Rachel Maddow outlines the numerous steps President Joe Biden and his team took in their first moments in office to address the catastrophic coronavirus policies of the previous administration, a sign of the importance the Biden administration places on getting the virus under control. Aired on 01/21/2021.
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#JoeBiden #Covid19 #MSNBC
Biden Admin Begins Immediate Coronavirus Policy Overhaul | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
I woke up this morning and felt about 280 pounds lighter
@Orion Sagano you are crap!
I’ve been feeling like I’m in that centrifuge device that fighter pilots and astronauts use in training, then I realize that I haven’t slept much this past month because of the coup attempt. I may need to take a few days off so I can reset.
4 years of misery has taken its toll on all of us. We all bounced out of bed this morning.
Just to think that it was only yesterday that we all had frostbite because it was – 45 in America
Ngl I’m feeling 280 pounds heavier because our country is going down the crapper under dementia joe
Finally someone working,and not playing golf.
My stomach’s not in knots anymore.
Very true. They can play golf or whatever hobby during their downtime. Buy after all of trumps comments about Obamas golfing time, trump ending up spending about 25% of his work time on the golf course.
Worst of all fox “news” were silent. Bloody hypocrites.
@kerryn67 you should probably get away from biased news companies who are trying to hide everything from you so you are easier to manipulate
@BangJoe123 that’s true..but 45s golfing is just another “thing” for him to cheat and lie about..as much as he golfs you’d think he’d be a pro..
@kerryn67 prob from a comment on the last thread..guy said biden just put 1000s out of work when he signed EOs ..wouldn’t say how or provide links of course..cuz hes another clueless fool..
@CherBear i put you a link right above ^^^^^ hes already putting thousands out of work on the first day! What a start for the country lol
Woke up this morning and something was missing ,
my dread of Trump being President and what he might have done as I slept .
@Lucy Ricardo $2000 was Pelosi’s idea. It was passed, back in May, by the House.
@Mac Daddy 50 Lucy is more like someone suffering MPD than a bot.
@Mac Daddy 50 Lucy is more like someone suffering MPD than a bot.
@Constituent A Lucy is just venting like the other trumpers. Reality of a Biden presidency was not part of their gameplan !
@Liberal in Oklahoma please stop teasing the addle-brain manchild
“I take no responsibility at all” is something we won’t hear under this administration.
@Ka-Rin Prince You really want me to recite all of the executive orders and such he’s done in the last day or so? Man Republicans are pretty stupid. Does Google not work or are your fingers too fat?
Apparently, work ethic is not in your vocabulary.
@Ove Bakken Hey did you hear the questions they asked Jen psaki at the first briefing ? Ahahahahaha!! I just heard they asked is Biden going to change the color of Air Force one
and another about how did it go cleaning the White House for covid! SMFH! We will get no info that is for sure !
@Ka-Rin Prince Biden signed 17 Executive Orders today for the Pandemic. How many did Trump sign? 2?
@SH Games dude, you’re literally still being hostile. I did NOT vote for trump. I did NOT ask you so that I can have a “gotcha’ moment. I legitimately wanted to know. I’m not here to make you look a fool, calm down.
Overhaul as in: Stuff that any sane politician would have done back in spring 2020.
@Luc Chen and i dare you to shove me anywhere muck. I still have my 2ed amendment.
@Mark And that is your right as a Citizen of America, if the law demands you pay that 3 billion of damage or the lost of life, again you will be taken to court to see if you are responsible for that damage. Because its America
So what are you trying to say, it is in your right, i see no mistakes in it , so I will say I agree with you?
Well,Goober.Seems Dementia Joe sign a mask mandate then Creepy Joe and his family were seen without masks!!!!!!! You losers worship this lying hypocrite.
@Me Yet.Again! didnt see any red states stand up to Trump
@Eric Klaus you do know thats its ,know, not no
It is so much easier to act when you aren’t trying to figure out how to personally profit off everything.
Except Harris niece has already had to be reminded that she isnt allowed to make money off of her aunt. She has already put out a jewelry line.
Lol righttt getting a job in Ukraine as an American with no energy experience is so easy any son of a politician can do it.
Like being in charge of middle east peace by your father-in-law when your experience is in real-estate
An old nightmare ends and a new adventure begins
Finally someone who can speak in complete sentences and doesn’t act like he’s working for a photo opp. Anxiety levels depleting…
Shut up liberal
@Dennis Vance Brilliant comeback from a troll who only knows a few words in English. Your boss Putin must be losing sleep these days. Reckoning coming.
@Dennis Vance Shut up Russian Bot!
@nick purnell Bruh Biden’s speech was extremely smooth on his inauguration and he only stuttered like 2 times that’s it while trump pauses like halfway through each sentence. I am not trying to argue with you but if you see videos of trump doing his speeches you will see what I mean.
@Durp I’m not saying he cant have good speeches just saying every now and then he has really bad glitches in the matrix
Today: Work again done in the oval office
Tomorrow: Florida man sued for everything
@Shakespeare K haha, he is definitely full of something!
. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s headlines. Love
from Australia 
@Dennis Vance NY prosecutors are coming lmfao
@sk lim its raining salty Maga tears
@D B what about your rage for trump?it is disgusting
I literally wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if that clown got elected again. Thank you Joe for jumping on the problem day one! He actually seems like he cares
My plan was to leave. Literally give up my citizenship and leave.
I think we can laugh at America if Trump got re-elected again in 2024, the blame will fall mostly on the liberals/left-wingers who didn’t bother to go out to vote against Trump. Time can only tell whether Biden is better than Trump.
@Orisis Orisis It’s day two now
I am wondering what Scott Atlas’s role will be going forward?
He cares nothing about the herd.
Well, well, look at that. A President serious about doing his job. And those Presidential letters have no silly typos. Dare I say that the American government is run by professionals again?
