Biden Announces Executive Orders On Gun Control: ‘This Is An Epidemic’ | MSNBC

President Biden announced new executive orders to "curb the epidemic of gun violence." These orders include restrictions on stabilizing braces for pistols and gun assembly kits that create "ghost guns" that are harder to track. Aired on 04/08/2021.
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#Biden #NewExecutiveOrders #MSNBC

Biden Announces Executive Orders On Gun Control: 'This Is An Epidemic' | MSNBC


    1. The best part is if anyone reading this will see how I gave out nothing but facts over and over again. Your answers were “that doesn’t count because it happened a long time ago”. You cannot rewrite history, you cannot rewrite current events. There is no justification for any gun Control in American according to the FBI. You have an opinion, You now realized that you are wrong so you became upset. LOL You broke down. LOL come on man! You can do it 1984!

    2. @Raymond Foster no, you lost this debate (and it was a debate, not an argument, as I’m still undecided on gun controls) when you resorted to faux outrage and name calling. Every example you plucked from the past could be countered with other examples plucked from the past. The context of history is very important, yet sadly you couldn’t debate on that, instead turning to name calling and pretend outrage, whilst ignoring historical examples i gave. You had one good point, about rifle usage in murders, but you couldn’t develop that or explain the 3,000+ murders caused by unidentified firearms.

      It is up to everyone else to draw their own conclusions on our debate, but as far as I am concerned you made a lot of noise without much substance, whilst repeatedly yelling that you had proved points you hadn’t actually proved.

    3. @Ignoranceisbliss Wrong again, 1984. History does matter and their isn’t a counter example to the geocide of a disarmed population. It has happened over and over. It happened to Native Americans, It happened to the Jewish people. It happened to the people of Cambodia. Today it is going on in China. I have clearly won the debate/argument because you now know the truth about ar-15s and the government lies. You know now that your so called foreign history (world war I and II) are important. Everyone has the right to self defense. Admit you are wrong and move on 1984.

    4. @Raymond Foster you’ve just proved my point by citing three examples of minorities being abused by state controlled majorities. Thanks for once again demonstrating you don’t understand relevance and context.

    1. As opposed to Trump, who couldn’t even pronounce ‘The United States’ correctly. You people are such hypocrites.

    2. He forgot to look at his notes he keeps in his shirt pocket ………what a clown I am embarrassed the world is watching this!
      Putin needs to take him behind the shed !

  1. The fact these people will execute violence upon you or your friends and family via the state, over superfluous things like braces or 80% lowers, that they also know nothing about, is completely disgusting.

    1. Killing people using Executive Orders is a much, much bigger problem. Turn in your weapons Joe people might just disarm themselves👍

    2. Do they even understand that a lower on it’s own will do nothing. You need all the other parts of the rifle. Good luck getting your hands on any of that stuff.

    3. Do not give up anything. This is a line in the sand. They can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands. I will not obey an unconstitutional law while Biden the clown floods this country with terrorists and criminals.

    4. @Music G that is your response? Well thought out? Nope. Facts? Nope. Logical argument? Nope.
      How are you going to get criminals to follow the laws? When you can answer it. I will listen.

    1. @Crimdor .and I replied to you from Bleachhollow channel copy and pasted yours and my replies, there are NO links in either one of ours

    2. @Spudz Mckenzie I remember our last citizens militia training that was so fun and was definitely a thing that exists

    1. @FOXMSM ISPUREPROPAGANDATRASH explain. What business is he doing in china? Last I checked he raised the tax tariff on china until they lowered theirs.

    1. @Clayton Wilson Its not a good point. Its grasping at straws. And as a republican do you really want to talk about fear mongering? seriously?

    2. @Mr. Nobody I would agree that adding gun laws is really not going to change gun violence. bro I am not bashing joe I am hating the fact that I am losing my gun rights lol

    3. @Mr. Nobody – Yes it does. You have no right to call others stupid when you have zero understanding of guns. A lot of people don’t have the patience to work on a building project that is 3 hours or more. Unless you’re into guns and a pretty handy person it is not easy to complete an 80% lower. You might end up ruining it and if you’re a criminal you think they have the time, patience and money to spend on multiple of these lowers. A lot of people can’t even assemble their own AR lowers even if it is 100% complete. Most people don’t even have the tools for an 80% lower. Assembling a lower also require some unique tools that are not common in an everyday tool box. Bet you don’t even know what a lower is. Go look it up.

    4. @informationOD NIce write up but COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT!!! and actually proves my point. The average person has no idea about any of this and couldnt care less. They also couldnt care less whether it takes 30 minutes or 3 hours. The only ones whining over some irrelevant number is whiney little snowflakes such as yourself.

  2. How is a more accurate gun more lethal than a less accurate gun… Sounds like accuracy is more safety oriented and keeps innocents from being hurt

    1. As responsible gun owners we want guns to be more accurate because we are responsible for every bullet that leaves the weapon! It’s like saying rifling in gun barrel is bad because it makes it more accurate….. no excuse for ignorance when trying to make policy!

    2. The dude had a history and somehow they missed that but they respond with adding more senseless restrictions on guns instead of better background checks or laws

    3. :: Breonna Taylor — Tamir Rice — Botham Jean — Daniel Shaver — Philando Castile — John Crawford — Luis Rodriguez — Dillon Taylor — John T Williams — Kelly Thomas — Casey Goodson ::

    1. @Steve Walker 60% of our gun deaths are from suicide and in some states its as high as 85%. 48% of all of our violent crimes are commited by gangs. Most of these violent crimes are commited in places with extreme gun control (maryland, Illinois, new york). Guns prevent 500k-2.5million crimes per year in the United States (FBI statistsic). In top of all that most guns used in shootings are from the back of cars (illigelly obtained weapons). Guns aren’t the problem.

