President-elect Joe Biden announced new additions to his White House team to help provide "diverse perspectives." NBC's Geoff Bennett reports on who was chosen and how this impacts the transition process. Aired on 11/17/2020.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#JoeBiden #WhiteHouse #MSNBC
Biden Announces New Additions To White House Team | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
Look, MAGAts, no wrestlers or reality TV stars!! This is what an administration is supposed to look like.
@ODell Simpson Nothing is going to flip. Trump can run again in 2024.
Only fools are being fooled/brainwashed by Biden Team and 3B(Big media, Big tech and Big Money)!
Joe Biden is not a president-elect, yet!! just president-elect-wannaBEE!
Joe Biden Pledged To Not Declare Victory Until Election Is Certified!
Joe Biden should keep his words!
@Liberty Freedom You are really bad at pretending to be smarter than people.
@Michael Morningstar
You are really bad at pretending for Biden to be the president-elect…..
Whatever……The fact is that ELECTION IS NOT OVER..
At the moment Trump has 232 and Biden has 227 and the 6 states have not been finalised.
Until next month it will be settled otherwise the supreme court or congress will decide on January 2021…
That is the law… No argument necessary……
@Liberty Freedom You are going to have to improve your English if you want to pretend to know more than me.
Trump fires more staff in a week than what Biden will do during his whole term. ‘I only hire the best.’
@Sebastian Canales All this while Trump has hired corrupted minions and make the swamp deeper. But you Trumpers are so brainwashed and cannot see beyond your hatred and bigotism. BTW have you DONATED TO Trump campaign? Your dear leader is begging for your money like a beggar.
@Sebastian Canales lol are you old enough to vote son? You need to lay off the flouride bro you’re hella brainwashed. Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook.
Biden is not president yes! So he will no fire or hire anybody!
NO MORE PED IN WH! Joe Biden kisses granddaughter on lips during Iowa rally
@Sly Shadows This is not just desperate, its weird.
@XxPoopy_ headxX yes cause getting the small fish arrested somehow makes the swamp deeper lol makes sense
The new administration is moving on while trump is still throwing childish tantrums.
@Buddy Mckimmey Pretending to laugh, clever.
@Michael Morningstar oo this is f$$king HILARIOUS
Seating back and enjoying the show we will win
Trump is our president! Not that peds! Joe Biden kisses granddaughter on lips during Iowa rally
Low information voters, demon rats….
Only fools are being fooled/brainwashed by Biden Team and 3B(Big media, Big tech and Big Money)!
Joe Biden is not a president-elect, yet!! just president-elect-wannaBEE!
Joe Biden Pledged To Not Declare Victory Until Election Is Certified!
Joe Biden should keep his words!
Team Biden, looking very professional, … Team Trump … looking very Rudy,
…AND PALE..!!!
Does Kameltoe really enjoy being bent over a desk?
Team Biden looking like the media
Go Biden handle the business for the people. We don’t have time for childishness. Biden 2020
Finally an administration that IS America. Of course the Trump Republicans will make fun of the women members but here is a warning. Never underestimate an intelligent woman who is both decent and firm in belief. They will slice and dice you with a smile…kinda like your mother could do when lying to her.
Yessssss!!! Smile in your Face And will Legally Wreak Havoc on your Very Existence!
@Mildred Harrison some women want to see men burn sad
Trump had women in his administration to, all a$$kissers, like the men.
Don’t leave out the Native Americans, they suffered long enough… way too long.
Rep. Deb Haaland is a top contender for the Interior Department, which manages federal land. She’d be the first Native American to serve in a presidential cabinet.
@Charlotte Parr • Thanks for the info. However, with the Democrats margin in the House of Representatives so narrow, I would prefer Biden picked another and that she remain in the House. I think native Americans are an untapped pool of talent in our political system. I credit the code talkers as a large contributing factor to our victory. Perhaps someone from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe because the Dakota Access Pipeline is still an issue before the courts.
@pr0xZen after trump, we know fully what NOT to do
@Yvonne Tomenga Definitely agree. Surely there’s more than one qualified Native American for a position (or three) in his administration.
Wait until you see that repatriation check Joe will have to cut after he starts that process…
Way to go , that’s how it should be , a diverse of people. Congratulations President Joe , Vice President Harris and your members that you’ve appointed.
@Can’t Get Right racist bye
birds of the same feathers flock together
@Michael Morningstar OK!
@XxPoopy_ headxX Except the Electoral Collage! Just so you know, Thats the only entity that counts!
@THE ANGRY QUAD With lawsuits thrown out, lawyers quit, affidavits retract, only way for Trump to get electoral voters to vote for him is by bribing, threatening and cheating the Mafia way and breaking the law. Good luck with that!
@XxPoopy_ headxX Lawyers Doxed and threatened so they resigned, Affidavits still in place, any idea how many suits have been filed? read this and wait!,meeting%20is%20on%20December%2014.
Diversity including mostly women. Shout out to the ladies!!!
“And one day, she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that she could not even hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” (Mark Anthony)
Yep, more Republican women in Congress thanks to Trump. Nice job President Trump
@Think about it Trump doesn’t believe in Diversity, if he had his way he would put a White Guy in charge of the JEDI Council, NOT Yoda, because Yoda DID NOT show his Birth Certificate, & is considered an Illegal Alien
A black overweight immigrant Daltonian woman who is dyslexic…Now THAT’S real diversity. The rest is just sheer cosmetics ; )
Based on the graphic , I counted 5 men and 5 women. I know – we really live in Smurfland. One smurfette was OK, two smurfettes looks like they are taking over. 5-5 is mostly smurfettes.