@Jaak Savat just going to be democrats excuses for all the regulations that turn us into a one world order. Just wait till we are at war trying to regulate a 3rd world country over resources.
@jp89il you have no idea about roman history, nor recent history and what 4 decades of neoliberalism did by privatisation of all public services and assets, war against the so-called welfare state, unions and the casualisation of labor. Small government and lower taxes with the trickle di trickle da trickery done effect, only works one way and it’s not your way. Workers have less rights than ever before and small businesses don’t get the tax cuts big companies get.
@Jaak Savat lol increase the minimum wage to $15 then increase the taxes on the wealthy right? You know what that does? It puts the majority of Americans in the same income class at what ever job they are doing . So what happens when people stop getting educations for jobs that will be now minimum wage or barely above it? Who would want to be a police officer in a time like this making 20k more than the minimum wage or less depending on the city?
@jp89il that’s an idiocy
@Jaak Savat lol no it’s not i made 18 hr a few years ago as a welder. No way in heck I’d be welding for $3 more than minimum wage. The market will adjust and we will be right back where we started.
No time to waste… we need to unify and defeat this pandemic.
As long as the media is the way it is this country will forever be fractured
For all those anti-maskers sick and tired of wearing masks, not being able to shop or go to school, the end is in sight. Biden will bring of this nonsense you folks have been going through to an end shortly.
Right off the bat, Biden did more work in 1 day than Trump ever did in 4 years.
that’s just not true
… embarrassed that he and his family used the vice presidency to pilfer millions of dollars from foreign governments.

Finally a President that understands reality and rejects fiction pushed as the truth.
So where my stimulis
@Lyoti Machida He’s signing on that Friday
@Lyoti Machida Dude or Dudette, you have to get smart. I already got mine weeks ago. You must register with the IRS to get electronic transfer. Trumpy’s gutting of the agency really messed up sending paper checks. My tax return check took 2.5 months.
Trump did not have “policies” or “plans”– only stunts calling attention to ME, ME, ME.
what he even said he was a medical examiner too….what a stable genius he was….lol
@Isaac Altman u filthy liberal
Trump has more to come as well. Look at that comments. Listen to what people who didn’t even storm the Capitol. “I’ll die for Donald Trump”.
Imagine what will happen when Trump is charged. Totally cornered. He’ll send a video out begging that the very Trump supporters you see in these comments, “Come to protest this judge ! Tear the courtroom down ! Burn liberal NYC with obvious exception”.
His supporters will come. He got the 2nd most number of votes in US history.
What happens when you’ve got 50 000 NYPD facing down half a million Trump supporters ? Will the National Guard be able to handle that ?
Honestly, I simply cannot see a good outcome. Trump is in debt to the tune of 500 million. His banks are abandoning him like everyone else.
Civil and impeachment trials are imminent, and it’s possible that criminal charges will be laid. Very possible.
Will Trump supporters try to help Trump ?
The US had been VERY lucky in terms of leaders and crises until 2016.
Before Sherman took Atlanta, Lincoln was losing to McLellan, who, a former Union General, had one major policy: let the South secede.
That was an existential crisis for America. So too was the Great Depression. FDR may have lost if people knew he had polio. The NY primary opponent, Al Smith, was tough.
Yet – Every time an event has happened, which could have destroyed the USA, the nation has been lucky enough to have a President with the skills and abilities needed to keep the country as one.
I think America’s luck may have run out. The virulent Coronavirus pandemic will be handled.
But how can the USA be inoculated against the political virus which led 75 million people to the polls to vote for Trump ?
Trump could release a video right now, and have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people as his own private army. January 6 was a skirmish, and the people involved wanted – and many Trump supporters would LOVE – to start, frankly, eliminating people they see as the enemy. Democrats.
They hate Biden and always will because they are convinced he stole the election.
They love Trump. In their minds, he’s a true strong man, the best President in history and, in fact, Trump IS America to them.
Worse, the Republican Party will now want MORE people like Trump. A smarter, less volatile Trump could be extraordinarily dangerous.
What do you do, hope do you have a country, when half really wants a King, a tough guy, rule of law be damned ?
If the GOP splits further, it might be a partial solution. So too, to reinstate The Fairness Doctrine.
I’ve tried to examine this from as many angles as possible, but extremism and a desire for authoritarianism spreads like a virus. Especially online. Just less than half of to he US appear to want authoritarianism.
How can the US remain the US when calls to unity fall upon the deaf ears of those who don’t care, don’t want unity, but war ? Who want a strongman ?
@Dennis Vance hmm. Heed your own advice
@Jim Reily Yes, Trump remains dangerous, but far less so now that he has zero official power.
Imagine how far the USA would have progressed without these human leeches holding us back…
Football game coming up The Patriots vs the Stealers, God has a sense of humour, Go to The Victory and get your popcorn ready, Military Move, Demons,

@Donna Keizer As much as I would like to believe that, I think the world has to suffer some more before most people wake up.
@I love debate 70+ people are wide aware.
When they don’t respect others by wearing a mask and keeping 6 feet, we should be able to consider it assault with a deadly virus and legally and physically defend ourselves accordingly.
For someone who was called ‘sleepy’ he’s sure hitting the ground running.
Not hard to follow up an incompetent rich fatty.
@Rod DaMan these democrats will turn on you
@Dennis Vance what happened/happens to you in life that made you into a bitter vile human being that you are today. Your post on other videos shows that you’re truly full of hate. Why?
@Dennis Vance you do know you are repeating what you’re saying all over the comments right?
@Ninja Swagg He’s an alt. account. he made that account on Jan.6, 2021. He doesnt have a life and just wants to spread conspiracy.
Its sad when just basic, common sense, competent actions seems like heroism.