Princeton professor Eddie Glaude, The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein, USA TODAY columnist Raul Reyes, former Congressman David Jolly, former Assistant Director at the FBI Frank Figliuzzi, and former White House Comms Director Jennifer Palmieri on the Democratic candidates’ response to the deadly mass shootings and the president’s recent rhetoric
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Beto O’Rourke Says What All Of Us Are Thinking | Deadline | MSNBC
This is getting sicker by the day.
@Sir. Lancelot look up( no choice but to riot.) Exposes Democratic violence
@Sir. Lancelot *CALL IT LIKE IT IS,*
*Wayne CampBeLL, is a ChiLd MoLester!!!!*
@Aska Martyr

The shooter in El Paso is being prosecuted as a domestic terrorist. FINALLY! We’re calling it for what it is…domestic terrorism…leave it to Texans to git ‘er done.
“John Bash, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, said the crime meets the criteria for domestic terrorism under federal law.
“This meets [the definition], it appears to be designed to intimidate a civilian population,” he said. “And we’re going to do what we do to terrorists in this country, which is deliver swift and certain justice.””
Trump called it that because someone in the white house forced him to read off a teleprompter.he shows us who he really is when he speaks off script. He said what he was supposed to say due to insane pressure
dont mess with texas
Trump uses the same vocabulary as Hitler did. Rats rodents infestation. Trump is swine.
@XxClickBait HostagexX I wasn’t responding to Trump. I was responding to Terry Kane.
Calling anyone a swine because of bad behaviour is an insult to pigs. Every single pig is more intelligent and has more genuine emotions than Trump and his kind …
@Julius Shipley but the poor pigs, they are actually quite intelligent animals, they don’t deserve to be associated with that “human being” with no genuine emotions except for racism
Thank you Beto for standing up for us!!
Fk robert o’rourke…using a latino name to try to advance his campaign. He cant even pronounce it right.
Ivanka tell us are you really proud of Daddy?
@texas thunder we will not accept the lies of traitors, and terrorists anymore. You can leave.
@Aska Martyr You have to be a bot. That’s a ridiculous comment.
attacking the Presidents daughter is Despicable .. Take her name OUT of your mouth , right now . The children of our Presidents should be out of BOUNDS . end of story
@xjaskix hey troll Ivandumba is fair game. she is in the game and getting rich off our deaths
Thank you Jolly…you should unseat Scott or Rubio next time as a democrat.
Then he should win first LOL.
I agree. I used to have some respect for Rubio. Not any more. He’s better than most of the GOP Senators, but that’s not saying much….at all.
Take Rubio, McCConnell, Graham, Collins, Ernst & Gardener out. Get our senate back!!!!$
My world
We would be so lucky to have Jolly as a Senator.
Hahaha. The left is a joke
Not a Beto fan but finally someone not being politically correct but human and cursing and saying WTF
@doctordave lol……..100
@Davis Gomez 100$
@doctordave no problem
i am starting to like beto
Gotta give it up to beto hes looking out
Adem Ali Democrats
Believe that Robert Francis is there for the people because he cares oh he cares all right for the votes
Adem Ali Did you catch the video of him breaking out in laughter and smiling, he’s a bad actor. Robbie Parker all over again.
Yea im sure he thinks the situation is hilarious
Lenny Smith He was on Fox live I have the video it’s online and you tube. He came out couldn’t keep a straight face then stated to laugh. Then got back into character. Exactly like Robbie Parker at the sandy hook press conference. Fact Jack.
Every single day I find myself saying WTF!!! I’m 66 and I’m sick and disgusted and heartbroken and ANGRY
to see what is happening to MY country!
You are old enough to know better than. Grow up you freaking hippies
@ Ricoi Hershey our country….
I’m 76 and I feel the same way. How did this get so far.
it is truly frightening
I hope and pray that you and others like you will take those emotions to the ballot box & not just to vote out DT but to also vote elect people in all of the smaller positions–from city dog catcher to local & state reps, then Congress & President. The people in small positions are the ones who write the laws. The President can only sign those laws in or veto them out.
