President-elect Joe Biden addressed the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the recent cyberattack during a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware.
#Biden #CNN #News
Biden answers questions about pandemic and cyberattack

President-elect Joe Biden addressed the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the recent cyberattack during a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware.
#Biden #CNN #News
I remember when he said ” Its going to be a dark winter!”
@no way Dude, please lay off the conspiracy theory sites. Health care workers are working their asses off and dying from helping people with Covid. It is no myth, and the reason you hear about it more than other deaths is because it’s an ongoing pandemic.
@Devin Grant I do that’s why I only comment on cnn videos. I don’t actually watch or listen to them.
@Purple Light Your post is about the corruptible voting machines. Like I always say “Like a thief in the night, so is a Democrat stealing the election.” I figured the odds in my head of what happened. It doesn’t add up. Something is wrong.
The mathematical odds of Biden suddenly moving ahead at 3am with a huge spike on the graphs is suspect. I follow betting odds in sports and the odds don’t add up. Something is wrong.
Joe is compromised by China so he can’t be US president period. He can be president in China.
Remember before any party,,, YOU ARE AMERICAN, take care of your country family friends and your neighbors
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:1)
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo, who owns Pfizer! Pfizer is owned by Blackrock finances, who managed the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which serves the French AXA. Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur, who by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan that was bought the German Allianz. Which has, Vanguard as a shareholder, which is also a shareholder of Black Rock. Black Rock controls the central banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital, and is a major shareholder in Microsoft. Microsoft is property of Bill Gates who happens to be a shareholder of Pfizer. (Which sells the miracle vaccine) and is currently the first Sponsor of WHO. Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell is Mossad. Bill Gates is both a Rockefeller & a Maxwell. ‘Dr Fort Detrick’ Fauci owns HIV/Sars Covid interaction patents:
In the New Testament the word pharmekeia occurs three times (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 9:21; 18:23). Each time, it is translated as ‘sorcery’ or ‘magic’ = the use of drugs, potions, spells, and/or poisoning, witchcraft, magical potions. Injecting aborted foetal tissue is a vile form of experimental Transhumanist eugenics.
GM, mRNA/DNA modifications…
The real pandemic is Biden, Soros, Gates, Bezos (Amazon owner) Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab & their nefarious Dominion, Big Tech, Big Pharma CCP globalisation shenanigans.
A treasonous brood of vipers? Perhaps, even a part of the very Synagogue of Satan Jesus warned us about?
(Banned from YouTube)
Matthew 10:26
Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed; and hidden that will not be known………
Remember everything American.
Pretend President and Vice President Elect! YOU CHEATED! YOU GOT CAUGHT! TRUMP WILL REMAIN PRESIDENT! Biden and his disgusting family will not get close to the White House.
“Relief Package” is a joke..
@Okemicco so is fascism
HERE is The ORIGINAL Semitic Text. You NEED to READ This
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
“Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad – “Behold The Hand”
He – “Behold the Breath”
Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” PROVES YAH THE HEAVENLY FATHER WAS WHO THEY CRUCIFIED That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "Hand" Formed man from the dust of the Earth and His "Breath" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "Nail" through YaH’s "Hand", that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His Breath brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH “Praise ye YaH” From The Hebrew Book of Isaiah, The Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
Joe is compromised by China so he can’t be US president period. He can be president in China.
@J K If anybody is compromised by another country its trump to russia. Well documented.
@Peace Frog Who is the real threat? China or Russia. If not a China why we can’t bomb N Korea? Russia is our friend. Look at the globe map who is protecting from North side of ocean? Get the brain frogy.
These measures are the biggest humiliation and embarrassment the USA has ever been through!
No, Komrade, And I did enjoy Battleship Potemkin -have you ever thought that the Chinese aren’t going to cyber revenge on the Bear?
@Flora Stewart ^ Asylum escape, someone get this guy
Joe is compromised by China so he can’t be US president period. He can be president in China.
@J K Proof? Or are you a Trump loyalist to the last drop.
@J K

