1. Wow, wow, wow! Did you just seriously assumed his/her gender, you’re racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic bigot.

  1. Biden will lose to Trump. And it will be the DNC’s fault for fixing the contest for another no-good, useless centrist-conservative.
    I will never vote for Biden. And neither will millions of other lefties, who have seen yet again, the DNC do everything they can to stifle Bernie’s campaign. Enjoy another 4 more years of Trump. Which the establishment would rather have, than have to pay their fair share and have their gravy train taken away.

    1. The Dems lied, cheated, paid candidates to drop out, falsely accused Bernie of getting help from Russia, and usurped the will of the American people. They did all this to someone who thinks just like them for the most part. But, the Russian collusion bs, and the Ukrainian bs they tried on Trump was legitimate? Okay bud.

    2. @Underground Frenchy Who mentioned Trump and Russia? Trump is terrible for many reasons, not including Russia, Ukraine and other things. He’s a Republican. He’s a conservative. He’s a racist. He’s a sexist. He’s a narcissist. He’s incompetent. He’s a science denialist. He’s pardoned dozens of criminals. He panders to homophobic religious extremists, and he loves dictators like Putin, the Saudis, Kimmy etc. And he’s lowered the tax rate for the wealthy so that they now pay lower tax rates than the working class.

    3. Secular Guy
      Oh yeah, I forgot. He was one of the first world leaders to ban flights from China, and you called him a racist. Then you said he wasn’t doing enough. Ones of the main reasons we require an application and waiting period for citizenship, is to prevent diseases. You called him a racist for attempting to enforce our law at the southern border. And everyone knows that global warming is a hoax that socialists use to tax fools willing to believe it. “The place with the highest evidence for global warming is in a place where 99.99% of people can’t get to”. How convenient.

    1. Trump’s A FatAss “we don’t need you”. That’s what Hillary’s supporters said. I know. I was one of them. I know better now.

    1. Only if Russia can pull off a second dark miracle. Given that they now have a sitting US president on their side, I admit that Joe will be up against a lot. But then again, the so-called president he is running against is a dirtbag con man and crook whom a majority of Americans wanted to see removed from office by the Senate.

  2. Top notch security you got there Joe 4:35. Sheesh you could have gotten slumped before you even began…twice!

    1. Joe prefers pre teen girls anyway…as proven on video when he’s groping them in the halls of Congress

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