Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke talks to CNN's Chris Cuomo about criticism of his proposed mandatory gun-buyback program for assault-style rifles. #CNN #News
Beto O’Rourke: Current approach to guns no longer works

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke talks to CNN's Chris Cuomo about criticism of his proposed mandatory gun-buyback program for assault-style rifles. #CNN #News
Ban ARs from law abiding citizens… only a tyrant or criminal would want that
@Bradly Dylan Severe paranoia diagnosis
@Haley Gerdes No this is not a trumputin issue not even close. As far as abortion….. Only in cases of rape, incest and danger to the mothers health but you are likely against it period.
@Dennis Manson they are super necessary.
@Zero Chill Inc. NOT !!!
So, what is it with this obsession over making a correlation between AR 15s as military weapons? What military uses those?
@Dennis Manson AR-15 is just like any other hunting rifle because of your lack of knowledge of it you want to eliminate it? And as far as self-defense goes I choose what’s best especially since I don’t know how many people is in my house why do you want to limit people’s right to self-defense and put them in danger?
@jason saenz There are plenty of other guns/weapons that can be used to accomplish the same dam thing. I wish people would just stop trying to twist and rationalize it. Give up there is not a dam thing you can say that will change my mind.
Glad my ar10 is safe because those nasty 22cal (223) bullets do a lot more damage than a 30 cal (308) bullet lol
@Ray Sutton lol my carbine 30-06 is safe as well
My question is name a military that uses the ar15, and why didn’t you get this done in the past? You can’t
And know it! Old policy is 2nd admendment! Not about hunting ! You don’t even know History or Constitution!
The US Military’s M-16 A2 is literally just an AR-15 with three round burst, not even fully auto anymore. I came into the Army when we were still firing the M-16 A1, fully auto. The difference is absolutely unnoticeable, save you’re slightly less likely to warp or crap your barrel by overfiring. And 3 round is slightly more likely to result in accurate fire. The AR-15 was intentionally designed to allow the manufacturer to sell the same weapon to the civilian population, and only our limited gun laws against fully automatic weapons required they made even that modification. Stop being dishonest. What military? OURS.
PS Wright Ummm, Vietnam, the Middle East? It’s definitely possible to beat the us military using guerilla warfare.
Unfortunately, his speech has just ruined him as a candidate for any post in Texas including dog catcher.
Bullshit I live here and I’ll vote for him
@Marcheal Gideon That’s a given. Now teach people who need it. At no cost and get some good publicly out of it. And if no one shows, say we tried. Just like inner city boys scouts.
Titty twister yes it’s his white color like the kid at Alabama high school football game or the Virginia tech shooter or the pulse night club shooter I see the liberal media has mushed your brain
It’s very easy to manufacture firearms.
I was gonna sell my guns back to the Government, but they failed their background check…
@Ken MacDonald And now those people are trying to promote communism, the same cancer that destroyed their country, which lead them here. Only they dont call it communism. They call it socialism.
In CogNito lol oh god the beta male is using “ism” words wantonly.
read a god damn book you poor ugly turd
Bruhhhhh I fucking love it… Yeah
Government: *walks into store* I want to buy a nuke and two hundred crates of M4s
Civilian gun store: ok let me do a back ground check oh it seems here that the government has killed over 200 million people in the pasted 200 years. Disapproved.
Government: give them to me
American citizen: Hold my bear
This guy lost his chance at his presidency. I dont know why he is still wasting everyone’s time.
elizabeth tudor i try not to dislike people that much but okay I respect your opinion
What chance? He never came close.
Beto causes spike in AR-15 sales thanks.
America has a mental illness. The mental illness is the infatuation with guns.
@Jordan Evans no it’s full of morons who believe everything the government tells you on tv
@Jordan Evans No. The mental illness is SJW logic.
@In CogNito He’ll probably be in a mental hospital, along with what’s left of his cult following.
Tornado1994 So What? The market for AR-15s is definitely over saturated. Colts making plenty of money off of government contracts. They don’t need to make the AR-15 anymore.
Hey Beto have you ever heard of Jerry Miculek , i bet you will change your mind.
Didn’t Beto catch a burglary charge? Funny how he’s the loudest one about gun confiscation. Just drop out dude.
