning streak!!
I’m voting tomorrow

@Frail Bones Biden trumplodyte parrot regurgitating tired old talking points

Let’s see how “fake” that investigation into Russian interference that produced the Mueller report and its 10 counts of obstruction are once your trumpenfuhor is not hiding behind the skirt of the office!

On top of his tax evasion, tax fraud he has several more legal liabilities he can’t hide from anymore either… oh it’s gonna be a rough 4 years for ya snowflake!
@Frail Bones Biden furthermore snowflake, nobody is for “open borders” and “terrorists attack” (you trumplodytes sure are SUCKERS for buzzwords
One thing Biden is NOT for is the trumplodyte xenophobic wet dream that is the Stephen Miller trump immigration policy.
I look forward to your impending, buzzword laden, trumplodyte propaganda “retort”
Vote republican if you want fear and stupidity running the senate say no vote blue
@Emmy M

No pressure Georgia, just the fate of the planet.
@Riley Moore Oh thanks for clearing that up.
@Emmy M Thanks Emmy! Have seen several of your comments & appreciate you guys voting blue in GA!! Go get em!!

@Wolf Of Redwall we will definitely always need cops, but nearly as heavily as we have now
@Riley Moore i understand. And have a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.
America needs to right itself. Evil and heartless McConnell needs to go away.
@Random Internet User gtfoh!
@Random Internet User go tell that to all those white folks complaining about Trump loosing the election!
Please help elect the blue Senators to make America more of what it should be.
He needs to be investigated.
@Carrie Ullrich red or blue neither cares about Native black Americans!
biden pls stay inside and get rid of that cold
That throat clearing has me concerned too but hoping a good days rest will help.
@Harry Mak could just be the speaking loudly and multiple times a day if he is doing that
Gave me the urge to clear MY throat every few seconds.
I teach online and every day I end like this. Ha.
the Trump trials begin on January 21st
@UChBygwR3wRziGoh4Up1fEGg identifying himself as a Chinese asset sure is convenient.
Did you know Russia and China work very closely together in many of their operations.
Soo… probably those guys too
@Random Internet User Right, as you point out, Trump received $10 billion in Chinese trademarks that he failed to receive during the 2 decades prior to entering the White House.
Not to mention the fact that Trump owes the Bank of China a $297,000,000 million dollar load that is due in full in 2022, which explains why he’s manipulating our least educated into still donating to his campaign 3 weeks after he lost.
Imagine being so darn stupid, you take food from your families mouths, to donate to someone you believe is a ‘billionaire’.
@Random Internet User As you point out, Trump is bought and paid for by China. No decisions he makes can be trusted, because are they for china , the country he’s beholden to…or not. Giving Trumps 4 decade past, likely he’s siding with China over America, when money is involved.
@Jeremy Backup Trump is bought and paid for by China?

And 10 will be held by H for the “Big guy” We’re going to see who China owns.
Man it’s cold today in Georgia.Stay warm Joe.
Become the voice of Georgia by voting
Vote save America

Vote BLUE!
I’m not religious at all.. but man I hope for the US.. to become a kinder place
It will probably get worse before it gets better unfortunately.. both parties are extremely evil and all lying politicians America will be a 3rd world country . It’s already happing
Toh yes
oh wow
@Curtis Lee
not at all..
Just really hopefully for the US.. become a more just n fairer place..
Shows how programmed ive/ we’ve been… atheist for years and still engage the imaginary folk when expressing high hopes..
@We are Not Free
has more than enough wealth to share around its people…
.. the lower n middle communities of our big brother n trad Allie going through what I realise is now the last 30-40 yrs..
Very interesting subjects.. freedom.. the US … it’s politics n culture/s esp as it’s supposed/ is/ claims to be 1st world and compared to half the
Sad to watch from
realising that places like Aussies, NZ, Canada, Scandinavia .. are very luck to have been setup far better..??
@We are Not Free
Why no universal healthcare.. basic simple idea.. healthcare being a human basic..
I have NOT felt hopeful over the last 4 years. Now, I have hope!
President Elect Biden is sick and still fighting for America! Go Joe!
God bless Joe Biden and our country
Never has the fate of so many been in the hands of so few! *VOTE!*
@Ruby Clark what’s your truth?
I am seriously so happy our country will get back to some normalcy in a few weeks. Thank goodness the clown show is over!
“Send me these two men – and we will control the senate” . You heard your president. Make it happen Georgia
All I heard was throat clearing, is he okay?
It’s not about control, I think, so much as removing the power of that concrete turtle in the middle of the constitutional road.
@Solstice of Snow: Everywhere I’ve seen Joe Biden today he has been clearing his throat.
Count how many times he did please.
We love you President Biden! We the people United agains evil vote Blue!
Let’s go Georgia you can do it .
Suddenly Georgia has become the center of the world. Go Georgia and be a blue!
Roh yes
oh wow
Come on Man and women vote Blue Come Georgia get us through
Come on Georgia!!! Your country needs you now!!
Vote blue Georgia, republicans