    2. Lightning is a natural phenomena we can’t control. Also it’s less likely because we actively put safety measures in place to reduce the likelihood of getting struck by lightning. Poor comparison.

    3. @Steve Walker because the cities and states with the highest gun shootings and gun murders are the ones with the strictest gun control. Do your research.

    4. @Dj Sugarbear Just pointing out the reason for the fear is that you’re more likely to walk away from a car crash then a plane crash.

    1. Wouldn’t a person that uses a silencer to whack someone in the city be considered a good guy by others for keeping down the noise ???

    2. @Doctor Catnip churches and some militia groups are no joke. A small scale resistance by them can easily ignite something bigger.

    3. @Music G we don’t have a gun problem though. We have a suicide problem (60% of all gun deaths in america, in some states as high as 85% of all gun deaths are suicides) and we have a gang problem (48% of all violent crimes are commited by gangs). On average 500k-2.5million crimes are prevented because of guns in responsible citizens hands (FBI statistic). Guns aren’t the issue.

  3. Ok so a pistol with a brace turns into an easier rifle to shoot and more accurate, a rifle he claimed was harder to aim and shoot. Which one is it Joe!!

    1. It stabilizes the gun which in turn makes it more accurate, it doesn’t increase the range AT ALL or power of the bullet. Its not a mini rifle because rifles are long range weapons, even the rifling is different.

    2. Well, according to Joe at least the murderer did not break that part of the law that did not allow him to use a regular stock. The shooter could have easily used a regular stock if he wants to…he intend to break the law already. Are they going to prosecute him for using a regular stock on a pistol instead of a brace?

    3. @informationOD politicians are so out of touch and involved in their own bubble. Even Hunter isn’t following the law but that real quick got swept under the rug.

  4. “Shall not be infringed PERIOD!” Meaning that any attempt to pass a law or ‘executive order’ is infringement and illegal, 100% of the time. It’s also the only law in the Constitution that can never be amended, replaced or revoked by any method ever belonging to mankind.

    1. Yall r actual delusional children.
      “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” yk who f-ing said that? No u probably dont. But it was thomas f*kng jefferson, so please, tell me one more time how the constitution was never meant to be AMENDED (DO U KNOW Y WE CALL THEM AMENDMENTS U BUMFUCKS? CUZ U CAN CHANGE THEM SLIGHTLY TO ALIGN WITH MODERN TIMES)

    2. @Brian S how ironic. Here let me enlighten u, i hope u can read above a second grade reading level. I want u to hear the words of Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers who helped write the constitution and the 2nd amendment u keep crying about.

      “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

    3. @Swampfox taylor no i sound like thomas jefferson.
      His words:
      “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

    4. @Carlos Everyone knows the constitution was meant to be fluid…CARLOS. The Second Amendment, was an amendment…CARLOS. An amendment is a modification…CARLOS. “Shall NOT be infringed” was written into the second amendment, specifically…CARLOS. That means, it was never meant to be changed…CARLOS. That’s what makes it special…CARLOS. That’s what gives gun ownership absolute privilege…CARLOS. The exceptions are; certain violent convicts and certified, mentally ill…CARLOS. “Cuz” is not a word…CARLOS. Neither is “privledge”…CARLOS. Nor is “U”…CARLOS. Since you don’t appear to have learned much in History, Government, or English class, I hope you did well in Math class…CARLOS. Otherwise, you will probably find your career, at your local MacDonald’s…CARLOS – and I don’t mean the manager. Are you from California…Carlos?

    1. Glad that operation is still brought up. If anything the US created those “murders” that orange man was talking about who come over here. But no one wants to talk about that. Ps I hate creepy Joe too, most politicians actually

  5. I’ll take Joe Biden serious on gun laws when he sees his son prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for buying a gun illegally

    1. @Emily C That’s not what you said earlier… you said “debate the facts.” Now you’re backpedaling. They aren’t commenting — they’re trolling. This is why you people consistently fail.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera They are pointing out its hypocritical for Biden who’s son hid an illegal gun in a dumpster outside an elementary school (that the media refused to report) and have him preach to us about how our rights should be restricted. Not whataboutism, it’s hypocrisy.

    3. @Tessmage Tessera People commented. You attacked them. If you have a problem with their comments, argue the facts of the comment.

  6. If only when someone bought a gun online they had to go to a certified third party and recieve a background check before receiving it.

    1. All online sales have to go to a licensed dealer and a background check is performed. The dealer charges $25 or so to handle the sale.

    2. Gun control is not the problem. If some lunatic wants to go on a killing spree they don’t need a gun. They will make a bomb
      out of a crockpot. Should be register those too?

  7. 2A was written because they knew eventually people like those handling Joe would wear down the term inalienable

  8. He has positively boosted gun sales—first and only industry he has had a positive impact on so far

    1. I know right. I wish he would shut up so can the parts to finish my rifle. It seems the more they talk about gun control, the harder it gets to find parts. Hmmmm, how weird.

  9. He forgot to mention when he was VP he lost 1400 guns purposely given illegally to drug lords lol…oops…

    1. @FOXMSM ISPUREPROPAGANDATRASH last I checked hunter and Joe get paid by china who kills it’s own people and starves them…I travel to Vietnam, Philippines and Israel and one thing is true. When trump came in our friends in Vietnam finally got help unlike the attacks they were getting when osama bin obama was infecting the oval office…in fact, I am surprised biden took his lips off china’s bum long enough to have a “partial” press conference today.

    2. @FOXMSM ISPUREPROPAGANDATRASH Fun Fact Biden bombed Syria and then a Syrian Immigrant did a mass shooting. This fun fact was completely ignored by corporate media including this one.

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