Yeah and a DWI. He has all the qualifications needed to be on the Democrat ticket.
I agree. Beto O’Crook needs to go. Shouldn’t have run to start with.
Beto said what the government wants,a civilian population with no way to fight them.The government no longer works for the people,they work for the 1% at our expense.We pay all of the taxes and they get all of the benefits.Both sides would love to have an uarmed population of sheeps,and as long as we the people fight amongst ourselves we’ll be conquered.Everything we as citizens fight about is politicized by politicians.Politicians are all on the same side,the republicans and democrats have both banned weapons and made laws against certain types of guns.They did it not for citizen safety but their own safety.WAKE UP SHEEP there are no democrats or republicans just a government with the same agenda.
Beto , do you really believe all that nonsense and mentiras you came up with.” INSANITY”
The AR15 WILL become a weapon of war if they try to confiscate them.
LOL A means of committing suicide by hard headed morons who don’t realize most of the country think they are weirdos and won’t join their fantasy revolution.
@PS Wright “A means of committing suicide by hard headed morons who don’t realize most of the country think they are weirdos and won’t join their fantasy revolution.”
Do you think the people who killed the the morons and their fantasy revolution wont kill you next? Maybe you should read some history. You know what? ur on youtube go watch some documentaries.
@PS Wright I hear that “most of the country” BS all the time but never see any evidence to support it, more Fake News from the left. Here it what can happen when people are disarmed by tyrants.
Because it makes sense for the citizens to have fewer and fewer weapons while “officials” get more and more of them.
What better way to form a dictatorship than that, right CNN?
Watching Beto’s career go down in flames has been hilarious
To bad he’s not Robert Frances O’Rourke the French fighter pilot!!!
He dam sure wont be going door to door confiscating America’s guns, but he sure wants others to go do it…. Government personnel should really fear people with ideas like him.
All the ignorance that has come out of that fool’s mouth is why I’m glad he lost to Cruz last year.
Two of the biggest douchecunts in history.. Fredo and Puto, together as one.. Can we throw Don Lemon or Van Jones in for a trifecta??
Hell’yeah take they donuts and crunch away.
I use “Bolt Action” for dispatching my “Political Opponents” in Mother Russia..
The “Preferred Option” for a “Real Marksman” #DMR
“The Forefathers” would NOT be very “Proud” of “Mary”……in 2019.
It is time to consider Andrew Yang not only a top tier candidate but acknowledge that if the trends from the last 6 months continue he will be the Democratic Nominee. Percentage wise no candidate has seen anything close to his growth, which is only accelerating. Still only about half of the voters know anything about him. There is even a #YangGangChallenge on Twitter where people are challenged to spend 2 hours with Andrew Yang at rallies, watching interviews, listening to podcast, or even just reading his book and most people come out as full #YangGang or wanting to know more, some don’t agree with his polices but still like him personally and of course there are a few haters. Even then it is surprising how many in the #YangGang started out as haters. I would argue that Andrew Yang is our only chance at beating Trump.
No one is talking about how hard it is going to be to beat Trump. He has almost unlimited money to spend, tons of special interest backing him with their very survival depending on him staying in office, and we all know he will lie and cheat and getaway with it, let us be honest, he is a master of spin on both social and traditional media.
To win this election Democrats will need a candidate that can inspire the broadest coalition of voters possible with ideas and a vision for America that they are willing to fight for. I for one do not expect Trump to give up office unless he has to. Any close race he will simply claim he won. When has he or his followers ever cared about facts? Just look at all the things he has already gotten away with.
Come meet the #YangGang on Twitter, they are the most enthusiast, the nicest, funniest, best informed, and the most diverse Gang in politics. Even the #MAGA crowd’s enthusiasm pales next to the #YangGang, even more so as they keep losing ranks as more former Trump voters join the #YangGang. The last poll (it had over 1000 votes) I saw asking the #YangGang who they supported in 2016. It showed 12% supported Trump, 18% supported Clinton, 43% supported Sanders, and 27% didn’t vote or supported 3rd party candidates. Now would Hillary of won with that wide of support base? Who else has that many independents and former Trump supporters? Do we want to beat Trump or not? DEMOCRATS! a diverse enthusiast coalition is how we win. Andrew Yang is how we win!
I need my AR 15 to protect me from tyrants like you Robert Francis