Biden Acts On Climate As Senate Fights Over Trump Trial | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The president took a slew of executive actions aimed at combating the climate crisis on Wednesday as senators on the Hill continued to squabble of the Trump impeachment trial. MSNBC's Brian Williams has details. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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Biden Acts On Climate As Senate Fights Over Trump Trial | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Biden Acts On Climate As Senate Fights Over Trump Trial | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. This comment is my favorite. Mainly because it’s not government unless they waste time and money. Good post 👍 I’m proud of you!

    1. @Clayton McCray climate change is a trillion dollar business. if they really want to help they would need to stoping india and china from burning coal or just stop them from doing anything with oil. last time that happen china said go f you’re self. so is all a scam

    2. Clayton, the climate has always changed. Many times, much more drastic than now. Leftists do not necessarily follow science.

    3. @Clayton McCray Al Gore rich climate change is the new Bigfoot . Every one hears about it, a few claim to see it , but in the end there is no proof it exist

    1. @Queen Purple well, I disagree. I live in Florida, where the real numbers are under-counted, by order of gubner DeSatan.

    1. @Toniboi I accept he is in office need to move on…although if you recall they were many making the comment the last four years “He’s not my President” remember? And I’m sure we have it being said today to…what comes around goes around. I keep this saying…Not one President has dramatically changed my life in my 50+ years…one has to have self-discipline

    2. @Bert Nijhof And killed 32 million of their own innocent people while plotting how they could take all of Europe, Stalin was evil and a follower of Lenin who killed 3 million himself…read some history dude! actually…A good read for you “Truman” by David McCullough its on Audible too

    3. @T P  @T P  exactly! We have to move on, I respect that. Only thing is when people were saying “not my president” it wasn’t because they didn’t believe he was the president, but that they didn’t believe he stood for their interests and what they believed in. As in, if this president does terrible things, I dont support it even though it’s my country. Trump was terrible in my opinion, but Biden has already started to reverse his decisions, and if Republicans manage to elect the next president they’ll just reverse Bidens decisions

  1. Wow, we are 25 percent unemployed, getting poorer by the day.. And these are the things our government are worried about.

    1. Actually he KEEPS bypassing our government with executive orders. The Democrats control the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and are still using an insane number of executive orders to essentially declare war on the rest of the country.

    2. @George Carlin I agree, the executive orders should not be used as “royal decrees” but the things he is ordering are all things that the DNC support. They behave like a small communist community. They all think exactly the same on 90 percent of the issues, and they are all lobbied by the same corporations. That is what these orders are all about

    3. And bring more Covid cases into America. The left makes no sense. They must want to destroy this country.

    1. @Asian Invasion You can’t miss use the word “you’re” then moot someone’s opinion. If YOU’RE nice people won’t pull you up on it🤫

    2. @Jake Dexter They did come out with the *phase 4 reopening guidelines* conspicuously timed with the inauguration. I’m in FL but we see what’s happening…Blue states suddenly interested in reopening their economies after President Trump. It’s a game they’re playing with our lives *AND* livelihoods

    3. @Jake Dexter Trump never meant anything to Illinois politics – Biden won, we’re now one stronger, happy family sharing similar political goals and receiving special favors from the federal government.

  2. You would think he would act first on sending financial help to families but no…. the climate comes first

    1. We, Americans know that President Trump won re-election, this election was stolen . Please bring President Trump back so he can sign policies that put Americans first. God will reveal the truth somehow. Trump 2021🇺🇸

    2. @first last I burn all the natural environmental friendly oil and gas I can to feed plants the CO2 food they need, to keep the earth green and convert the CO2 into O2 for 7.5 billion people and animals to breath…
      Somehow democrats are against that also,

  3. They don’t care about stimulus for the people. Bet those hedge funds get bailed out before we get a check

    1. @kram Null biden took the covid money and its going to climate change because “that’s a bigger crisis”!- joe biden

    2. @RYNNY KITTY Since when has he ever said any of this, the man has a work schedule and his admin already ordered another wave of covid vaccines, quit whining. the man’s only been a week in office.

    1. @M.A

      What does this have to do with Trump and how am I talking crap?

      You can voice your opinion but I cannot?

      BTW, the economy was setting records prior to Covid and that had nothing to do with Obama. In fact, it was in spite of Obama. The Left doesn’t care about the economy and Obama didn’t do anything to make people’s lives better.

    2. @Gary Hochstetler I didn’t say you couldn’t voice your opinion, I just said your opinion is crap. Why talk negative about the new president he has to start from somewhere. It has to do with trump because he’s damage is a big cleanup.

    3. @M.A

      How was my comment “talking negative”?

      He isn’t going to boost the economy while we are having an energy crisis.

      If the president said 2+2=39 I don’t need time to see he can’t do math.

    1. Yep. Leftists LOVE him so he got his job back, probably at an increased salary since he’s a famous propaganda mouthpiece.

    1. As we are not disappointed with morons like yourself who post the same thing all the time for attention…What’s the matter big boy mom out with her new man? Leave you all alone and lonely?…Get a life.

    2. @censorbot666 , Sort of ironic the way you have no imagination and latch onto the very thing i typed…You have got to be a leftist sheep with no mind of your own. Keep following the left to your own slaughter….dimwit.

    1. @Jon Morrison trump the killer of 400,000 actual Americans … loser of millions of jobs . worst. president. ever .

  4. Trump “ Trial” just the normal Smoke and Spin Machines trying to give Biden’s Shenanigans Cover ! Never let a good crisis go to waste ( sound and look familiar) ! 🤔

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