Joe Biden's campaign is out with a new ad saying the president's failure to lead during the coronavirus pandemic helped destroy the U.S. economy. Aired on 05/12/2020.
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Biden Ad Says Trump's Failure To Lead 'Destroyed' The Economy | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Get him Biden. Kick him to the backside of the moon.
@Balnazzardi, YES! well said!!!
@Mary A It’s not a law to show your taxes, It never has been. Deflecting as always.
@regine monde So majority of the planets leaders are at fault aswell?
@Andrew Snow Your crying isn’t helping the Democrats win. People like you failing them is the problem.
@Joey Harper , I’m not crying. Believe me. I’m absolutely sure that trump is psychotic and stupid.
This one sounds loud, everyone will hear it.
That Biden ad was on point I need to see more ad like that
His incompetency is the real destroyer under his way; consequently, everything he touches, dies…
Maybe he should ”touch” himself more.

I just threw up
The biggest crime of all was his dismantling of the pandemic response team that Obama had in place that could have minimized all the damage that has been done. In this regard, Trump and his team failed the American people.
That itself should be a traitorous CRIME!
No, no, no, no that’s not it. Obama warned this man before he left. It was Mr. Make America Great Again had a responsibility to follow-up with the plan to make it his own and go with it. No, no Trump thought it was cute to golf every weekend, using up fuel that you and I pay for to hitch a ride to Florida; so he can listen to more conspiracy stories from the Roger “dumb-axx” Stones of the world. This is not Obama’s fault. This is Trump’s monkey-like Omarosa said. He did this. Nobody else’s fault like the ad says.
Biden 2020: Make America Healthy Again!
I like that!!
Biden 2020…: make hair sniffing groping Women and little girls normal in America again!
Funny thing is that Democrats believe that DNC would’ve handled this any better. Biden won’t fix Capitalism. I want him to win just to see how fast he will disappoint democrats.
@VK RGFAN dissapointing democrats is WAY better than attacking them constantly
but thats just my opinion
Unlike most political ads, this one is completely true.
@MilkCow yea ok lmao keep saying that, when every single person in your family dies for going back to normal too early
@MilkCow no no no, you stepping outside of your fox news and trumps twitter bubble youll have a more complete image of what real life is actually like
@Silvério Rebelo The American people want, need and deserve the TRUTH…but that’s something Trump knows nothing about.
@W C Guy Is that all you’ve got? Pretty lame……..
@Pete fl Amen!
If u close your eyes , ignore the narrator, and just listen to the music; you can picture trump with a knife looking around for you as you hide in your house while hes saying it’s all going to be alright.
That music is really creepy.
Trump: President Evil.
You are so right!!!
The definition of TDS..Trump is everywhere… in every breath u take, in every move you make. Just close your eyes and hes right there..starring at you.
Keep running these kind of Adds, and the media needs to stay in his face with the Truth go after Trump with all of his Lies.
We’re witnessing today one of the greatest failures of US governance and leadership in history.
Not Here Russian BOT
@Not Here those are so not true. Italy tested so much more per capita, followed closely by US and South Korea. And about the travel ban. Seriously, a lot of other countries have banned travellers from China even before the dotard join the bandwagon. The difference? Is in the details. Other countries brought home their own citizens while ensuring that their airports were EQUIPPED with temperature checks and ensure safe social distancing. US airports? Business as usual. Worst even. People were crammed trying to get home. Pathetic. So how was his travel ban effective? It just further highlights his administrations’ incompetence.
The whole world is judging this administration and its supporters.
Not Here because he didn’t
Absolutely correct!
Obamagate is worse
MAGA hats won’t change their minds but everyone else has to vote this incompetent fool out of office!
Didn’t know a hat could change a mind. haha
you are so dumb: in Europe, leftist governments in Spain and Italywhich have done too late and too few are not criticized at all – leftists control the media everywhere – they can manipulate yje masses as they want to further the plans of the Zionist cartel….
@Rod King this virus has just begun. We clearly can’t stay locked up in our houses until a vaccine is developed. So, let’s go with the science…. If you are over the age of 65 stay in your home as best you can. If you are under that age without any underlying health issues, follow the federal guidelines with social distancing and let’s get back to work. Chances are 60% of us will get this virus over the next 18 months, as long as the hospitals do not reach their maximum capacity,that’s the best we can hope for. We must weigh the economic factor as well as the health factor. 99.5% under the age of sixty will have very little problems with this virus. The hysteria about this virus is astounding.
@Rick Botkins I agree with most of what you say. But are you really saying that only .5% of people under 60 will have a problem with this virus. Please show us where we can read these statistics. I believe most specialists would like to see these numbers also. We are at 2+% infected people now. Possibly 1470000 deaths by August 4th if opening up too soon fails. In the past two weeks 3 states have had over a 600% jump in infections. Five with ovr 200%. Please show me some statistics that back up your claim.
@Lisa Carr 3% of them?
You may want to watch this:: American people: Be vigilant
Donald’s reply: I’m going to sue Biden to have that ad removed.
Sperup AD I agree. Let him try.
Yep if you want to give power to something, then start fighting it!
Ah yes, the Streisand effect.
aint goin to happen fatty
Trump’s whole failed life is about suing. The problem is, there is not one lie in it.
Almost sounding like a movie trailer. It just needed the “Coming this summer in cinemas near you”
He like any Dictator has killed Thousands of US citizens.
This is hardly a political ad. These are just FACTS! Trump destroying himself.
@14 interesting. When?
@Wei Neng Chen Yes now you can go back to your life of fear
@Paul Belardo may I know which part of it is fake?
@Wei Neng Chen From beginning to end. Do you get it now. Haters like you will never understand. Keep up the hate
@Paul Belardo from begining to end. So the numbers of death of US is fake? So what Trump said is fake?
“It will go away, just like a miracle”
“It is all under control”
Are you saying Trump did not said these?
“It’s just a Democrat party hoax, believe me!” – pass-the-buck Trump
“It will just magically disappear, believe me!” – (From the fake, unfit President most Americans wish would also just magically disappear)
well no not most people , considering he is the president
I love to hear the truth stated in such a clear and concise way.
This corrupt administration was warned by intel in November 2019. The administration warned Israel’s leader and other Asian nations around the same period. While preparing the U.S., stockade of PPE’s to the highest buyers.