“Press..Wtf is wrong with you!?”
Not presidential but perhaps the best quote in the last 3yrs.
Wayne Campbell are you a Russianbot?
Melissa Hudson Wayne’s a Russian troll. Just ignore him.
@Wayne Campbell Well there we have it, a dog whistle .Of course you did.
Stef Stef agreed 100%
What is Mexican nationalism??? Mexicans HATE BLACK PEOPLE. Let’s label the haters correctly!
@Emperor Don-Nee Chump No chance in 2020 I bet you’re Hispanic???
@72marshflower15 The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole.
Sammy Bolo these people cant see the forest for the junk news they watch..they need to try this
Thank you David Jolly for speaking the truth about republicans!
@TRUMP Voter
Just pray and send thoughts, right?
@TRUMP Voter And Republicans who no matter how many people get shot year after year after year, refuse to do anything. Always the same excuses. Pitiful, uncaring and irresponsible.
TRUMP Voter in my comment I didn’t even mention Beto so why would you bring him up?
Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts who killed his sister in the process, Twitter messages supporting Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as posts against ICE agents, including one that said, “these people are monsters,” and multiple posts condemning police, and supporting Antifa protesters. So how is this Trumps fault!!
Of all the Democratic nominees featured in this segment, Beto is the only who put aside the usual electoral rhetoric and spoke from the heart! Good for him!
Harris on other other hand , showed up late, as always
He is 100% using these people’s lives to get votes PATHETIC wow
Luke Laugh
Beto has a really good heart.
He is a puppet and he will not fulfill any of his promises. Mark my words. Hes just buttering you guys up. Sad
Wayne Campbell Donald Trump, is that you?
J Russ Democrats
Believe that Robert Francis is there for the people because he cares oh he cares all right for the votes
David Jolly made sense in everything he said
Joe Shabazz
I always like David Jolly. Nicole has the best “reporters and friends” on her show.
GO BETO GO! <3 I feel a surge of bluntness, from places unseen before, coming.
Took the words out of my mouth.
Christina Bragge Did you catch the video of him breaking out in laughter and smiling, he’s a bad actor. Robbie Parker all over again.
Come on America. Take back your country! ♡ Canada
@the Omega Concern Get out of here canadian boy before we decide to liberate your country like its 2003 all over again.
@john carioscia the only thing … yes I sad thing !! that need to go is something like you … you sad this country is working just fine ( how ) whan the President is a racis a Liar and that just 2 thing about him that wrong I say if your supporting him than you support every thing trump is that make you the same
@the Omega Concern I don’t know dude. Your country has a growing portion of white supremacist autism as well.
When Black and Brown people say it, …crickets or it’s “race-baiting”. When white people say the truth “It’s breathtaking”
Blade Runner lol no your missing the point. FYI he’s not a republican
@Blade Runner If Jolly was still in office maybe it would mean something. Lets see a Republican still in office actually say and do something.
well, so-called brown people don’t speak out all that much. so, really it’s black people.
Mitch is hiding right now! Something about a fractured shoulder! Should of just claimed “Bone spurs”!
Fractured shell.
You people sound like you really can’t wait to take away American’s right for self protection?
Thank you Mr. O’Rourke for, showing us Americans, you have real feelings… and, we are in desperate times for healing…
When this affects SOME, this affects us ALL…
Roy Luna… who are you talking about…
Brown Girl That was a leadership moment. I don’t think Beto O’Rourke is the president we are looking for, but then, our track record hasn’t been too good lately.
Roy Luna cynical. I think he is absolutely broken-hearted and fed up. He doesn’t care about votes, he cares about the people in his home town.
Troubled Sole… I am not concerned right now about, his running for president… this is about what, the wicked one is doing to the Latino Community… this does NOT just affect them, this hate affects us all… including, everyone who ISN’T of the caucasian descent…