Beschloss: Trump Could Push Supreme Court Hard To The Right | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss reacts to Trump's push to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat just a few weeks before the November presidential election. Aired on 09/24/2020.
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Beschloss: Trump Could Push Supreme Court Hard To The Right | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Beschloss: Trump Could Push Supreme Court Hard To The Right | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. It is democrats who want to repeal the second amendment. It is democrats who smash statues ISIS style to erase history. It is democrats who Burn, Loot and Murder. It is democrats who are defunding police.

    2. @halalslagt en dansk panser og gør Allah glad Applying the second amendment, as intended, is not repealing. It was always meant to maintain an army to protect the country, not for individual nut jobs.

    1. @Mox Avenger actually the majority of Americans voted for Democrat leadership which is why Trump lost the popular vote. So try again snowflake.

    2. @Matt O’Byrne Funny, that’s not how it works. It’s called the Electoral College. Republicans are in office and the people put them there. Perhaps read up on why we use the Electoral College. If we didn’t, the whole country might end up totally trashed like California.

  1. RBG and John Lewis fought their whole lives for a more perfect Union.

    Vote a a 🌊ticket across the board and in numbers to big to rig.

    1. Covid is extremely dangerous because grand ma
      But then, Covid is not dangerous at all because pelosis hair

  2. It’s got to big enough, that not even the electoral college votes would matter, come on America, you can do it, from New Zealand,, vote this guy out big time.

    1. @William Bailey I find it interesting that you don’t know. I hope tou think twice before you keyboard warrior. You might embarras yourself. You don’t have to be too wise to understand it, just educated

    2. Mind your own effing business. You’ve got enough problems hoping Ardern doesn’t invite the Chinese to take your country.

    1. @Yo-yos Tenbucks
      RELEASE THE MOSCOW HOOKERS PEE PEE TAPES COMRADES 😁👍 Americans prefer presidents who don’t get peed on

    2. The people DID DECIDE. They elected republican senators to approve justices until January, 2021. Ram it through !!!

    3. @Jeff Gibson
      DUMBEST fkin president ever brought to you by the fans of duck dynasty and honey boo boo

    1. @Don Williams
      I guess you’ve always been ready to scream at the sky like Trump does on a daily basis. Trump is in overdrive howling at the moon. 🤣

    2. @Don Williams
      What a delightful chap you clearly are. Sorry to disabuse you of your misconception, scurvy is now passe as a signifier of Britishness.
      Do keep up.
      As for the wrist shuffling reference; you seem quite expert.
      Love from the UK.

  3. If the Supreme Court is so partisan then you need to get rid of it and find another route. Lifetime appointments are ridiculous

    1. Sounds Democratic – “CHANGE THE RULES” they don’t help the Dems! What a STUPID headline! Trump can’t push the SCOTUS to do anything! They all follow the constitution and the rule of law while they impartially deliberate decisions that affect all of Americans. That maybe how a Democrat Supreme Court may have worked, but, not how a Republican SC will work. LMAO, Trump created the spots on the SC? What a bunch of LOSERS! You need a little cheese with that whine? TRUMP 2020!

    2. @Silver Kraken Keep on dreaming of hitting it big.
      Trump and the Republicans will not allow you. Keep watching those videos and dreaming.

    1. Are you surprised Obama, the BLACK POTUS, did not do what he said he would do? Do you really think OBIDEN would do better? really? What a STUPID headline! Trump can’t push the SCOTUS to do anything! They all follow the constitution and the rule of law while they impartially deliberate decisions that affect all of Americans. That maybe how a Democrat Supreme Court may have worked, but, not how a Republican SC will work. LMAO, Trump created the spots on the SC? What a bunch of LOSERS! You need a little cheese with that whine? TRUMP 2020!

    2. Obama is the most corrupt president in american history. The ONLY president to run a coup with his intelligence agencies to remove his successor from office.

    3. Nice to see how the trolls swoop down here, our russian Tovarishs. Dont reply to them, they get paid when you answer back, so please ignore, even if the get insulting.

  4. Justice is supposed to be the same for all people , not BIASED and we all know that is what Trumps pick would be .

    1. @Matt O’Byrne I have a Bachelor’s degree in Math, have passed five actuarial exams, and am a computer programmer, so don’t lecture me about intelligence or logic.
      I want a President who is going to implement good policy and nominate judges to courts who will follow the Constitution.
      You are the one who used the incorrect term “majority”, instead of the correct term of “plurality”. You are the one who did not make your point clearly or accurately.
      Bill Clinton did not receive a majority of the votes in 1992 or 1996 – he received a plurality.
      Al Gore did not receive a majority of the votes in 2000 – he did have a plurality.
      Hillary did not receive a majority of votes in 2016 – she received a plurality.
      Again, there is no constitutional mandate or suggestion that there be some kind of vague “ideological mandate” on the Supreme Court. If some liberals got their way, they would pack the SC. Would they put a balance of conservatives and liberals when they do that ? No, of course not. Every nominee would be liberal.