Wisconsin is nothing. That is just the tip of the iceberg. The United states needs a full recount and any ballot that can’t be matched with the signature gets thrown out. Anybody that has anything to do with the crooked voting machines deserve prison. Anything less will be certain civil war.
But $8M would cut into the profits from his recount scam. Even his dumbest sucker will catch on eventually but then it’s off to the TNN (Trump Nonsense Network), $20/mo to watch reruns of a dumpster fire.
@Suomy Nona lol…you don’t control one cell of your own brain.
@Dave Dudeskie hahahaha
@Dave Dudeskie lol…No, I control all of them.
I love a war of wits with a nitwit.
No Biden kids on the staff? Wow. It’s almost as if America remembers that it’s a democracy again?!
Say it with me kids “I pledge alliance to the flag and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands”
lmao left is so brainwashed it’s almost not funny just sad.
Trump really took America for a ride,luckily the Democrats are gonna be in charge.There is hope again,a better future for all Americans
@Trump 2024 Sort of missed the point, me thinks.
No one is suggesting Hunter Biden has a position in the White House.
Unlike Bunkerboy who seems to think that nepotism “trumps” experience and knowledge.
@dru70292 And I don’t suppose you see the irony of indoctrinating your kids with “the left are brainwashed”.
@R Wags What? I don’t even have kids moron.
Also making a statement =/= indoctrinating.
Look, MAGAts, no wrestlers or reality TV stars!! This is what an administration is supposed to look like.
@Trump 2024 Hope so, the country hasn’t had a president for four years!
Or any of his own kids
@Trump 2024 Well, your name is Trump 2024, implying you don’t think trump will be president in 2020-2024, because that would be his second term, where he’d reach his term limit. Deep down you know Biden will be president, hence your profile name.
@Trump 2024Biden is . Hey if you haven’t hear trump needs more money why don’t you donate to his dept relief. Also is that trumps federal inmate number. Federal inmate #2024 Trump Donald
In China Korea Russia I agree .
I wonder who will be the next press secretary. I’m tired of the arrogance and lies of Kayleigh Mcenany.
@Dajhan Gems and Jewelry ….she’s hypocrite!!
Fat Joe
I am tired of her ugly make up and hair.
I bet you it will be an angry black female
@Cynna1065 She swallowed a microphone with that big mouth
Trump is on his 13th meltdown after seeing this.. Glorious!!
@Linda K
@Linda K wouldn’t say failing their sweetie xoxo
@Linda K
@Linda K
@Pedto Gonzalez
they are seeing who could replace her.
for the Senate in California.
Andrew Yang needs to be on this administration. None of these people know anything about tech.
Looking forward to my monthly $1000…
“When the wicked come to the top, others are pulled down;
but when they perish, the righteous come into power.” – (Proverbs 28: 28) –
Wanted to add a like, but the 28 28 28 look good!
I’m liking how this administration is starting to develop and look. Diverse people working at the White House.
@Think about it
Push through the noise. It matters not whether you are Dem or Republican.
@Plumannieduff you have to understand that it became TRIBAL, with the 2 Party’s, us vs them mentality! That’s why George Washington our first President DID NOT want a 2Party system! Because he knew it would create strife, division between the 2 sides, Party before Country, and it sometimes leads a Nation into Civil War!
@Jeffrey Knopf
Yes I quite understand. It may be time to look at variations like MMP where contesting groups have to meet say a 5% base threshold to validate their party. At the end of elections the majority chooses other parties to make up the required say 60% to govern unless they reached 60% on their own. New Zealand uses MMP instead of FPP or first past the post.
@Plumannieduff It used to be during the founding of this Nation, that your political opponent lose the election, he becomes your Vice President, just like George Washington Political opponent, when he lost, he became Vice President for George Washington- (sorry, Idk who was George Washington political opponent in the election)
It a new in America, thank you Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Trump, are you watching this?! I hope so! You’re an embarrassment! Shame on you!
Only fools are being fooled/brainwashed by Biden Team and 3B(Big media, Big tech and Big Money)!
Joe Biden is not a president-elect, yet!! just president-elect-wannaBEE!
Joe Biden Pledged To Not Declare Victory Until Election Is Certified!
Joe Biden should keep his words!
Lol i wouldnt go creating that team just yet
@Liberty Freedom – Lol- fools like you?! It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled ~Mark Twain ~
@Vg Huston At least, unlike you and media, Biden ain’t lying about he organised the biggest voter fraud organisation.
I agree.
Trumps still hasn’t been fully staffed since the start and the staff he has had is replaced every few weeks
Doing more with less, that is why he is loved by over 70+million…
@Think about it hahaha hilarious!
Bullying staff,when your boss is mentally unwell,it becomes too much.
How do you expose those serving the Kingdom of Darkness? In the weeks to come Americans will gasp at the treason and lawlessness perpetrated by those who took 30 pieces of silver to sell our freedom. Watch as the Mighty Hand of God defeats the enemy and exposes his evil servants who were given many warnings to repent but refused. Now judgement will fall heavily on those who serve the enemies of God’s people. You shall be shocked at how He takes the giant down.
… ‘ mostly women and people “of colour”…’ ah, that is going to make proud boys very happy..
Personally, I don’t see it as any different. Aren’t the “Proud boys” and Biden both choosing people based on gender and color?
@Cortez The Killer
Wasn’t trumps Supreme Court pick bassed on gender.
@Cortez The Killer 50 cent admits trump paid him for support. trump is so unpopular with minorities he has to buy them. How much is he paying you?