Fmr. 2020 presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, continues his discussion on the 2020 race, his support for Biden and his impression of the Bloomberg campaign. Aired on 03/03/20.
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Beto O'Rourke Calls For Unity Between All Democrats, Independents | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He’s calling for unity before the primary?
Seems early
@El Hombre de oro 100%. Bernie will get the most votes and the plurality of delegates. Warren will hand it to Biden for a big favor. The DNC is happy, Biden gets mauled by Trump and the DNC is done for at least a generation.
@mako zero a week is a long time in politics.
@mako zero That is EXACTLY what will happen if this scenario plays out with a contested convention. Trump will 100% win a second term and the Democratic party will self destruct. They would clearly choose self destruction over letting Bernie win.
@Phantom Genius not *if* every Bernie supporter refuses to let that happen. Remember, “Not me, us!”
He is part of the establishment
After Reagan was shot by John Hinkley, he spent the first term on the Oval Office couch napping and dreaming of Jodie Foster while CIA Bush handled the business of America. Joe “Monkey Brains” Biden will be no different. Monkey Brains are a delicacy in China.
There is a pattern here. All those endorsing Biden are millionaires or billionaires trying to protect every cent of their wealth. I hate the Repubs for their greed and their complete incompetence but these Dems, supporting Biden are just the exact same problem we have in the current admin. Bernie, 40+ yrs, honest, and hardworking for the welfare of the people, 2020 all the way.
I LIKE the DNC Establishment.
I don’t want no dang Yankee Commie Semite destroying our economy so millennials can get “free” medical weed and opiates. Pay your own debts, dopers.
Never Trump. Never Bernie.
from texas & i believe this is quite disappointing of beto
I think it’s AWESOME, DUDE!
Never Trump. Never Bernie.
Another corporate wooooose bought and paid for
Vote for whoever the nominee is. Don’t whine and cry, just vote.
Splodin News who is Harris?
Dalton Randall – You’re another vodka waterlogged Russian troll here to make phony Sanders 2020 and denigrate candidates that pose threats to the IMPEACHED morally and financially bankrupt conman. You: Demented Russian babushkas, why don’t you go pick mushrooms?
MSNBC saying don’t demonize while they demonize? Ok GFY
Corporate clown car vs. The People
@V I completely disagree when trump is raiding our environment every day. Do you like breathing?
@Erik Rogers We might find out. I won’t be “voting blue” either. You better hope the candidate you pick can go it alone without the people the DNC said “Your votes don’t matter, we’re going by the rules, and the rules say we can nominate whomever we choose.” Not smart if you want to breathe.
@Generation ProgreXXive thanks for helping us get 4 years more of Trump
@Generation ProgreXXive Also Bernie would be a great nominee and I will vote for him if he is cause he will support all the anti trump candidates whoever they are
Claire McCaskill: “We can’t demonize anyone.”*
(*Exception: Bernie Sanders)
You sound like a republican. We been dealing with this two faced nonsense for four years now.
Not good is it?
Lets see if Claire is talking unity tomorrow morning after Bernie big win big on Super Tuesday
Space-Cadet David ‘Spanky Bonespurs’ Dennison : Claire is a cubt.
Wow. They’ve gotten to everyone (except one of course). “Unity” has become a code word for “shut up and take it.”
Thank you
It’s become a code word for “fall in line or else we pull the pin on this grenade”.
Beto: Yeah … Unity … Just not Behind Bernie.. No .. unity..
If we learned anything watching Trump we learned that experience A PERSON WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE DOING counts especially in the White House.
@Crushone1 He has every right to support whoever he want
@Surrender To Reason Again Not sure what Denmark is like, but in the USA, the Democratic Party probably looks fairly conservative from your perspective. Bernie supporters aren’t aggressive. When we make a comment, we are engaged in endless debate from republicans, libertarians, and fellow democrats. We take it from all directions.
@Tony Ayo od Again, He is a phoney fake person.
@Crushone1 Beto= CIA plant num1. Pete = CIA plant Num2. Plant fail ..
“I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message”.
Anybody but Trump
Delta Blues he already has the launch codes.
Not nice!… but funny.
This only solidified my vote for Bernie.
Splodin News lol. Ummmm no. My vote will go to trump if they steal it from Bernie. Enjoy 4 more years of tump. You deserve each other
@Mister G between Trump and Biden many will choose Trump..2016 all over again
@The Drama Zone than thats 50% of the country and Biden doesn’t have the other 50.
@Splodin News lmao…not in this universe
So tell us Beto… did you get your phone call from Joe and the DNC BEFORE or AFTER they called Pete and Amy? Yeah, the people saw through you and you just proved the reason why nobody voted for you!
Sleepy Joe, whom can’t even complete whole sentences, is even worse than Hillary in 2016. It seems that the Democratic Establishment wants Trump re-elected rather than Bernie’s grass roots movement.
Exactly. They are more afraid for their wallet than the US becoming a dictatorship…
“Unity” from a party trying to squash the most popular candidate since Henry Wallace: the Oligarchs screwed-over Wallace also…
Commie much?
RRAC zi0nist much?
He has every right to support whoever he chooses your people have to learn how to respect other people’s decision it is not all about Bernie
I don’t like Bernie Sanders. I don’t like him at all. I dislike his whiny supporters even more than him. THAT is the most common opinion in America. Maybe Bernie WILL unify people… AGAINST HIM AND HIS SUPPORTERS.
Never Trump. NEVER BERNIE.
lol Henry Wallace got squashed when he ran for President in 1948
Unity…IF it’s unity behind Joe Biden. Establishment sell-out, just another plastic zombie, goodbye Beto.
Energy in the Biden campaign? ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Not a good look for established dems, and they talk about unity while trying to push bernie out, go bernie
They would rather have Trump, than let Bernie, win…disgusting.
You’re supposed to call for unity after we have a candidate, not before.
good point!
I am tired of the status quo, the hypocrite politicians and the misleading media, that’s why I voted for Sanders.
Bernie has the most people behind him and you want to unite people behind the establishment candidate, bye bye DNC.
thank you!
Ironically Bernie is the only candidate of unity
Splodin News can you relax ? You’re ranting all over the place. People will decide and many people can see through the tricks and we’ll all see in due time who wins.
@Katrina Tan Stop ranting? Are you trying to stifle my personal expression of political punditry? …TYPICAL SANDERS SUPPORTER! As Greta wud say, “How dare you!”
“If you’re not for Bernie, you’re a corporate establishment mainstream Not-see! Waaaaaaah! Waaaah! Waaah!”
Is that calm enough for you?
Never Trump. Never Bernie!
Indeed. The unity of Biden means bowing down for Repugnants while pleasing the rich donors…
Splodin News I was simply suggesting for you to relax. You’re SCREAMING on all the comments. Go ahead give yourself a heartburn and a headache. Won’t stop you there.
@Katrina Tan
I’m sorry… I’m just excited…
excited to see…
BIDEN 2020!
ok. I’m done. I’m gonna take my enthusiasm to happy hour. I’ll try it out on drunk people.
If unity means “get behind my centrist agenda” then, NO.