    2. @Matt O’Byrne I don’t want some kind of artificial balance on the SC – I want someone who will follow the Constitution as it was written and intended, as well as someone will not legislate from the bench.

    3. @Tone Loc I’m a EngD, that’s a doctorate degree, work in a research fellowship. Seeming that we only have a 2 party system the correct terminology is majority and minority when discussing registered political affiliations. Plurality would suggest we have a recognized 3rd party and last I checked we don’t. When we do have 3rd party candidates the percentage of votes they receive is so small it’s irrelevant but technically you’re correct but so am I 🤔. The results still skew towards progressive candidates. So we can surmise that most Americans lean a little more left than right. I think I made that point pretty clear. In the elections I cited it was the progressive candidates that won the popular vote because they received the majority of votes casted 🤦🏻‍♂️.

      So you want someone that will interpret the constitution in the most literal sense possible? Do you understand that large parts of the population would lose protections and rights if the constitution was held to be 100% literal? That directly conflicts with the intentions of the founding fathers. Do you take the rules and laws of bible literally or do you adjust meaning for modern times? I can tell you right now modern Christians and Evangelicals do not take the majority of the bible as litteral. Society changes we need Justices with ability to fluidly interpret the constitution in conjunction with modern social norms without the religious input from conservative justices in order for the nation to grow and be a more perfect union. I’m not saying conservative justices aren’t needed, but the balance needs to reflect the society it’s leveraging laws against.

    4. @Tone Loc the three primary views people take today – textualism, originalism, and the living constitution. Considering the advances in SCIENCE it is important to stay current and reflexive with those advances. When the Constitution women did NOT have a voice.

    5. @thowe624 Conservatives believe that the idea of a “living, breathing Constitution” is nonsense. It means that the Constitution itself has no meaning. Don’t like something ? Then the Constitution becomes something else.
      If you want to change something about America, then either pass legislation or ratify an amendment. Don’t try to get some court to legislate from the bench.
      Your point about women disproves your own point. How did women get the right to vote ? It happened when the 19th Amendment was ratified.

    1. So… what is *The Magic Virus* ?
      It is a virus which dissapears *_like magic_* whenever communist democrats Burn, Loot and Murder, and then reappears *_like magic_* when Republicans gather peacefully without destroying anything

    1. Bet you weren’t saying that in 2013 when senate democrats changed the rules to allow their Supreme Court pick to go through

    1. @thowe624 You sound bitter about losing to TRUMP 2020, again! There is a reason the Dems lost last time and why they will lose again!

    2. This is not court packing it’s feeling a vacancy. Schumer is talking about court packing. We all recall when our iconic FDR attempted to court pack because the supreme court determined that many of his programs are unconstitutional. To this date FDR has been criticized for two things. The first thing he is being criticized for was moving Americans with Japanese heritage into concentration camps during WWII.The second thing is being chastised for is his attempt to pack the court. Schumer should be ridiculed for even considering doing that. Chuck Schumer should be the poster child for term limits.

    3. @Jeff Gibson it NEVER HAPPENED! The Prosecutor Obama/Biden and 18 EU Countries and IMF President wanted removed for NOT going after corruption before they would invest in the Ukraine!

    4. @thowe624 Be careful who you vouch for. There are still four more recordings of Joe Biden’s voice ordering the president of Ukraine to fire the state prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. What was his name? Sholkov, or something like that. The recordings should come out soon.


    1. Ya, he’s just done nothing good at all for us. Or wait a minute….. yes he has…..You must be brainwashed.

    1. My gosh, it’s going to be a rough day for you, isn’t it?!
      Donald Trump is about to appoint is 3rd Supreme Court Justice. How does it feel to continuously lose? –heheheeh

    1. . This is how msnbc serpent brainwashing disinformants destroy your existence.. They use prominent business people, even teachers from Harvard and they’re all serpents posing as human gutting humanity from the inside. All msnbc personnel and guests are serpents posing as human fabricating lies and manufacturing crimes for full beast system Demonic tyranny and the destruction of humanity paving the way for the rise of the Antichrist

  6. Trump thinks that Russian bots will help him in this election, he does not know that they do not have the right to vote in swing states.

  7. Trump thinks that Russian bots will help him in this election, he does not know that they do not have the right to vote in swing states.

  8. Trump thinks that Russian bots will help him in this election, he does not know that they do not have the right to vote in swing states.

  9. I hope Barrett’s husband is investigated – after all, she’s a handmaid, so her decisions will actually be made by him.

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