Biden Addresses An Issue At The Foundation Of Everything His Admin Is Trying To Fix | Deadline

Errin Haines, Editor at Large of The 19th, and former congressman David Jolly speak to President Biden signing executive orders aimed at advancing racial equity, marking it as a prominent focus for his administration. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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Biden Addresses An Issue At The Foundation Of Everything His Admin Is Trying To Fix | Deadline

Biden Addresses An Issue At The Foundation Of Everything His Admin Is Trying To Fix | Deadline


    1. Warsoy, In a reasonable America people who support this #bidentouchingkids REAL LINK would be labeled a predator! Maybe the next administration can take care of that!!

    2. No bragging about himself? Biden isn’t presidential! Didn’t the election happened and no talking how he crushed the other side?! Biden isn’t presidential. No bragging of crowd sizes? Biden isn’t presidential!

    3. Notice everything trump bitched about or showed interest in was a personal interest, his complaints about water pressure was because he personally wasn’t happy with the white houses low flow, high efficiency fixtures.
      Hes such a drip.

  1. This has been a systemically difficult situation and it’s good that it’s been addressed at this time. Racial inequities are ignored by the president, even with police brutality, homeless, joblessness, and so many disparities between races and it shouldn’t be the case. It felt like we were on the edge of an apartheid. The imprinting is very real and the impact of the covid-19 infection among the minority
    groups is rather a stressful place for them since they are usually at the forefront of the pandemic outbreak.

    1. As long as he takes his Geritol every day and doesn’t go poopie in his pants, he’ll be ok. “Jill, its time for my pudding and my nap…!”

    2. @CrazyTuco1 there you guys go again with your projection. It’s your Dear Leader that poops his diapers, not Joe

  2. Anybody, I need help. What I endured was over whelming. My children were illeally taken off the reservation. And placed in to a white foster care. A tribal judge said in court I was being rail-roaded. My last appearance a white female judge asked if anyone had any questions I raised my hand and she scolded me out Loud than asked me what my question was. I asked for some time to find work so I could pay child support. I called social service and requested for the documents that led them in taking my children and the documents that led them into placing them off the reservation. My children were to go to a native family. I was petitioning in a legislative way. To reopen standard land assignments and I was promoting a talent search. To be the fuel for an encampment for the purpose of homelessness and hunger. As a freelance t.v. journalist I was connected to talent agencies, native actors and actresses that was gonna partake in an idealogy called Feast For Peace. Which grew into F.A.N.S. Feeding a Nation’s Spirit. I was cheated out of my inheritance from my grandmother I need a probate attorney to open Myrtle Forkers will. Just to expose everything. Look up Hawthorn sweep I was tired. The DA still hasn’t charged us yet. And I have cause for an attorney to look into the city hall of Hot Springs. When the Haw Thorn case gets dismiss. I’m gonna need an attorney to sue the city of med ford it’s a civil rights thing I was also brutalized in jail. Had to go to the hospital. So much more. Anybody help me to help all those that are out there being treated without equity and without respect. I made cover page 1998. In Minneapolis Minnesota those ladies don’t work at Little Earth no more my cover store espounged called The Circle reported by Sue Rich. Anybody please help me to help all those others who are suffering Mr. President Joe and vice presentent Kamala I voted for you. I have childhood traumatic brain damage I suffer mental illness. I’m fully disabled I got ran over by a tow truck. And I found out that I have cancer. I experienced a continum I seen heaven. My children are of age. This is what needs to be looked in to. There heinous treatment could’ve been avoided if social service would of followed protocol how many other native parents throughout this continent gets there children taken away. At the end who benefits. Thank you 4 your time my name is Fredrick Matt ( Stone ) I’m from the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes. They just recently received 41 million. There’s more to this is there anybody out there? Why did this have to happen? And no one cares to do anything about it. Mr. President please be my president.

    1. I’m sorry sweetie for your troubles but I’m afraid nobody will understand and follow your story bc it’s all over the place. Gather your thoughts and try again. Much luck to you.

  3. It was ALWAYS in his heart. Did you forget he was one on ONE with a BLACK MAN for 8 years. It is as close as a WHITE man can get to understand the plinth of a BLACK MAN.

    1. @Dahzane Brown remember the time Trump said back in the day Obama would have been Fetching his ☕……..
      😂 😂 Hahahaha 😆😂😂😆😂.

  4. President Biden is beening to soft and good looking for unity without accountable there will be no justice or unity

    1. “President Biden is being too soft and good. Looking for unity without accountability. There will be no unity without accountability”

    2. That was always going to be the problem with him. For decades dems have tried to be “nice” and “compromise” no matter how extreme the repub demands have been. That’s why dems are now to the *right* of Reagan. The dems have got to put their foot down and say “enough”, or there needs to be a new party who will actually hold their ground and offer a real alternative to the repubs rather than just a watered down version.

  5. Before we can address inequity and discrimination, we have to make education and truth a priority and stop the spread of misinformation and the proud ignorance that has led to the rise of the radical right in this country and especially in the GOP.

  6. mandate the truth be told not disinformation and misinformation, it is time for the people to know the truth.

  7. I’m all for eliminating racial inequalities but let’s get to the real problem which is that this is truly a class struggle. This is a rich vs poor issue. The haves vs the have nots. We can’t even get to that discussion because identity politics is steering the conversation.

  8. If you can’t monetize it, weaponize it. If you can’t weaponize it, demonize it. That’s how to be Trump. That’s all the programming he had.

  9. Yes Mr. President. I don’t ever want to see another police officer slowly choking another human being to death again. Ever again.

  10. Why do you think all through history people have gathered with like people into tribes. Even after the world has been brought together many times. The people keep falling back into their tribes. Their people. It’s not self segregation so to speak as a race. It is more of a, “I want to live this way.” And another people saying they want to live another way. Peoples separate all through history and it is usually due to one, or more, peoples being oppressed. One people will want to live one way and others will want to live their way and what made America great for so long is we could all do that together. We have had problems but have worked through them so far. At one time it was us redmen that was coming for everyone, then they demonized the black man, then the Mexican and marijuana and now it’s the white man that is the demon. Persecution is the same no matter what color you are. If you breath hate, you will exhale more hate. Look to your people for strength and guidance and be slow to anger friends. It is time to fall on our tribes and let our closest elders think for a bit. We should trust their guidance and learn their patience. Peace to all the peoples and prosperity for our nation.

  11. It is past time. Wr also need to seek legislative reform so that these changea become permanent before another MAGAt is elected.

  12. So much has already been done in the first week. Meanwhile we are still waiting for that beautiful healthcare plan, the wall that Mexico is going to finance, the infrastructure plan, the new coal jobs. Well, the world’s worst golfer only had four years.

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