Biden administration braces for an end to Trump era policy

The Biden administration is bracing for an end to Title 42, the Trump era policy that allowed US authorities to expel more than one million migrants who crossed the US-Mexico border. The administration warns the situation is about to go from bad to worse as an influx of migrants wait to cross into the border. CNN's Ed Lavandera reports.

#cnn #news


  1. Man goes to the border and talks about what’s happening. How is that “critical” reporting? Words should mean something.

    1. This isn’t communist (that we know of) but it’s no telling how many terrorist have slipped through. This is ridiculous of a failed administration.

  2. Look up “reactinonary.” Is it too much to ask of CNN that their on-air personalities be literate at a first-year-of-college level?

  3. SOLUTION to Border Crossing:

    Follow your Heart especially at this time of year…CHRISTmas. please everyone we must all open our hearts and our arms and welcome immigrants and to our country. Remember our ancestors who came unto this land and stole it, murdered for it and to this day still have not cared for the indigenous people who wants claim this territory from sea to shining sea.

    The people of this country should speak and the legislature should pass appropriate laws accepting immigrants into the United States of America.

    Let us not be so selfish and greedy and also profess to call ourselves righteous and Christians especially during this time of year. Merry Christmas to one and to ALL… even the immigrants

  4. Border problems could easily be solved by streamlining the system. Simply offer cost-deferred visas and work permits, along with background check for anyone who wants to visit or work. This way non-citizens could be taxed to cover indigents, and law enforcement could focus on real dangerous people.

    People crossing national borders are no more or less bad for the country than people crossing state borders. Population increase through immigration is just as good or better than population increase through domestic birth.

    The vast majority of people trying to get in could afford temporary housing to get started, but end up losing their life savings paying crooked smugglers to get them past our absurd restrictions. This is all counterproductive and just political.

  5. So right that both parties have fought each other for decades rather than get serious about resolving even a portion of this issue! And so CNN seems to be concluding that there is still not the political will on either side to deal with any problems, including the current situation. A pox on the parties! Sinema has something to try, and *no one* is interested? Political grudges are too important? Us vs. them is too important? *Not enough votes* is an excuse not to try? Do it this week!!! Get it done!!! The voters have spoken, and you’re not listening!!! Maybe it’s about time for around 630 recall elections!!!

  6. Let them all in! They wont take any action till the migrants after filling up the cities and suburbs spill into the gop and democrats in congress and senate front lawns!🤣

  7. I gotta say, props to CNN for not being tools about this. I really expected them to sweep this under the rug but they’re actually talking about it in pretty serious tones of voice.

    1. LOL, this has been festering like zit for over 2 years! Biden has been and still is shitting on the US taxpayers since day 1, TIME TO IMPEACH!

    2. Agreed – it’s kinda wild that we live in a world where a ‘news’ network gets props for covering an obvious story.

  8. I don’t know what is the solution but we definitely need a solution, because it is a problem a big one at that.

    1. whats the problem? they are taking your job? we have a huge need for workers right now, similar to the early 1900s where the migrants came in and litterally built america with almost no sort of vetting, or application process other than “show up and be willing to work”.

      conservatives are afraid of progress.

      meanwhile americans are flocking to countries in south and central america like never before. should we not be allowed to go work in other countries either? or buy property in other countries? look at the conservaitve groups building compounds in mexico… should they be jailed?

  9. I have a friend who’s brother is at the border right now trying to come into the U.S. He purchased a plane ticket and made it to the border from Peru. He’s wasn’t poor, or hungry. He simply wants to be a citizen. The Democrats don’t know what they’re doing.

    1. Then why didn’t he apply for a visa? If he’s a person of means and has a brother here he could easily get a visa to work or study. Once he does that he can apply for citizenship and keep renewing the visa. Or just overstay the visa.

  10. Ending illegal migration is easy – and has been on the table since the 1950’s – but the US Congress refuses to enact it.
    (1) end all welfare give-outs to any non-US legal citizens, – nothing, no medical housing or food, zero – no give out’s.
    (2) revoke business license and heavily fine any employer who hires undocumented workers, period. (they are the problem)
    Without jobs or free give-aways, illegal migration will end quickly, but the US Gov needs to enact these two vital policies.
    (this system doesn’t apply to authentic political refugees)

  11. One problem gives way to other. Powerful countries should take drastic but neutral and fair action to alleviate the autocracies, corruption, lack of law and justice. If others can live in peace, they won’t rush to burden you. Play fair role as world leader.

  12. If anyone thinks this will get solved by only more security, they are sadly mistaken. This is a problem our government has made by interfering in the governments of those southern countries and the laws that were passed in the early 90s.
    It used to be easy for them to come here to work and go back. When we made it dangerous and pushed them into the most remote areas to come through, we caused this problem. Ask those who do humanitarian work around the border.
    We let them come in but make it as dangerous as possible, both parties do this. It helps keep our wages low, which benefits the ones who own our government, the corporations.
    A border guard is the highest paying job a high school grad only can get, and it increases yearly quite fast. Some of them are causing the deaths of migrants as sport. I’m sure that makes the worst of us happy, but it shows a lack of training, humanity and intelligence.
    After four years of trump’s remain in Mexico and pure evilness, the problems in Haiti and climate change is all coming together to bite us.
    * We need to work together with the countries they are coming from to make those, so the people aren’t fleeing them at such a high rate and go back to legally allowing them to come in safely to work and go back.

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