0:14 calls for racial Justice that he never will answer. Ask sharpton in the Congressional Black talkers in that zoom meeting
Merry Christmas
Everyone and Happy new year ..
Thanks you too : )
@The Great Anointed Lord Trump. I’m sorry to disappoint you but….
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:1)
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo, who owns Pfizer! Pfizer is owned by Blackrock finances, who managed the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which serves the French AXA. Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur, who by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan that was bought the German Allianz. Which has, Vanguard as a shareholder, which is also a shareholder of Black Rock. Black Rock controls the central banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital, and is a major shareholder in Microsoft. Microsoft is property of Bill Gates who happens to be a shareholder of Pfizer. (Which sells the miracle vaccine) and is currently the first Sponsor of WHO. Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell is Mossad. Bill Gates is both a Rockefeller & a Maxwell. ‘Dr Fort Detrick’ Fauci owns HIV/Sars Covid interaction patents:
In the New Testament the word pharmekeia occurs three times (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 9:21; 18:23). Each time, it is translated as ‘sorcery’ or ‘magic’ = the use of drugs, potions, spells, and/or poisoning, witchcraft, magical potions. Injecting aborted foetal tissue is a vile form of experimental Transhumanist eugenics.
GM, mRNA/DNA modifications…
The real pandemic is Biden, Soros, Gates, Bezos (Amazon owner) Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab & their nefarious Dominion, Big Tech, Big Pharma CCP globalisation shenanigans.
A treasonous brood of vipers? Perhaps, even a part of the very Synagogue of Satan Jesus warned us about?
(Banned from YouTube)
Matthew 10:26
Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed; and hidden that will not be known…..
Merry Christmas
God Bless our 2 term Dually elected President Donald Trump 
This great nation of ours was built on principles of all else the requirement of us is to stand up for what we believe in no matter the consequences or odds in some ways we forgotten about that I guess January 20th is when the healing will begin

Back when it was today’s Republicans in that party…. Ideology of a century ago that isn’t relevant since the political party ideological flip and doesn’t reflect reality now, not only offends the racists and sexists in the Republican party now, and tries to cover up the hate motivated things they do now.
Like restricting voting for diverse neighborhoods, because they can’t sell their policies there.
Lincoln would be ashamed of the current Republican party…. Just ask everyone who supports the Lincoln project, and Republican voters against Trump.
Kick the KKK out of the modern Republican party… The Democratic party had the guts to kick them out.
@Carrie Ullrich
. That’s BS. Biden is a known racist all his life. Where do you think all those racist gaffes come from? Good old Joe making a mistake? No, they come from his racist soul he can’t help himself.
Well I agree with both opinions and everybody is entitled to their opinion but let’s be honest here both sides left and right have dropped the ball in some Ways both sides have Scandal to their names one is even better than the other and now the American people need help and they both can come to an agreement they’re still struggling over it in some way
I dont think so! After four years of slander and disgusting hate aimed at us from you leftist sickos?
(BREAKING! Vice President Pence Poised to REJECT Biden’s Electors!!!) Copy and Paste on youtube. Enjoy the video let me know your thoughts.
IOT across the board is apparent and forecasts were made aware of before this POTUS now refusing to concede and absolutely is ignorant to the fact of big data that bombards our systems constantly and is in need of aggressive R and D to improve the information highway of today and tomorrow to come.
Not only that, China is crushing us in development of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The only good news is we may be able to use AI to suss out theirs and model a more successful future.
Biden: “I don’t think I saw that movie”
Their busy shredding documenys
Thwy must have the Clinton shredding documents playbook still laying around the White House.
Yep. But smart people took pictures, and there has never been so many hook deals talking about a President during and after his presidency.
2020, the one year I lost interest in celebrating Christmas. Some year good riddance
He is going nowhere. More than likely 8 more years.
Money for other countries to have boarder security to build walls
Poor in spirits. Grow up poor is a sickness. Go away.
When I have all the Money on Earth, I’m going to give it back to everyone on Earth equally. Everyone that lives on
deserves an equal share of 
Georgia VOTE BLUE early and Jan 5 !
What shampoo do you use?
Death to the pedocrats
I love blue. Very relaxing.
(BREAKING! Vice President Pence Poised to REJECT Biden’s Electors!!!) Copy and Paste on youtube. Enjoy the video let me know your thoughts.
DEM do you want Biden to have a NUCLEAR deal with IRAN ?
He will destroy America
Is Creepy Joe still “frustated”? hahahahahahahaha What’s a “one horse pony”? Hahahahahahahaha You guys voted for this goof!!!!!!! Hahahahaha
Merry Christmas, everyone! This is a good press conference!
CNN is making a fool of America People.