Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke discusses his support for a gun buyback program for assault-style weapons in an interview with CNN's Alisyn Camerota. #CNN #News
Beto O’Rourke: We should stop selling weapons of war

Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke discusses his support for a gun buyback program for assault-style weapons in an interview with CNN's Alisyn Camerota. #CNN #News
Where is BETO?
@family lowe Eventually all they will have to fall back on….is learning how to code!!! 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸
Playing with buttkeg
Which war has used the semi auto AR-15? I’ll wait…
Scotty Belcher the AR15 is more like the m16a2 not the Vietnam era rifle
@The Morose Pittbull nah I made one to comment on videos like this to respond to cry babies like you cuz
@Go Stros I’ll do that
@Eric Fical that’s why I deleted the comment 😂it was 3 in the morning I was tired af
@S G shiiiiiiiittttttt stoner like me ?
Where is BETO?!!!
@PowdaToastFace Killah your mom’s name is Topic?? I’ll get right on top of it now!!
Titty Twister ahh good one
Wheres JA!
Master Beto is what he prefers.
Under “color of law,” it is a crime for one or more persons using power given by a governmental agency (local, state or federal), to deprive or conspire wilfully to deprive another person of any right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
nam do amen. Robert said he has already talked to police leaders on how to take citizens’ property. Conspiracy to commit a crime. This is a terrible man. I hope his children will grow to be ashamed.
You Don’t Know Me like Epstein was
A mandatory buy back of guns used by the military in the battlefield. Well no law abiding civilian has any of those guns used by the military in the battlefield.
@Taylor O’meara Civilians don’t need AR or AKs. Shouldn’t have them. If they are obtaining illegally, what’s the harm in cracking down on that? Have you obtain guns illegally? No? Neither have I. I’m a registered owner. I don’t have a problem keeping certain guns out of circulation.
Kevin Montrond Our gun laws would be stricter than Canada and the EU if we did that.
Kris Zimmerman then you should report them because it is illegal to own such weapon In the u.s
Ordinary citizens of the United States should have the say in what guns police should own, as they work for the people, not the Government. Citizens, Politicians, and Police have no right to tell American citizens what guns they can own or carry. Beto is literally beating the drums for Civil War.
Well he just lost ALL red states.
He just lost his career
Who on earth would trust this dope with the keys? Any threat to this country would be answered with a limp wrist response.
He’s NUTS.
That Guy Of course not little buddy I just want you to come out of the closet comfortably so you don’t kill yourself or harm others. Go take a nap and then play in highway traffic. MAGA
@That Guy kinda weird that you would be so interested in their dicks
@J H lmao , damn
@That Guy the trouble with some gay people is they assume that people relate everything to sex , and you end up having another filthy conversation .
Attempting to repeal the 2nd amendment will result in civil war just like the founders intended! Taking the ar15 and ak47 in effect repeals the 2nd amendment.
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
– Thomas Jefferson 1787
Bring It! O’Rouke!
You’re paranoid
@Dodahbay No. Rousseau was paranoid. If the slaves would have been armed, they would not have been slaves.
Dodahbay Betos openly tyrannical day plan and advocation for civil war is no paranoia. You’re just a communist.
Civil War creeps closer by the day. You people can think you can solve things this way but you can’t. It’s just not going to work out for you. Or is that what you want?
@The Morose Pittbull I know that in the end the winners will be the losers. What good is it to a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? the only people who will make it out of the ones that live by the Golden rule and always have been I think.
Even as a non-US cititizen I can see there is a future civil conflict on the horizon. And you Americans all have the authoritarian, regressive left to thank for that has been sowing fear, racial tension and violence long before Trump came along. These phony imbeciles like Beto have the nerve to project their own tyrannical worldview upon Trump even though THEY have made it abundatly clear that the first and second amendment of the US constitution means absolutely nothing to them. They have the nerve to accuse others of stoking divide, yet their politics are based on identity politics, which is an inherently divisive concept. They have the unmitigated gall to accuse Trump as some sort of dictator even though it’s THEM who have been trying to take away freedoms from their own citizens while handing government more and more power and authority over the lives of its citizens Disgusting, phony authorirarion imbeciles who are projecting while gaslighting millions of people. If it ever came to an actual war, these are the people that deserve to be relentlessly hunted down to the very last one and punished for eroding the foundations of their country bit by bit until complete societal breakdown. And remember: if you support any of these regressive (aka ‘progressive’) wolves in sheep’s clothing, you are pure evil as they are.
@Marcianus Valerius You are 100% correct. I believe they will be the first to be immediately put to death for treason. I don’t believe any quarter will be shown.
@Little PAW 1969 there are prophecies that cover all this the tell us what to expect in the future. One’s enemies will be the members of one’s household. Nation will rise against nation and people against people. Any kingdom which is divided will fall. I don’t believe America will survive this next civil war. You see? America is not just a nation but an ideology. The ideology is under attack. And it might not survive.
Good luck finding people to go out and forcibly take other peoples firearms.
Many people in the millitary wouldn’t do such a thing but there are plenty of cops, especially in states like CA and NY, that would be more than happy to enforce such a thing.
Dodahbay I’ve read your comments and it seems you’re in favor of gun confiscation.
Do you care that AK47’s, AR-15’s and other “assault rifles” are used in less than 1% of all gun deaths? So confiscation of those types of weapons won’t significantly reduce the overall total of gun deaths in America. What concerns gun owners is that when Beto and his type figure that out, then they’ll be coming for the rest. Deadliest school shooting in recent history; Virginia Tech, 34 dead. Two pistols were used. Naval yard shooting. 12 dead. Shotgun and pistol used. So if you want to ban all guns, so just cops have them, then say so. If you do that would surprise me because most people that want guns banned don’t have favorable view of cops.
Right GFL, you have no chance to be President. 0 chance. Trump for President.
Trying to be a British King. It’s going to back fire King George Beto
Lol. Hey CNN I heard you guys saying no one was coming for our guns?
Thanks, Beto. We hated you thousands of years ago. But you bring it full circle. Clown. What were you doing when you were 14 years old 😂🤡.
Most PEOPLE know that “YOU’RE CHARIOTS” may not be SWINGING LOW!….Hee HAW!
When REPUBLICANS hear the term ” dangling participle ” they readjust their nuts !! 😶
Richard Hunt bet your first name is really Mike.
@Crown Royal Again an other pithy remark fro a brain dead REPUBLICAN😶
Richard Hunt coming from the lowest of life forms, a liberal democunt, your words mean nothing
@Crown Royal I’m your worst nightmare mother fucker ..a SOCIALIST !!
Beta is a gun grabbing politician…keep a close eye on this guy. He’s a dangerous man
Beto is an idiot I’ve seen silly democrats but this dopey fella is something else!