Fmr. 2020 presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, discusses his endorsement of Joe Biden for president and why his support comes down to three reasons. Aired on 03/03/20.
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Beto O'Rourke: I Think Joe Biden Can Beat Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC
See if he can win more than one state first
@Default Name Biden Tries to Quote the Declaration of independence
@Maru telléz There is no “Bernie the socialist”.
He will win the whole south and the rest of the mid west
Crystal Giddens and what does have to do with what I wrote? red reddington said the dems have done nothing in the past 3.5yrs and I simply pointed out that it was the republicans who’ve been in power during that time. make an effort to understand english, please
one of the first candidates to quit, supporting a candidate that won his first primary after three times running for office. That is the future ahead.
Oscar Tosso , yes, Beto, you should have kept yourself out of the limelight for now. You look as an opportunist.
The Beto that almost unseated a republican senator in Texas is long gone. He was a progressive and many people liked and supported him back then.
He just shriveled up and has nothing positive to give the nation. He should have stayed under the rock he crawled out of.
@MdelR Roose true
conservative out of touch dem supports conservative out of touch dem, wow big news. Biden’s slogan: people don’t want change. real inspiring. Bernie is crushing it, stop being biased MSDNC!! vote Bernie 2020!
It’s ironic when you think he was in the administration that campaigned on, “Hope and Change”. Probably should have stopped at “hope”.
TRUMP 2020!
@Christopher Swope To be fair, he seems to live up to the motto. He’s changed his stances on issues quite a lot
Just what we need another hamburger obsessed president. What does Beto get out of his endorsement?
Moar Pizza
A quid pro quo
Beto gets to eat more dirt. Yay!
He rides a skateboard also…..don’t forget.
What’s the obsession of establishments with mentally impaired candidates like trump & Biden ?????
@El Jay gtfoh
not one person is smart enough to solve any of today’s problems, they are all master problem creators
Drones and zombies to do their bidding like Don the con…
@El Jay lmao
I like Joe Biden and think that he would be a good president but I like Bernie better and I like his consistency.
Corporate shills coming out of the wood works to endorse Biden.
Deal with it socialist!!!!
Love it! Keep the infighting going. I want riots at the convention!
@Maru telléz I’m being attacked online! You must be a Bernie Bro!
Won’t matter. Trump will win in a landslide. TRUMP 2020 MAGA
@KentBalzer TRUMP 2020!
Didn’t Beto say a vote for Joe is a vote for the past?
You can tell Beto doesn’t believe the garbage he’s spewing.
They are realizing that Trump is actually not so bad.
@james morton “Corporate America Owns both Party” where you get it from.
@Tùng trương Dr. Richard Wolff, CAPITALISM IS BROKEN

. . . where does the money come from?, wealthY and corporations, money goes to RNC & DNC which candidates do we get?
Where does LOBBIES T money come from?
And Mr. Trump, you the tax payer, how Trump direct FED to prop up the stock market (benifits wealthy), Trillion dollar debt, who will pay? you and me. . . . first thing trumps does, cut taxes for corporations, a lot ( I scratch your back) and more defense spending, who befits from that? look into meaning of NEO-LIBERALISM
@james morton BTW capitalism meant ownership. Therefore, why can’t Democracy survive under capitalism?
*Can’t believe I voted for this clown !8*
Don’t be sorry , you did well
Happens, many fellow Republicans can’t believe they voted for Bush.
Trump 2020
I think the people want Bernie but the Dem party doesn’t want Bernie because he would change things. Currently the Dem party is middle of the road and caters to big business and the 1%. Remember middle of the road Hillary and how Trump got the Presidency ? Same thing is going to happen again if the Dem party decides once again to derail Bernie.
@Holiday your too stupid to comprehend
@Holiday if your that stupid you are the reason he would loose
It’s official, they are clearly going to steal this thing from Bernie if he gets a plurality of the delegates. Dems are in for a rude awakening once Biden starts bombing all over the place during the general election campaign, which he is guaranteed to do. There is a reason why his team tries to hide him from the voters.
Vote for Warren and she will get Kamala has running mate and all women Reps too will vote for them. Ringers
I would’ve asked what cabinet position was offered to him
@Noe Berengena Listen Noe, I am not trying to dismiss your opinions and or thoughts, that being said, we were all young and inexperienced and uneducated in lifes ways, age makes most reasonable intelligent people more conservative based on a lifes education. All these politicians blame Billionaires because most politicians are Millionaires lol they pander to the young with easy sounding solutions, they never say that their”plans visions etc… ” can not come to fruition without the Congress , most young people hear what they want from these hucksters and start clapping hooting hollering and putting their youthful energy into that candidate.
@Frank Roth I think you have missed the critical point about the changing political reality in today’s younger demographics. It is just a matter of time for things to change. Unless a rogue asteroid smashes into the earth. Then all bets are off. Cockroaches may be the new masters of the planet.
@Noe Berengena Noe it is you that missed my point, younger get older, there will always be older and younger and the young will not stay young forever thats the point, they will age and change their views because they will have more of lifes education than a young person.
@Frank Roth You can believe what you want to believe.
@Noe Berengena Of course , I believe the facts make believing much easier, wishing or dreaming about something is just to far from reality.
Keep stacking the deck when we win the eggs gonna be on your faces
I agree. TRUMP 2020
I wondered how much did O’rourke got paid to “endorse” dead brain Biden?
@lawyerlib A bunch of dirty loser Maga traitors.
Sorry folks…..
There will be no “administration” and no “positions” to give…..
Y’all are practicing what’s called “living in a world of fantasy”…….
He and the others were clearly offered cabinet positions.
Probably more than Bernie in 2016
Go Bernie!

Christy 100%
But you never will. Now go back to the tire store. They re looking for their tube man.
Bad move by Beto. He even once said, ” we can do better than Biden.
This will mark the end of Betos once promising political career.
Politics is like a can of writhing worms, everyone sliding in and out of whatever open space there is. Just look at the “friendship” between Trump and Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham. Maybe you remember all the nasty things that they said about each other in the Republican debates? There is a separate reality behind the scenes we see.
Vote Warren to save Women and the World
@Sellophane Society Do you seriously think Warren cares about women?
It’s the end of the Democrat party. Hallelujah!!!
“promising career”? really? He was exposed last summer as a lightweight fake. Welcome to the party.
he *hopes* joe biden can win. any human being with enough brain cells to rub together is in full support of Bernie Sanders
It’s going to be pure comedy n also pretty embarrassing for whoever the nominee is once they have to debate the current president I’m afraid.
Sellophane Society Warren for the world? A fake progressive?
@Travis Carr Looking forward to it
99% of real people is 4 Trump. Best US economy in history.
anyone who votes for Sanders.. have no brains
All these Democrat’s are endorsing Biden because they hate Bernie Sanders for being so popular! Jealousy is the determining factor here.
Beto also thought he could be president, he’s going to be wrong both times.
His campaign ended when he said he’s coming for our guns, bad move
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Mr. Biden, said. “All men and women created … by the — you know — you know the thing.” – Biden #VotBlueNoMatterWhoUnlessTheyHaveDementia
@Logan Kordinak Ok a stutter… If you say so… wow
@Logan Kordinak He has damage from his 2 strokes not a stutter.
@Don Francisco there is no evidence he’s had a stroke, and he’s had a stutter since childhood. Quit spreading lies
Jacqueline c. Rudd that’s not a stutter lol he’s forgetting things because of his age he told everyone vote for him for senate and if you don’t like him vote for the other Biden.
@Jacqueline c. Rudd dude is in the early stage of Alzheimer’s, an election between him and trump would be disaster