Biden takes jab at Trump calls him, 'one of the most racist presidents in modern history'.
RELATED: Watch the full final debate between Trump and Biden here
Former Vice President Biden calls out President Trump's race relations record during the final presidential debate.
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#biden #trump #presidentialdebate
Biden has no room to talk just search up what he’s said in the past about black people.
@OnyoMeji how? Explain please? We’ll wait….
@OnyoMeji please stop just parroting what the media spoon-feeds you and think for yourself please.
Even in the world of Minecraft ….. This is Bullshit , right !?!
@OnyoMeji Google rewards trumps been given ill give you a hint trump Muhammad ali and rosa parks have 1 award in common what is it?
@just john yessir
The Hunter Biden laptop has a receipt with Hunter Biden’s signature! LOL!!!!
The role of the media is to report the news. Not endorse candidates. What happen to unbiased journalism

It’s dead
@IonicMAP no read the caption. It states Trump among the most racist president. That’s clearly an opinion. And a endorsement for the other candidate
The Society of Professional Journalists removed objectivity from their code of ethics in 1996. They replaced it with advocacy, which is activism.
Google the ‘repeal of the Fairness Doctrine’ to understand why the media is intensely biased now. Write your congress member demanding the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine.
They have been bought by the radical left
Your publication is so biased….
What has he done for the black community?
Which one are you referring to?
Bring the army
I know Biden put a lot of black people in jail ohhh wait didn’t Harris do that too bahahah
Dude’s mentor was Strom Thurmond…disqualified.
@Hank Bridges The Black Panther girl.
TONY B (Biden business partner) just opened up a world of hurt for Biden. He just did an interview on FOX. This is going to get crazy
I can’t wait.
Abraham Lincoln here.. Oh God
This reminds me of HRC. “Look I have hot sauce, I’m your friend”.
except now it’s despacito
Poor boys stand back and stand by.
A lot fewer of them since Trump took office. They should stand back and stand by for Nov 3rd, so they can vote Trump and take their first step away from the Dem plantation.
If the media was in any way fair, they would be hammering Joe Biden and be asking him every single time, “Do you denounce Marxism?” in the same way Trump was asked “Do you denounce white supremacy?”, surprised he wasn’t asked that for the 10 millionth time tonight.
So are we just ignoring the fact that Joe’s own VP called him a racist?
@Jody Love Keep living in your fact free bubble.
@Chris Johnson could you link it for me? i havent seen it yet
@Ryan so you’re saying you didn’t watch the democratic debates?
@The Bunz link the goddam video
@mike coxbeg ……please show me the video or article where she stated that? Unlike trump supporters, l deal in real facts not word of mouth.
If you say racist enough times, you get an Honorary Race Hustler Card from Al Sharpton.
Joe Biden once said he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle” in regards to desegregation. Fact checked by snopes as “correct attribution.”
he also said blacks don’t have diversity of thought and will be put back in chains if they don’t vote right. He also said u had to have an india accent to go to a seven eleven.
A vote for Biden and Kamala is a vote to keep people in prison for cheap labor!
Biden has M-U-L-T-I-P-L-E videos of him stirring the pot on racism, look them up
Dude’s own VP called him a segregationist and printed I am that girl t-shirt
I so hate “done nothing” Joe Biden and his historic “do nothing” policies.
So funny when Trump says he’s the least racist person.
Ah yes, Trump is up there with the likes of Abraham Lincoln too I see!